
Mixed Foundation
Compact v2.0
1.) Purpose.
1.1) We
establish our M
Mixed Foundation to globally
and Universally advocate the Mixed Race, Mixed Ethnicity, Multi-Racial,
Mestizo, Métis, Mestiça, Kleurling, Hapa, and Mixed experience.

2.) Focus.
2.1) We
fulfil our purpose through the proceeding means:
2.1.1.) We support counselling and additional
services for inter-ethnic families and Mixed individuals.
2.1.2.) We support academic research that enhances
our Mixed experience, and we support the educational development of individuals
who support our global Mixed community.
2.1.3.) We support initiatives that provide the
general public with positive awareness regarding our Mixed experience.
2.1.4.) We support policy advocacy that improves the
wellbeing of Mixed individuals.
2.1.5.) We support cultural expression of our Mixed
3.) Guiding
3.1) The
guiding principles of our M
Mixed Foundation are: Compassion, Pluralism, and Prosperity.

4.) Guiding
4.1) The
guiding documents of our M
Mixed Foundation include:

4.1.1.) Welt Ethos;
4.1.2.) Charter For Compassion;
4.1.3.) United Religions Initiative Charter;
4.1.4.) Earth Charter; and,
4.1.5.) Universal Declaration Of Human Rights.
5.) Organisational
5.1) Our
Mixed Foundation includes the
proceeding components:

5.1.1.) Advisory Council;
5.1.2.) Staff;
5.1.3.) Partner Organisations; and,
5.1.4.) General Membership.
6.) Advisory
Council Structure.
6.1.) The
initial Members of our Advisory Council are the individuals who sign this
6.2.) Our
Advisory Council determines the process and occasion for selecting additional
Members to our Advisory Council.
6.3.) The
term for each Member of our Advisory Council is 2 years.
6.4.) All
decisions of our Advisory Council are made through egalitarian-based consensus.
6.5.) Every
Member of Our Advisory Council has equal standing and a determining influence
within the formal decision of our Advisory Council.
6.6.) Every
decision of our Advisory Council is the direct consequence of the involvement
and deliberation of our entire Advisory Council.
6.7.) Our
Advisory Council designates a Moderator to facilitate and identify the
consensus decisions of our Advisory Council.
6.8.) The
process of deliberation and decision by our Advisory Council is open, and the
formal decision of every Member of our Advisory Council on every proposition is
made known to our entire Advisory Council.
6.9.) Our
Advisory Council meetings are convened by a designated Host Member who is
different from our Moderator.
7.) Advisory
Council Decisions: Summary.
7.1.) Any
Member of our Advisory Council can introduce a proposition for our Advisory
Council to consider.
7.2.) Any
Member of our Staff, Partner Organisations, and/or General Membership can
forward a request for a proposition to be considered by our Advisory Council.
7.3.) Our
Advisory Council determines whether to 1.)
delegate the proposition to a Committee or 2.) decide upon the proposition.
7.4.) For
every proposition to be decided by our Advisory Council, our Advisory Council
initiates a formal process of deliberation.
7.5.) Every
proposition to be decided by our Advisory Council is designated as: 1.)
ordinary, 2.) urgent, or 3.) emergency.
7.6.) For
every proposition designated as “ordinary,” a specific duration of deliberation
is designated; in the occasion of an
“urgent” or “emergency” proposition, the process of deliberation and decision
are completed as soon as appropriately possible.
7.7.) Amidst
due deliberation being completed, any Member of our Advisory Council can
interject and introduce a motion on the proposition.
With a properly 2nded motion, our Advisory Council initiates
the formal decision process and determines whether there is consensus regarding
the motion.
Amidst an absence of full consensus, our Moderator determines whether
there is near consensus.
Amidst a near consensus, our Moderator facilitates negotiation to reach
proficient consensus.
Amidst a tenuous consensus, our Moderator tables the motion and resumes
the deliberation process.
Amidst a tenuous consensus upon the conclusion of the designated
duration of deliberation of an “ordinary” proposition, amidst an “urgent”
proposition, and amidst an “emergency” proposition, our Moderator can provide
an overture to intercede in the decision process.
7.13.) With
a continuing tenuous consensus, our Moderator can intercede within the decision
process of our Advisory Council according to the protocols designated within
this compact.
8.) Consensus
8.1) A
motion presented before our Advisory Council for decision is framed within
affirmative rhetoric.
8.2) When
making a formal decision regarding a motion on a proposition, a Member of our
Advisory can select 1 of 7 proclamation options; 3 options which affirm the motion to
increasing degrees, 3 options which negate the motion to increasing degrees,
and 1 option that communicates indifference.
8.3) The
proclamation options include the proceeding:
8.3.1.) Absolute:
proclaiming strong affirmation to a degree of 10.
8.3.2.) Affirmation:
proclaiming moderate affirmation to a degree of 5.
8.3.3.) Favourable:
proclaiming slight affirmation to a degree of 1.
8.3.4.) Indifference
8.3.5.) Unfavourable:
proclaiming slight negation to a degree of 1.
8.3.6.) Negation:
proclaiming moderate negation to a degree of 5.
8.3.7.) Obstruction:
proclaiming strong negation to a degree of 10.
8.4) “Absolute”
Decision: A Member of our Advisory
Council proclaims vehement favour for the motion (exercising this selection
extremely sparingly and only in extremely urgent circumstances).
8.5) “Affirmation”
Decision: A Member of our Advisory
Council proclaims favour for the motion.
8.6) “Favourable” Decision: A Member of our Advisory Council proclaims a
favourable preference for the motion but abstains from posing significant disruption
to a contrary proclamation from other Members of our Advisory Council who
proclaim disfavour against the motion.
8.7) “Indifference”
Decision: A Member of our Advisory
Council proclaims equanimity regarding the motion.
8.8) “Unfavourable”
Decision: A Member of our Advisory
Council proclaims a disfavourable preference against the motion but abstains
from posing significant disruption to a contrary proclamation from other
Members of our Advisory Council who proclaim favour for the motion.
8.9) “Negation”
Decision: A Member of our Advisory
Council proclaims disfavour against the motion, soliciting the motion be
8.10) “Obstruction”
Decision: A Member of our Advisory
Council proclaims vehement disfavour against the motion (exercising this
selection extremely sparingly and only in extremely urgent circumstances).
9.) Consensus
9.1) All
decisions of our Advisory Council are made through a consensus of all Members
of our Advisory Council.
9.2) Our
Advisory Council utilises 5 consensus protocols to determine the formal
consensus decision of our Advisory Council:
9.2.1.) Full
9.2.2.) Prophesy
9.2.3.) Majority
9.2.4.) Ancestry
9.2.5.) DJ Remix
9.3) “Full”
Protocol: Emphasis is placed upon a full
consensus, where all Members of our Advisory Council share a favourable or
unfavourable proclamation without any contrary proclamation.
9.4) “Prophesy” Protocol: Consideration is given to the proclamation of
the strongest and most enduring voice within the deliberation of the Members of
our Advisory Council.
9.5) “Majority” Protocol: Consideration is given to the most popular
proclamation of the Members of our Advisory Council.
9.6) “Ancestry” Protocol: Consideration is given to the proclamation that
is suggested through the historic customs and traditions of our M
Mixed Foundation; and,

9.7) “DJ
Remix” Protocol: Amidst the absence
of a full consensus, alternating consideration is given to each of the previous
3 protocols to ensure that an appropriate balance of all 3 protocols are
utilised in determining the formal decisions of our Advisory Council.
10.) Propositions.
10.1) Any
Member of our Advisory Council can introduce a proposition to our Advisory
Council for formal decision.
10.2) Any
Member of our Staff, Partner Organisations, and/or General Membership can
forward a proposition request to any Member of our Advisory Council for formal
decision by our Advisory Council.
10.3) Our
Advisory Council designates each proposition as either: 1.) a
proposition to be delegated to a Committee for formal decision and/or action,
or 2.) a proposition to be deliberated
and formally decided by our Advisory Council.
10.4) A
Member of our Advisory Council who receives a proposition request from a
General Member of our M
Mixed Foundation can directly forward that proposition request to the
Chairperson of a Committee established by our Advisory Council.

10.5) A Chairperson of a Committee who receives a
proposition request from a Member of our Advisory Council can forward that
proposition request to the Moderator of our Advisory Council either: 1.) to
be presented before our Advisory Council as a proposition, 2.) to be reassigned to another Committee
Chairperson, 3.) to be tabled, or
4.) to be declined.
10.6) Propositions
delegated to a Committee are decided, and/or acted upon, by that Committee in
the manner determined by the Chairperson(s) of that Committee.
10.7) A
proposition designated for deliberation by our Advisory Council is designated
as either: 1.) ordinary, 2.)
urgent, or 3.) emergency.
10.8) Our
Advisory Council further designates “ordinary” propositions as either: 1.) a
proposition to be formally decided immediately;
or 2.) a proposition to be
deliberated by our Advisory Council for a designated duration before the formal
decision process is initiated.
11.) Deliberation.
11.1) Our
Advisory Council simultaneously maintains multiple methods of communication to
facilitate the deliberation of propositions presented to our Advisory Council,
including: conference calling, electronic mail, online
forum, in-person meetings, and additionally.
11.2) A
designated Host Member(s) of our Advisory Council facilitates the deliberation
of propositions through these multiple methods of communication.
11.3) The
designated Host Member of our Advisory Council specifies the protocols for
deliberation of a proposition by our Advisory Council.
11.4) Our
Advisory Council designates the specific duration of deliberation of an
“ordinary” proposition before the process of a formal decision for that
proposition is initiated.
12.) Decisions.
12.1) When
a motion regarding a proposition is 2nded after due deliberation,
and/or when the designated duration of deliberation for a proposition is
reached, our Moderator initiates the formal decision process for our Advisory
Council to proclaim a formal decision regarding that motion on the proposition.
12.2) Our
Moderator determines whether the decision process on the motion of a
proposition is convened through any of the multiple methods of communication or
exclusively through a formal in-person meeting of our Advisory Council.
12.3) At
an appropriate stage within the deliberation process, and after a motion is
made or 2nded, our Moderator can solicit polling motions amongst our
Advisory Council, and present these polling motions to our Advisory Council to
determine the immediate sentiment of our Advisory Council regarding the
proposition being deliberated.
12.4) To
formally initiate the decision process, our Moderator solicits our Advisory
Council for a formal motion on the proposition being deliberated, to be made by
a Member of our Advisory Council.
12.5) Any
Member of our Advisory Council can make a motion on a proposition being
12.6) Any
Member of our Advisory Council, during the process of deliberation of a
proposition, can interject within that deliberation and present a motion on the
proposition being deliberated.
12.7) A
motion must be articulated with affirmative rhetoric.
12.8) Our
Moderator evaluates every motion to discern whether the motion is presented
12.9) When
our Moderator determines a motion to be inappropriate, the preceding
deliberation process or decision process resumes.
12.10) When
our Moderator determines a motion to be appropriate, our Moderator pauses the
deliberation to determine whether there is a supporting 2nd to the
motion on the proposition.
12.11) Amidst
the absence of a 2nd to a motion, our Moderator decides to
either: 1.) continue the deliberation of the
proposition; 2.) repeat the solicitation for an appropriate
motion; or, 3.) table the deliberation of the proposition.
12.12) Amidst
the absence of another motion, our Moderator decides to either: 1.)
continue the deliberation of the proposition, or 2.) table the deliberation of the proposition.
12.13) When
a motion receives a supporting 2nd, our Moderator presents the
motion on the proposition to our Advisory Council for a responsive proclamation
regarding the motion on the proposition.
12.14) When
presented with a 2nded motion on a proposition, every Member of our
Advisory Council selects 1 of the 7 designated proclamation options to render a
decision regarding that motion.
12.15) When
a motion receives an “Absolute” or “Affirmation” proclamation without any
“Negation” or “Obstruction” proclamation, the motion is passed.
12.16) When
a motion receives a “Negation” or “Obstruction” proclamation without any
“Absolute” or “Affirmation” proclamation, the motion is rejected.
12.17) When
our Moderator observes both proclamations affirming a motion and proclamations
negating a motion, our Moderator determines whether the majority of
proclamations either affirm or negate the motion, and the opposing sentiment is
referred to as the “contrary” proclamation.
12.18) When
a motion has a contrary “Negation” proclamation without any “Obstruction”
proclamation, or a contrary “Affirmation” proclamation without any contrary
“Absolute” proclamation, our Moderator determines whether the contrary
“Negation” proclamation or the contrary “Affirmation” proclamation is slight or
substantial in number.
12.19) When
the contrary proclamation is deemed slight, our Moderator approaches those
Member(s) of our Advisory Council who provide the contrary proclamation,
and: 1.)
determines the reasoning prompting the contrary proclamation; 2.)
initiates further, focused deliberation by our Advisory Council
regarding the motion on the proposition;
3.) solicits whether the
Member(s) of our Advisory Council providing the contrary proclamation are
willing to adjust the contrary proclamation to a coinciding “Unfavourable”
proclamation or a coinciding “Favourable” proclamation.
12.20) When
all contrary proclamations are respectively adjusted to a coinciding
“Unfavourable” proclamation or coinciding “Favourable” proclamation, the motion
is respectively passed or rejected accordingly.
12.21) Without
such an adjustment of contrary proclamation, our Moderator determines whether
the Member(s) providing the contrary proclamation are amenable with offering an
amended motion that those Member(s) find sufficient to appropriately adjust the
contrary proclamation(s) to a coinciding “Unfavourable” or coinciding
“Favourable” proclamation.
12.22) When
an amended motion is offered and our Moderator discerns it to be appropriate,
the amended motion is formally presented to our Advisory Council for decision,
and the decision process continues from that point.
12.23) When
our Moderator discerns that an amended motion is increasingly contentious than
the original motion or that the amended motion abstains from providing
sufficient resolve, our Moderator reverts to the original motion, designates
that motion as having contrary proclamation that is substantial, and resumes
the decision process.
12.24) When
there is an absence of an appropriate amended motion, our Moderator designates
the original motion as having contrary proclamation that is substantial and
resumes the decision process.
12.25) When
a motion receives a contrary proclamation that is determined to be substantial,
our Moderator can either: 1.) table the motion and resume the process of
deliberation of the proposition;
2.) proclaim the intent to
intercede; or, 3.) table the motion and table the deliberation
of the proposition.
13.) Intercession.
13.1) When
our Advisory Council finds difficulty in providing a consensus decision,
without contrary proclamation, on a motion on an ordinary proposition that
requires immediate decision or that reaches its designated duration of
deliberation, or on a motion on an “urgent” proposition or “emergency”
proposition, or when an ordinary proposition reaches its designated duration of
deliberation without an appropriate motion being made on that ordinary proposition,
then our Moderator can proclaim the intent to intercede within the decision
process to make a formal decision on the motion or regarding the proposition.
13.2) During
the process of deliberation of a proposition, and within the process of
decision on a motion on a proposition, our Moderator can provide the indication
of the intent to intercede within the decision process; and within such instances, our Moderator can
indicate the actual decision that our Moderator intends to render regarding the
motion or proposition and/or the specific criteria that our Moderator considers
to be the most relevant in deliberating or deciding upon a motion or a
13.3) After
proclaiming the intent to intercede in a decision or deliberation, our
Moderator can again present the same motion or proposition to our Advisory
Council to determine whether our Advisory Council can make a decision without
contrary proclamation.
13.4) When
interceding within a decision, our Moderator considers: the 5 consensus protocols: Full, Prophesy, Majority, Ancestry, and DJ
Remix; and within the DJ Remix protocol,
our Moderator considers, amidst additional factors: 1.) previous
decision of our Advisory Council, and 2.) previous decisions of individual Members of
our Advisory Council previously making either any “Affirmation,” “Negation,” “Absolute,”
or “Obstruction,” as well as 3.) the
merits of all the proclamations regarding the motion or proposition.
13.5) When
a proposition is without the requirement of an immediate decision, and a motion
on that proposition receives a contrary “Obstruction” proclamation or contrary “Absolute”
proclamation, there is an absence of any intercession by our Moderator, and the
decision process of the motion resumes.
13.6) When
an ordinary, urgent, or emergency proposition requires immediate decision and
there is a contrary “Obstruction” proclamation or contrary “Absolute”
proclamation to a motion on that proposition, our Moderator must consider this contrary
“Obstruction” proclamation or contrary “Absolute” proclamation carefully
(including diligently pursuing reconciliation);
and after such, our Moderator may intercede to provide a decision.
14.) Moderator.
14.1) Our
Advisory Council selects a Member of our Advisory Council to be the Moderator
of our Advisory Council.
14.2) The
1st Moderator of our Advisory Council is ________________.
14.3) Our
Moderator serves for a renewable term of 1 year, beginning on the 1st
day of the fiscal calendar of our M
Mixed Foundation.

14.4) Motions
and Propositions to appoint or remove a Moderator are moderating by the
designated Host Member of our Advisory Council.
15.) Meetings
15.1) The
fiscal year for our M
Mixed Foundation begins on
1.1, according to the Parliament-based InterFaith calendar; 11 September, within the Christian Gregorian
calendar; 4 Izzat, within the Baha’i
calendar; generally during the month of
Bhadon, within the Sikh Nanakshahi calendar;
generally during the month of Shahrewar, within the Zarathustrian Bastani
Reckoning calendar; generally during the
month of Ch’en, within the Mayan Ha’ab calendar; generally during the month of Ellul/Tishrei,
within the Jewish Hebrew calendar;
generally during the month of Bhardarvo/Aso, within the Hindu Vikram
Samvat, Jain Vir Samvat, and Buddhist calendars, respectively; generally during the month of Bayue/Jiyue,
within the Chinese traditional calendar;
and, variably, within the Islamic Hijjra calendar.

15.2) Our
Advisory Council meets continuously through multiple methods of communication,
including: conference
calling, electronic mail, online forum, in-person meetings, and additionally.
15.3) A Member
of our Advisory Council, other than our Moderator, is designated as the Host
Member and facilitates the communication of the Members of our Advisory
15.4) Our
Advisory Council meets quarterly, on the 1st Tuesday, at 15:00h,
after the most recent Solstice/Equinox.
15.5) Our
Mixed Foundation convenes an annual meeting, on the 1st Tuesday,
at 15:00h, after 1.1.

15.6) Our
Advisory Council meets additionally as deemed appropriate by either our Host
Member, our Member, or our Advisory Council.
15.7) Our
Host Member is responsible for providing due notice to all Members of our
Advisory Council regarding additional meetings scheduled for our Advisory
15.8) 1
Member of our Advisory Council constitutes a sufficient quorum for meetings of
our Advisory Council.
15.9) The
general structure of the formal meetings of our Advisory Council include the
proceeding components:
to Order
Of M
Mixed Foundation Purpose

Of Meeting Agenda
Of Preceding Deliberation Of Advisory Council
Emergency Propositions
Business (Proposed Since Previous Meeting)
For Period Until Next Meeting and Further
To Meeting
16.) Staff
16.1) Our
Advisory Council establishes a working staff, and coinciding parameters, for
Mixed Foundation.

16.2) The Staff of our M
Mixed Foundation answers to a Member of our Advisory Council different
from our Moderator and different from our Host Member.

17.) Partner
17.1) Our
Mixed Foundation establishes official partnerships with additional
organisations who advocate the Mixed experience.

18.) General
18.1) Our
Mixed Foundation maintains a general membership of individual activists
who are interested in supporting and/or conducting the work of our M
Mixed Foundation.

19.) Committees
19.1) Our
Advisory Council establishes specific committees to conduct designated work
that supports our M
Mixed Foundation.

19.2) When establishing a Committee, our Advisory
Council select from our General Membership a Chairperson for that Committee.
19.3) The Chairpersons for all Committees answer to
a Member of our Advisory Council, different from our Moderator and different
from our Host Member.
19.4) Committees primarily consist of General