uNi Village Compact
1.) Preamble.
We, the sentient beings of our uNi Village,
observe the antiquated institutions and systems facilitating convention, and we
believe we can do better. We recognise
the historic and contemporary harm we cause each other, and we are dedicated to
do better; we are dedicated to
reconciliation. The wisdom of our
Ancestors, Prophets, and Sages tells us we do better by exercising compassion
towards each other, and all life. This
begins by fundamentally respecting all beings, all life, all phenomena; and this continues through enhancing the wellness
of all beings and all life, steadfastly, as Universal Citizens. We are better learning that when we do this,
we also enhance our own respective, individual wellness. So we reconstruct our institutions and
systems to be proficiently compassionate and Transcendent. This includes our institutions and systems of
religion, government, education, health, finance, commerce, socialisation, and
additionally. We fundamentally challenge
previous precepts, theories, laws, and methodologies of selfishness. We declare a new Age Of Compassion. And whilst our new institutions and systems
supplant the antiquated institutions and systems, we facilitate this process
with maximum Peace, humility, stability, efficiency, and compassion. The proceeding text is provided for this
purpose. Love And Peace.
Transcendence Narrative
We acknowledge there is 1 Highest Authority and that we respectively
recognise this Highest Authority by different names and concept[1].
Within each of us, and connected with this Highest Authority, there is
an esoteric, Transcendent existence, contrastly known as a Power Of Thought, a
Divine Presence, a Holy Spirit, Ruhi, Atman, Nefesh, Orenda, Soul, and
This esoteric, Transcendent existence is materially manifested within
our bodies, within our natural environment, and within the physical
Universe; extending all the way to the
infinity of our esoteric, Transcendent existence.
Our wellbeing is sustained through harmony amongst our bodies, our
natural environment, and our physical Universe.
We build residential homes to house our bodies, in harmony with each
other, our natural environment, and our physical Universe.
We establish our uNi Village as a community of homes, based upon
Compassion, Pluralism, and Prosperity, with: Religious And Ethnic Harmony; Environmental Harmony; Socioeconomic Harmony; And, Educational Harmony.
1.3.1.) We
secure sanction, from the Highest Authority we respectively recognise, to
establish our uNi Village.
1.3.2.) We
make Peace with Mother Earth.
1.3.3.) We
secure permission from the Native Community of this land to establish our uNi
1.3.4.) We
formally establish our uNi Village.
Our uNi Village establishes stewardship of the land and material within
the area identified within the “Stewardship” section of this Compact.
We pledge to restore and heal Mother Earth.
We establish ethocracy as the form of governance for our uNi
Village; and we establish socialism as
the form of economy for our uNi Village.
We impose taxation upon the Members of our uNi Village; this is initially 40% of the aggregate of the
tangible value of land and material stewardship, and 40% of the tangible value
of annual income.
Our uNi Village maintains the propensity to confer stewardship of land
and material of our uNi Village to our uNi Village, to individuals, organisational
entities, and to foreigners (both individuals and/or organisational entities).
We protect our uNi Village, our residents, guests, and allies.
2.) Guidelines
We establish our uNi Village as an Ethocratic,
Socialist Community based upon Compassion, Pluralism, and Prosperity.
2.1.) Ethocracy.
2.1.1.) We
define “ethocracy” as the rule of ethics.
2.1.2.) Within
this rule of ethics, Compassion, Pluralism, and Prosperity are paramount.
2.1.3.) Our
uNi Village is Egalitarian and makes decisions through Consensus. Egalitarianism: Each Member of our uNi Village has equal
value and equal standing within our uNi Village. Consensus:
Every Member of our uNi Village has a determining influence within every
formal decision of our uNi Village.
2.1.4.) Every
decision of our uNi Village government is the direct consequence of the
involvement and deliberation of our entire uNi Village community.
2.1.5.) Additional
guiding principles of our uNi Village include: the foundational practice of Agape and
Ahimsa; the relationship principles of Respect,
Patience, Compassion, Understanding, Trust, Cooperation, Mutual Reliance,
Productivity, Prosperity, Sustainability, Peace, and Happiness; and, the economic framework of Honesty, Modesty,
Moderation, Efficiency, and AlTruism.
2.1.6.) The
foundational guiding documents of our uNi Village include:
1.) Welt Ethos;
2.) Charter For Compassion;
3.) United Religions Initiative Charter;
4.) Earth Charter; And,
5.) Universal Declaration Of Human Rights.
2.2) Socialism.
2.2.1.) We
define “socialism” as the economy of sharing.
2.2.2.) Stewardship.
Our uNi Village recognises the legitimacy of a claim of stewardship of
any portion of land and/or material through the protocols identified within
“3.3 Stewardship.”
Our uNi Village maintains the propensity to confer stewardship of
parcels of the land and material of our uNi Village to other individuals and
organisational entities, either resident or foreign.
Our uNi Village confers stewardship of a parcel of land and material to
our uNi Village as “public stewardship.”
Our uNi Village confers stewardship of a parcel of land and material to
an individual Member of our uNi Village as “private stewardship.”
Our uNi Village confers stewardship of a parcel of land and material to
an entity outside of our uNi Village as “foreign stewardship.”
2.2.3.) Taxation.
Our uNi Village imposes taxation upon individual Members of our uNi
Village and organisational entities residing within our uNi Village, and upon
foreign individuals and organisational entities maintaining stewardship of land
and/or material within the area of our uNi Village.
When an individual 1st becomes a Member of our uNi Village
community and when an organisational entity 1st establishes a
residential operation within our uNi Village community, our uNi Village imposes
an initial (1 occasion only) taxation upon that individual Member or organisational
entity; this initial taxation is 40% of
the tangible value of all the land and material (both within and outside the area
of our uNi Village community) under the stewardship of the individual Member or
organisational entity.
Our uNi Village imposes an annual taxation upon every individual Member
of our uNi Village and every organisational entity residing within our uNi
Village; this annual taxation is 40% of
the tangible value of the aggregate annual income (derived from stewardship of
all land and material, both within and outside the area of our uNi Village
community), within the preceding year, of an individual Member or an
organisational entity residing within our uNi Village.
Our uNi Village imposes an annual taxation upon every foreign individual
and organisational entity maintaining stewardship of a parcel of land or
material within the area of our uNi Village community; this annual taxation is 40% of the tangible
value of the aggregate annual income, within the preceding year, that a foreign
individual or organisational entity derives directly from the stewardship of
that parcel of land or material within the area of our uNi Village.
Our uNi Village abstains from imposing any inheritance taxation or any
other additional form of taxation different from the stipulated initial
taxation on stewardship and the annual taxation on income derived from
residence or stewardship.
2.2.4.) Compassion
Economy Minimums.
Our uNi Village community maintains a minimum standard of living for all
individual Members of our uNi Village;
this standard of living is considered within the proceeding categories: Air Water Flood Clothing Shelter Energy Transportation Health Education Work Safety Family Religion Culture Community Nativity
2.2.5.) Debt.
Our uNi Village categorically abstains from the institution of debt:
Our uNi Village abstains from incurring or imposing debt from or upon
any other individual or organisational entity (including religious,
governmental, financial, commercial, or otherwise).
Our uNi Village abstains from recognising any legitimacy within the
claims of debt by any individual or organisational entity (including religious,
governmental, financial, commercial, or otherwise) against any other individual
or organisational entity.
3.) Government.
3.1) Introduction.
3.1.1.) We
establish our uNi Village as an ethocratic, socialist community.
3.1.2.) The
individual Members of our uNi Village community include all the undersigned
individuals of this compact.
3.1.3.) Additional
Members of our uNi Village community can be included per the decision of our
uNi Village community.
3.1.4.) All
decisions of our uNi Village government are made through a direct consensus of
all Members of our uNi Village community.
3.1.5.) We
establish our Moderation Committee to serve our uNi Village community in the
proceeding manner: Facilitating the deliberation and consensus-building
process of our uNi Village community; Identifying a formal consensus decision made
by our uNi Village; and,
3.1.6.) Any
Member of our uNi Village community can participate within our Moderation
Committee per the stipulations described within the “Moderation Committee”
subsection of this Compact.
3.1.7.) Our
Moderation Committee designates a Moderator to serve our Moderation Committee
in the proceeding manner: Facilitating the deliberation and consensus-building
process of our Moderation Committee;
and, Identifying a consensus decision made by our
Moderation Committee.
3.1.8.) Our
Moderation Committee establishes additional Committees for further decision
and/or management of affairs delegated to such Committees by our uNi Village
community and/or our Moderation Committee.
3.2) Membership
3.2.1.) Membership
with our uNi Village includes all residents of our uNi Village community who
sign this Compact.
3.2.2.) Membership
with our uNi Village includes the spouse(s) (per the confirmation of the
spouse) and children of every Member of our uNi Village.
3.2.3.) Membership
with our uNi Village includes individuals and organisational entities confirmed
by our uNi Village community.
3.2.4.) Individuals
and organisational entities can make a petition to become a Member of our uNi
3.2.5.) The
criteria for Membership within our uNi Village community includes residence within
our uNi Village community and a demonstrated commitment to both our uNi Village
community and our uNi Village Compact.
3.2.6.) Membership
with our uNi Village is conferred for life.
3.2.7.) A
Member can renounce Membership with our uNi Village per appropriate
consultation with our uNi Village community.
3.2.8.) All
Members of our uNi Village can participate within the general meetings of our
uNi Village community and render formal decisions within the government of our
uNi Village community.
3.2.9.) A
Member must have at least 16 years of age to make an “Absolute” or
“Obstruction” decision, as described within the “_____ Moderation Committee”
When a Member reaches 18 years of age or graduates from preparatory
school (whichever occurs 1st), a Member is obligated to provide 1
year of service for our uNi Village community.
3.2.11.) Every Member of our uNi Village community is entitled to the rights and provisions from our uNi Village community, and maintains the responsibilities and obligations to our uNi Village community, as stipulated by this Compact and otherwise by our uNi Village community.
3.3.1.) There
are 6 protocols that our uNi Village community utilises to determine any
legitimacy of an individual’s or organisational entity’s claim of stewardship
of any phenomena (including matter, energy, product, service, and otherwise):
“1st” Protocol:
The 1st individual or group to maintain stewardship of a
phenomenon is the rightful steward(s) of that phenomenon.
“Present” Protocol: The
individual or group who currently maintains stewardship of a phenomenon is the
rightful steward(s) of that phenomenon.
“Need” Protocol: The
individual or group who maintains the most urgent need for a phenomenon is the
rightful steward(s) of that phenomenon.
“Productivity” Protocol:
The individual or group who is most productive with a phenomenon is the
rightful steward(s) of that phenomenon.
“Care” Protocol: The
individual or group who provides the most diligent care for a phenomenon is the
rightful steward(s) of that phenomenon.
“Ordination” Protocol: The
individual or group who maintains a claim of Divine Intervention regarding a
phenomenon is the rightful steward(s) of that phenomenon.
3.3.2) Our
uNi Village community maintains stewardship of the physical area with the
proceeding Earth coordinates:______________________
3.3.3.) Our
uNi Village community maintains responsibility for to heal and care for the
natural environment within and beyond the area of our uNi Village community.
3.3.4.) Our
uNi Village community maintains the propensity to confer stewardship of parcels
of the land and material (matter, gas, liquid, and additionally) of the
physical area of our uNi Village community to individual Members and
organisational entities residing within our uNi Village community.
3.3.5.) Our
uNi Village community maintains the propensity to confer stewardship of parcels
of the land and material (matter, gas, liquid, and additionally) of the
physical area of our uNi Village to foreign individuals and organisational entities
residing outside our uNi Village community.
3.3.6.) The
term of stewardship of any parcel of land or material (matter, gas, liquid, and
additionally) of the area of our uNi Village community held by a foreign
individual or organisational entity is completed at the occurrence of the
50-year interval, beginning on the 1st day of the fiscal calendar of
year 100 on the InterFaith calendar.
3.3.7.) When
an individual Member or organisational entity resides within another location
outside the area of our uNi Village community for beyond 25 years during a
designated 50-year interval, the stewardship of the parcel of land or material
held by that Member or organisational entity is considered foreign and its term
is completed at end of that 50-year interval, and the stewardship of that
parcel of land or material is returned to our uNi Village.
3.4) Consensus
3.4.1.) All
decisions of our uNi Village community are made through a consensus of all
Members of our uNi Village community.
3.4.2.) Our
uNi Village community utilises 5 protocols to determine a formal consensus
decision of our uNi Village community: “Full” Protocol: Emphasis is placed upon full consensus, where
all Members share an affirmative opinion with the formal decision made;
“Prophesy” Protocol: Consideration
is given to the opinion of the strongest and most enduring voice within the
discussion of Members; “Majority” Protocol: Consideration is given to the most popular
opinion of Members;
“Ancestry” Protocol: Consideration
is given to the opinion suggested by the historic customs and traditions of all
Members; and, “DJ Remix” Protocol: Amidst an absence of a full consensus, alternating
consideration is given to the previous 3 protocols to determine a formal
3.4.3.) To
provide a formal decision on a motion on a proposition presented before our uNi
Village community (as stipulated within ______________ section), a Member can
make 1 of 7 different proclamations: “Absolute” Decision: A Member can decide vehemently in favour of
the motion presented before the Membership (exercising this selection extremely
sparingly and only in extremely urgent circumstances). “Affirmation” Decision: A Member can decide in favour of the motion
being presented before the Membership; “Favourable” Decision: A Member can communicate a preference for the
motion but abstains from posing significant disruption to a contrary decision
from other Members that negates the motion. “Indifference” Decision: A Member can opt out of deciding favourably or
negatively regarding the motion presented before the Membership; “Unfavourable” Decision: A Member can communicate a preference against
the motion but abstains from posing significant disruption to a contrary
decision from other Members that affirms the motion. “Negation” Decision: A Member can decide against the motion
presented before the Membership, communicating the interest that the motion be
rejected. “Obstruction” Decision: A Member can decide vehemently against the motion
and significantly prevent the proposition from being affirmed (exercising this
selection extremely sparingly and only in extremely urgent circumstances).
3.4.4.) A
Member must be 16 years old to make an “Absolute” decision or an “Obstruction”
3.4.5.) A
motion presented before our uNi Village community for decision is framed within
affirmative rhetoric.
3.4.6.) Our
uNi Village community can delegate an affair to our Moderation Committee (as
described within the “Moderation Committee” subsection of this Compact) or to
another Committee (as described within the “Committees” subsection of this
Compact) for formal decision.
3.4.7.) Every
formal decision of every Member is made public to our entire uNi Village
3.5) Moderation
3.5.1) Function.
Our Moderation Committee facilitates the general forum and meetings of
our uNi Village community.
Our Moderation Committee selects a Moderator to facilitate the meetings
of our Moderation Committee.
Our Moderation Committee facilitates the deliberation and consensus-building
process within the fora and meetings of our uNi Village community.
When an affair is presented to our uNi Village community for formal
decision, our Moderation Committee identifies the formal consensus decision of
our uNi Village community regarding that affair.
Our Moderation Committee can delegate affairs to a designated Committee
for formal decision.
Our Moderation Committee facilitates dispute resolution tribunals.
3.5.2.) Structure.
Our Moderation Committee consists of Members from our uNi Village
Any Member of our uNi Village with 16-years of age or older can be a Moderation
Committee Member.
To become a Moderation Committee Member, a Member of our uNi Village
community forwards a direct solicitation to our Moderation Committee Moderator.
When receiving a solicitation, our Moderation Committee Moderator
provides a notification of receipt of this solicitation to the Member; after receiving this notification, the Member
must wait 1 week (7 days) before receiving official status as a Moderation
Committee Member, and receives the agendae of our Moderation Committee meetings.
To maintain standing as a Moderation Committee Moderator, a Moderation
Committee Member must participate within a minimum of 50% of our Moderation
Committee meetings within the past 6 months; and 33% of our Moderation Committee
meetings, within the physical location of our Moderation Committee within our
uNi Village community, within the past 6 months.
The term of Moderation Committee Membership is 2 years, and can be
renewed by a Member, without a limitation to the number of terms served, per
the discretion of that Member.
3.6.1.) Our
Moderation Committee selects a Moderation Committee Member to serve as the
Moderation Committee Moderator.
3.6.2.) The
responsibilities of the Moderator include: Moderating the meetings of our Moderation
Committee; and, Identifying a formal consensus-decision of
our Moderation Committee.
3.6.3.) The
term for a Moderator is 2 years, and can be renewed on an unlimited number of
3.6.4.) The
1st Moderation Committee Moderator, with a term beginning on
122.1.1, is Peter Johannessen Osisi.
3.6.5.) Our
Moderation Committee can remove a Moderation Committee Moderator.
3.6.6.) All
decisions of our Moderation Committee Moderator are made public to our entire
uNi Village community.
3.7.1.) Our
Moderation Committee establishes Committees to make formal decisions and
conduct work on behalf of our uNi Village community.
3.7.2.) In
establishing a Committee, our Moderation Committee provides that Committee with
a specific mandate.
3.7.3.) When
establishing a Committee, our Moderation Committee designates a Chairperson(s)
for that Committee.
3.7.4.) The
Chairperson(s) of a Committee determines the structure and formal decision-making
process for that Committee.
3.7.5.) Committees
report to our Moderation Committee Moderator;
Committees answer to our Moderation Committee.
3.7.6.) All
formal decisions of the Chairperson(s) of Committees, and appropriately any
Committee Members, are made public to our entire uNi Village community.
3.8) Meetings.
3.8.1.) The
fiscal year for our uNi Village community begins on 1.1, according to the
Parliament-based InterFaith calendar; 11
September, within the Christian Gregorian calendar; 4 Izzat, within the Baha’i calendar; generally during the month of Bhadon, within
the Sikh Nanakshi calendar; generally
during the month of Shahrewar, within the Zarathustrani Bastani Reckoning
calendar; generally during the month of
Ch’en, within the Mayan Ha’ab calendar; generally
during the month of Ellul/Tishrei, within the Jewish Hebrew calendar; generally during the month of Bhardarvo/Aso,
within the Hindu Vikram Samvat, Jain Vir Samvat, and Buddhist calendars,
respectively; generally during the month
of Bayue/Jiyue, within the Chinese traditional calendar; and, variably, within the Islamic Hijjra
3.8.2.) uNi
Village Community Meetings.
Our uNi Village community meets continuously through an online forum
moderated by our Moderation Committee.
Our uNi Village Community meets weekly, on Mondays at 16:00h, to make
formal decisions regarding our uNi Village community.
Our uNi Village community meets quarterly, on the 2nd Monday,
at 16:00h, after the most recent Solstice/Equinox.
Our uNi Village community meets annually, on the 2nd Monday,
at 16:00h, after 1.1.
Our uNi Village community meets additionally as deemed appropriate by either
our uNi Village or our Moderation Committee.
3.8.3.) Moderation
Committee Meetings.
Our Moderation Committee meets daily, from Monday through Thursday, at
Our Moderation Committee meets quarterly, on the 1st Monday,
at 15:00h, after the most recent Solstice/Equinox.
Our Moderation Committee meets annually, on the 1st Monday,
at 15:00h, after 1.1.
Our Moderation Committee meets additionally as deemed appropriate by either
our Moderation Committee and/or our Moderation Committee Moderator.
Our Moderation Committee Moderator is responsible for providing due
notice to all Moderation Committee Members regarding additional meetings
scheduled for our Moderation Committee.
1 Moderation Committee Member constitutes a sufficient quorum for
meetings of our Moderation Committee.
3.8.4.) Community
Meeting Structure.
The general structure of the formal meetings of our uNi Village community
include the proceeding components:
to Order
Meeting Minutes/Summary Of Community deliberation (including all fora) up to
preceding MC meeting
Emergency Propositions
Business (Proposed since previous meeting)
For Next Week and Further
To Meeting
A Moderation Committee Member, other than the Moderation Committee
Moderator, serves as Host and convenes the formal meetings of our uNi Village
1 Member from our uNi Village community is sufficient to constitute a
quorum for a formal meeting of our uNi Village community.
3.9) Propositions.
3.9.1.) Any
Member of our uNi Village community can forward a proposition to our Moderation
Committee for the purpose of receiving a formal decision by our uNi Village
3.9.2.) A
proposition to be formally decided during a formal meeting of our uNi Village
community must be submitted to our Moderation Committee by the preceding
meeting of our Moderation Committee.
3.9.3.) Our
Moderation Committee designates each proposition as either: 1.) a
proposition to be deliberated by our uNi Village community, or 2.) a proposition to be delegated to a Committee
for deliberation or action.
3.9.4.) When
a proposition is delegated to a Committee, and the provider of that proposition
or an amicus or the proposition disagrees with this delegation, that provider
or amicus can petition our uNi Village community to have the proposition
presented to our uNi Village community for deliberation.
3.9.5.) When
a proposition is designated for deliberation by our uNi Village community, and
the provider of that proposition or an amicus of the proposition disagrees with
this designation, that provider or amicus can petition our Moderation Committee
to have the proposition delegated to a specific Committee.
3.9.6.) Propositions
delegated to a Committee are deliberated upon, and/or acted upon, in the manner
determined by the Chairperson(s) of that Committee.
3.9.7.) Propositions
designated to be deliberated by our uNi Village community are designated as either: 1.)
ordinary, 2.) urgent, or 3.) emergency.
3.9.8.) Our
Moderation Committee further designates “ordinary” propositions as either: 1.) a
proposition to be formally decided immediately;
or 2.) a proposition to be
deliberated by our uNi Village community for a specific duration before
initiative the process of a formal decision.
3.10) Deliberation.
Our Moderation Committee maintains an online forum for the continuous
deliberation of affairs concerning, and propositions formally present to, our
uNi Village community.
Our Moderation Committee can initiate and maintain additional mechanisms
of deliberation of affairs and propositions by our uNi Village community.
Our Moderation Committee moderates the deliberation, within all fora, of
all affairs and all formally presented propositions by our uNi Village
Our Moderation Committee specifies the protocols for deliberation, of an
affair or a formal proposition, by our uNi Village community.
Our Moderation Committee determines the specific duration of
deliberation of an “ordinary” proposition before the process of a formal
decision is initiated.
3.11) Decisions.
When the stipulated duration of deliberation of a proposition is
completed or as otherwise deemed appropriate by our Moderation Committee, our
Moderation Committee initiates the process for our uNi Village community to
provide a formal decision regarding that proposition.
Our Moderation Committee determines whether the process of formal
decision is convened exclusively within a formal meeting of our uNi Village
community and/or through the online forum and/or additional mechanisms; there is an emphasis for the formal decision
process to be convened within the formal meeting of our uNi Village community.
Our Moderation Committee can solicit polling motions from our uNi
Village community, and present these polling motions to our uNi Village to
determine the immediate sentiment of our uNi Village community.
To initiate the direct decision-making process, our Moderation Committee
solicits our uNi Village community for a formal motion to be made by any Member
of our uNi Village community on the formal proposition.
Any Member of our uNi Village community can make a formal motion on a formal
Any Member of our uNi Village community, during the process of
deliberation, can interject within that deliberation and present a formal
motion of the proposition being deliberated.
A motion must be articulated in an affirmative rhetoric.
Our Moderation Committee evaluates every formal motion to discern the
appropriateness of the formal motion.
When our Moderation Committee determines a motion to be inappropriate,
our Moderation Committee continues to facilitate the applicable deliberation
process or decision process.
When our Moderation Committee determines a motion to be appropriate, our
Moderation Committee pauses the deliberation process to determine whether there
is a supporting 2nd to the motion.
When there is an absence of a 2nd to a motion, our Moderation
Committee decides to either: 1.) continue the deliberation of the
proposition; 2.) repeat the solicitation for an appropriate
motion; or, 3.) table the deliberation of the proposition.
When there is an absence of another motion, our Moderation Committee
decides to either: 1.) continue the deliberation of the proposition,
or 2.) table the deliberation of the
When a motion receives a supporting 2nd, our Moderation
Committee formally presents the motion to our uNi Village community for a
formal decision.
Every Member of our uNi Village community can provide a formal decision,
amongst the designated decisions stipulated in______________________________
section, on a formally presented motion.
When a formal motion receives an “Absolute” or “Affirmation” decision
without any “Negation” or “Obstruction” decision, the formal motion is passed.
When a formal motion receives a “Negation” or “Obstruction” decision
without any “Absolute” or “Affirmation” decision, the formal motion is
When our Moderation Committee observes both formal decisions affirming a
formal motion and formal decisions negating a formal motion, our Moderation
Committee determines whether the majority of formal decisions either affirm or
negate the motion, and the opposing sentiment is referred to as a “contrary”
When a motion has any contrary “Negation” decision or any contrary
“Affirmation” decision, without any contrary “Obstruction” decision or any
contrary “Absolute” decision, our Moderation Committee determines whether the
contrary “Negation” decision or contrary “Affirmation” decision is slight or
substantial in number.
When the contrary “Negation” decision or contrary “Affirmation” decision
is deemed slight, our Moderation Committee approaches those Member(s) of our
uNi Village community that provide such a contrary decision, and: 1.)
determine the reasoning prompting the contrary decision; 2.)
initiate further, focused deliberation by our uNi Village community regarding
the motion (and the proposition precipitating the motion); and 3.)
solicits whether the Member(s) providing the contrary decision is/are
willing to adjust the contrary decision correspondingly to an “Unfavourable”/“Favourable”
When all contrary decisions are adjusted to the formal decision of
“Unfavourable” or “Favourable,” the formal motion is passed or rejected
Without such adjustment, our Moderation Committee determines whether the
Member(s) providing the contrary decision are amenable with offering an amended
motion that those Member(s) find sufficient to appropriately adjust the
contrary decision(s) to a corresponding “Unfavourable”/“Favourable” decision.
When an amended motion is offered and our Moderation Committee discerns
it to be appropriate, the amended motion is formally presented to our uNi
Village community for formal decision, and the formal decision process
continues from that point.
When our Moderation Committee discerns that an amended motion is
increasingly contentious than the original motion or abstains from providing
sufficient resolve, our Moderation Committee reverts to the original motion and
proceeds with that original motion designated as having a contrary decision
that is substantial.
When there is an absence of appropriate amended motion, our Moderation
Committee designates the original motion as having contrary decision that is
substantial and proceeds that stipulated manner.
When a contrary decision is determined to be substantial, our Moderation
Committee can either: 1.) reconvene deliberation of the proposition
amongst our uNi Village community;
2.) proclaim the intent to
intercede; or 3.) table the motion and the deliberation of the
A proposition designated as “urgent” or “emergency” can be introduced to
our Moderation Committee during any formal meeting of our uNi Village
3.12) Intercession.
When our uNi Village find difficulty in providing a formal decision
without contrary decision on a motion on an ordinary proposition that requires
immediate decision or that reaches its stipulated extent of deliberation, or an
“urgent” or “emergency” proposition, or when a proposition reaches its
stipulated extent of deliberation without an appropriate motion being provided,
our Moderation Committee can proclaim the intent to intercede within the formal
decision process to make a formal decision regarding that proposition or
During the process of deliberation of a proposition and within the
process of formal decision, our Moderation Committee can provide the indication
of the intent to intercede within the formal decision; and within such instances, our Moderation
Committee can indicate the intended formal decision of our Moderation Committee
and/or the specific criteria that our Moderation Committee considers to be most
relevant within the deliberation of our Moderation Committee towards provision of
such a formal decision by our Moderation Committee.
After making a proclamation of the intent to intercede in a formal
decision, our Moderation Committee can again present same motion or proposition
to our uNi Village community to determine whether a formal decision by our uNi
Village can be provided.
When interceding in a formal decision, our Moderation Committee
considers the 5 consensus protocols:
Full, Prophecy, Majority, Ancestry, and DJ Remix; and within the DJ Remix protocol, our
Moderation Committee considers, amidst additional factors: previous decisions of our uNi Village
community, and previous decisions of individual Members of our uNi Village
community deciding both respectively either in the “Affirmation” or “Negation,”
or the “Absolute” or “Obstruction,” as well as the merits of all decisions
regarding the proposition or motion.
When a proposition is without the requirement of an immediate decision,
a contrary “Obstruction” decision or contrary “Absolute” decision on a motion
on that proposition sends the motion back to further deliberation without
intercession by our Moderation Committee.
When an ordinary, urgent, emergency proposition requires an immediate
decision and there is a contrary “Obstruction” decision or “Absolute” decision
to a formal motion on that proposition, our Moderation Committee must consider
this “Obstruction”/“Absolute” decision carefully (including a diligent pursuit
of reconciliation); and after such, our
Moderation Committee may intercede to provide a formal decision.
All decisions of our Moderation Committee, and all the decisions of
every individual Moderation Committee Member, are made public to our entire uNi
Village community.
4.) Earth
4.1) For the purpose of perceiving our Earth
community in a genuine, pluralistic manner, we maintain the proceeding
4.2.) There are 7 continents of Earth: North America, South America, Australia,
Asia, Europe, Africa, and Antarctica.
4.3.) There are 4 hemispheres Of Earth: East, West, South, and North.
4.4.) There are 5 Areas of human civilisation of
Earth: Mediterranea, Europe, Asia,
Africa, and Taínoterranea; Mediterranea
is the area of land surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, extending from the
Atlantic Ocean, to the Pyrenees Mountains, to the Alps Mountains, to the Balkan
Mountains, to the Black Sea, to the Caucasus Mountains, through the Iranian
Plateau, to the Arabian Sea, to the Sea of Reeds, through the Sahara Desert,
and to the Atlantic Ocean; Europe is the
land North of Mediterranea; Asia is the
land East of Mediterranea; Africa is the
land South of Mediterranea; and
Taínoterranea is the land West of Mediterranea.

4.5.) There are 7 ethnic regions of Earth: Clay, Peach, Olive, Ebony Saffron, Lotus, and

4.6.) Our uNi Village maintains a base of operating
languages that include: English, French,
Español, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi/Sanskrit, Mandarin, Swahili, and
additional languages, including: Thai,
Portuguese, Deutsch, Japanese, Korean, Greek, Latin, Ibo, Creek, Lakotah,
Algonquin, and additionally.
Our uNi Village recognises certain categories of religious traditions
that include: Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism,
Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Baha’i, Shinto, Western Native, African Native,
Pagan Native, Eastern Native, Pacific Native, Unitarian Universalism, Humanist,
Confucianist, Taoist, Zarathustrian, Jain, Mysticism, and additional
traditions, including: Druze,
Scientology, Theosophy, and additionally.
5.) Strategy
For Emergence
5.1.) We
organise with individuals and entities with similar sentiment.
5.2.) We
reside within the same vicinity.
5.3.) We
establish conventional “bases” within neighbourhood: go-to places to regroup, particularly amidst
the backlash of antiquatedness.
5.4.) We
pursue antiquated processes of establishing our neighbourhood as an autonomous
political entity from the preceding municipality.
5.5.) We
connect our neighbourhood, as an autonomous political entity, with additional
international political and economic institutions.
5.6.) We
establish an autonomous infrastructure (including electricity, water, sewage,
recycling, and additionally) for our neighbourhood.
5.7.) We
declare our neighbourhood as an autonomous sovereignty.
5.8.) We
establish stewardship of all the land, buildings, and material of our
neighbourhood through different methodologies, including:
5.8.1.) Purchases made through antiquated premises;
5.8.2.) Squatting;
5.8.3.) Instituting penalties through antiquated
5.8.4.) Sabotage and demotion.
5.9.) We
implement an appropriate political system and economic system.
We cooperate with construction agencies and additional individual and
organisational entities to facilitate the construction of new, vertical
6.) Rules
Of Engagement
6.1.) We
practise Ahimsa: abstinence from
6.2.) We
are other than pacifists: we stand
against, and neutralise, violent aggressors, and threats of violence, when and
how appropriate.
6.3.) We
recognise that the approaches of Gandhi and MLK rely upon national militaries
and police: we translate domestic, civil
Ahimsa methodologies into comprehensive, international Ahimsa methodologies.
6.4.) We
establish these Rules Of Engagement against violence, and the threat of
violence: this includes the principles
of: Strength, Training, Numbers, and
6.5.) We
only engage defence when there is an act of violence, or the threat of
The purpose of our engagement is to neutralise the violence, or the
threat of violence.
Otherwise, we act as a calming police presence: cultivating camaraderie with civilians and a
reputation for Respect, Fairness, Justice, Bravery, and Honour.
For this reason, we absolutely abstain from utilising any offensive
weapon, including: guns, knives, sticks,
missiles, bombs, and additionally.
6.9.) We
abstain from imposing fear: our purpose
is to neutralise violence, and threats of violence.
We do allow our defenders to grapple, tie, and impose physical
Whilst this produces controversy amongst our ranks, we do allow our
Defenders to utilise electricity, pepper spray, submission holds, and choke
holds, in severe cases (whilst there is the potential of revoking this
Again, our purpose is to neutralise violence, and the threat of
6.13.) We are highly trained in multiple forms of hand-to-hand combat, hand-to-weapon combat, and additionally.
6.13.) We are highly trained in multiple forms of hand-to-hand combat, hand-to-weapon combat, and additionally.
We abstain from striking (utilising any offensive punches or kicks).
Our Defender Trainers (who are trained in the utilisation of weapons for
the strict purpose of training) take a strict oath of pacifism throughout life.
The majority of our Defender training is for the purpose of policing.
We also maintain additional measures for warfare and battlefield
conditions, including: armoured
vehicles, personnel, weapons-neutralisation (through hacking, electricity, and
additional means), and additional measures.
For the purpose of neutralising violence and the threats of violence, we
are able to commit sabotage and the destruction of inanimate objects (including
buildings, drones, and additionally);
whilst minimising the risk of death to humans and being mindful of all
sentient beings.
To prevent warfare, we heavily rely upon preventive diplomacy and maintaining
a proficient policing presence; within
the experience of warfare, we significantly rely upon sabotage and destruction
of inanimate objects (particularly of weapons capabilities and infrastructure).
We invite all nations to raise, train, and employ a Defenders Corps in
such a manner; to utilise Defenders
Corps as an initial force amidst violent unrest: weaponless policing forces in hostile areas; and amidst any violent act against any
Defender, this may be considered as sufficient provocation to send conventional
[1] God, El Shaddai, Eloheinu, Elohim, Adonai,
Hashem, Brahman, Nirvana, Dharma, Karma, Tao, Gud, Dieu, Deus, Dios, Dominus,
Jah, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Vaya Guru, The Divine, Infinity, Logic,
Natural Law, Great Mystery, Wakan Tanka, Ultimate Reality, and additionally.
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