Saturday, April 16, 2011

Numbers (2011CE.4.17)

Love and Peace, Family and Friends.

Shalom. Namaste. Salaam.

There is the consideration of what is the most important number.

For example, what is the most important number in Judaism? What is the most important number in Hinduism? Many may suggest that the most important number within Judaism is 1, representing the Oneness of Hashem. And many may similarly suggest that the most important number within Hinduism is also 1, similarly representing the Oneness of Brahman.

Yet, within Judaism, the number 12 also maintains a certain significance; considering the 12 Tribes of Israel. And within Hinduism, there is the significance of the number 0, perhaps maintaining some implication of the perception of reincarnation. Yet, there may be an intrinsic, perhaps even an esoteric, similarity between these two numbers: the literally cyclic nature of 0, representing the annual cycle of nature and the seasons; as well as the 12 cycles of the Moon amidst the one cycle of the Earth around the Sun, also representing the annual cycle of nature and the seasons.

It may be considered that within Christianity, 3 is the most significant number, representing the Trinity of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

It may be considered that the number 10 also maintains certain, intrinsic significance throughout humanity, utilised as a base system for calculations.

These are just some peripheral considerations.

Love and Peace,


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