Torah Trivia for Parshah 19. Terumah (Questions Only)
שלום.नमस्ते.สมาธิ.Pax.سلم.Peace.Sat Nam.صلح.Kwey.Amani.ειρήνη.Pace.Paz.Paix.Fred.Frieden.Vrede.Siochana.мир.امن.和平.平和.평화.Aloha.
1.) What are the basic materials that Adonai commands to Moshe for the Israelites to contribute for the construction of the sanctuary: a.) gold; b.) silver; c.) copper; d.) blue, purple, and crimson yarns; e.) fine linen; f.) goats' hair; g.) tanned rams' skins; h.) dolphins skins; i.) acacia wood; j.) oil for lighting; k.) spices for anointing oil and incense; and/or, l.) lapis lazuli and additional stones?
2.) From what type of wood is the ark made; with what is the wood covered; and what additional, immediate accessories are to be added to the ark?
3.) Within this Parshah, how many "prominent" items are commanded to be constructed, and what are these "prominent" items?
4.) Amidst all the accessories of these "prominent" items, described in question #3, which items are made without gold?
5.) What pattern is to be woven into the tapestry of the Tabernacle and the inner curtain?
6.) From what material is the tent cover over the Tabernacle to be made?
7.) How long is a "cubit;" and what are the respective, commanded dimensions of: a.) the Ark; b.) the cover for the Ark; c.) the table for the bread of display; d.) the tapestries of the Tabernacle; e.) the Tabernacle cover; f.) the altar; and, g.) the courtyard enclosure around the Tabernacle?
8.) Regarding the framework for the Tabernacle: a.) from what material are the planks and bars to be made; b.) how many planks and bars are to be made; c.) what are to be the dimensions of the planks and the Tabernacle; d.) and what additional accessories are included with the framework of the Tabernacle?
9.) a.) From what material is the inner partition within the Tabernacle to be made and what purpose is it to serve; and b.) from what material is the outer screen to be made, and what is to be a distinguishing characteristic between the material of the inner partition and the outer screen?
10.) a.) On what side is the entrance to the Tabernacle to be located; b.) on what sides of the Tabernacle are the Menorah and the table for the bread of display to be respectively placed; and c.) on what side is the entrance to the courtyard enclosure to be located?
11.) What is final item, within Parshah Terumah, that is commanded to be constructed?
12.) Which 2 items, respectively described within the proceeding Parshot of "Tetzaveh" and "Ki Tissa," are also commanded to be included within the Tabernacle and the courtyard enclosure around the Tabernacle: a.) a gold-covered incense altar; b.) a copper wash basin; c.) a golden calf; d.) platinum stars; e.) ice sculptures; f.) diamond rings; g.) Ruby Tuesdays?
Torah Trivia for Parshah 19. Terumah (with Answers)
1.) What are the basic materials that Adonai commands to Moshe for the Israelites to contribute for the construction of the sanctuary: a.) gold; b.) silver; c.) copper; d.) blue, purple, and crimson yarns; e.) fine linen; f.) goats' hair; g.) tanned rams' skins; h.) dolphins skins; i.) acacia wood; j.) oil for lighting; k.) spices for anointing oil and incense; and/or, l.) lapis lazuli and additional stones?
Answer: The answer is "m.)": all the above:
"And these are the gifts that you shall accept from them: gold, silver, and copper; blue, purple, and crimson yarns, fine linen, goats' hair; tanned ram skins, dolphin skins, and acacia wood; oil for lighting, spices for the anointing oil and for the aromatic incense; lapis lazuli and other stones for setting, for the ephod and for the breastpiece. And let them make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them." (Shemot 25:3 - 8).
2.) From what type of wood is the ark made; with what is the wood covered; and what additional, immediate accessories are to be added to the ark?
Answer: The ark is made of acacia wood (Shemot 25:10); the ark is covered with gold (Shemot 25:11); and, in addition to the gold-covered ark, there are to be: a gold molding; 4 gold rings, attached to the feet of the ark; and 2 poles, also of gold-covered acacia wood (Shemot 25:10 - 16).
3.) Within this Parshah, how many "prominent" items are commanded to be constructed, and what are these "prominent" items?
Answer: Within "Terumah," the proceeding 8 (and arguably 9 and otherwise) "prominent" items are commanded to be constructed:
1.) The Ark, to hold the Covenant (Shemot 25:10 - 16);
2.) The cover for the Ark, with the 2 cherubim (Shemot 25:17 - 22);
3.) The table for the bread of display, with its accessories and instruments (Shemot 25:23 - 30);
4.) The Menorah, with its accessories (Shemot 25:31 - 40);
5.) The Tabernacle, with its accessories and its tent covering (Shemot 26:1 - 14); and with its inner curtain and outer screen, and accessories (Shemot 26:31 - 37);
6.) The frames for the Tabernacle, with the accessories (Shemot 26:15 - 30);
7.) The Altar, with its accessories and instruments (Shemot 27:1 - 8);
8.) The courtyard enclosure around the Tabernacle, with its accessories (Shemot 27:9 - 19);
And, arguably, 9.) the Tablets of the Covenant that Adonai references within the beginning of this Parshah, are to be constructed by Adonai (Shemot 25:16); and to be further and similarly technical, there is also to be the construction of the "bread of display" (Shemot 25:30);
And, admittedly, there may be argumentation regarding the proceeding items being similarly described as distinctly "prominent": the cover of the Ark, the frames for the Tabernacle, and perhaps the courtyard enclosure around the Tabernacle.
4.) Amidst all the accessories of these "prominent" items, described in question #3, which items are made without gold?
Answer: The Altar and the courtyard enclosure around the Tabernacle are made without gold:
1.) The Ark, and all its accessories, are to be made with, or covered with, gold (Shemot 25:10 - 16);
2.) The cover for the Ark, and its cherubim, are to be made with gold (Shemot 25:17 - 22);
3.) The table for the bread of display, and all its accessories and instruments are to be made with, or covered with, gold (Shemot 25:23 - 30);
4.) The Menorah, and its accessories, are to be made with gold (Shemot 25:31 - 40);
5.) Whilst the Tabernacle, and its tent covering, are to predominantly consist of fabric and animal materials (linen cloth, goats' hair, wool, ram skins, and dolphin skins) and copper accessories (Shemot 26:1 - 14), the Tabernacle is also to consist of 50 gold clasps (Shemot 26:6), the inner curtain is to include wooden posts, covered with gold, and gold hooks (Shemot 26:32), and outer screen is also to be made with wooden posts, covered with gold, and gold hooks (Shemot 26:37);
6.) Whilst the frame for the Tabernacle predominantly consists of acacia wood and silver sockets (Shemot 26:15 - 30), the wood planks and bars for the frame of the Tabernacle are to be covered with gold, and the ring holders are to be made with gold (Shemot 26:29);
7.) The Altar, and all its instruments, are to be made with, or covered with, copper (Shemot 27:1 - 8);
8.) The courtyard enclosure around the Tabernacle, and its accessories, are to include silver and copper, rather than gold (Shemot 27:9 - 19);
And it may be considered that the Tablets of the Covenant, and the bread of display are presumably to also be made without gold.
5.) What pattern is to be woven into the tapestry of the Tabernacle and the inner curtain?
Answer: The Tabernacle is to be woven with the pattern of cherubim (Shemot 26:1, 31).
6.) From what material is the tent cover over the Tabernacle to be made?
Answer: The tent over the Tabernacle is to be made with goats' hair (Shemot 26:7), with a covering made from tanned ram skins, and a covering of dolphin skins (Shemot 26:14).
7.) How long is a "cubit;" and what are the respective, commanded dimensions of: a.) the Ark; b.) the cover for the Ark; c.) the table for the bread of display; d.) the tapestries of the Tabernacle; e.) the Tabernacle cover; f.) the altar; and, g.) the courtyard enclosure around the Tabernacle?
Answer: Whilst the actual length of a cubit (“אמה,” "ammah") is described as the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger of a normal sized man, this distance is excluded from being explicitly described within the Torah; the distance is described, within contemporary measures as approximately 50 centimeters, as well as, 1 1/2 feet;
a.) The Ark is to have: a length of 2 1/2 ammot, a width of 1 1/2 ammot, and a height of 1 1/2 ammot; 125 x 75 x 75cm; 3.75 x 2.25 x 2.25' (Shemot 25:10);
b.) The cover for the Ark is to have: a length of 2 1/2 ammot and a width of 1 1/2 ammot; 125 x 75cm; 3.75 x 2.25' (Shemot 25:17);
c.) The table for the bread of display is to have: a length of 2 ammot, a width of 1 ammah, and a height of 1 1/2 ammot; 100 x 50 x 75cm; 3 x 1.5 x 2.25' (Shemot 25:23);
d.) The Tabernacle is to consist of 10 linen cloth, with each cloth having: a length of 28 ammot and a width of 4 ammot; 1400 x 200cm; 42 x 6'; perhaps making the aggregate dimensions: 28 ammot long and 40 ammot wide; 1400 x 2000cm; 42 x 60' (Shemot 26:1 - 2);
e.) The tent cover for the Tabernacle is to include 11 goats' hair cloths, with each having: a length of 30 ammot and a width of 4 ammot; 1500 x 200cm; 45 x 6'; perhaps making the aggregate dimensions: 30 ammot long and 44 ammot wide; 1500 x 2200cm; 45 x 66' (Shemot 26:7 - 9);
f.) The Altar is to have: a length of 5 ammot, a width of 5 ammot, and a height of 3 ammot; 250 x 250 x 150cm; 7.5 x 7.5 x 4.5' (Shemot 27:1);
g.) The courtyard enclosure around the Tabernacle is to have: a length of 100 ammot, a width of 50 ammot, a height of 5 ammot, and a centrally positioned, Eastern entrance gate of 20 ammot; 5000 x 2500 x 250, 1000cm; 150 x 75 x 7.5, 30' (Shemot 27:9 - 18).
8.) Regarding the framework for the Tabernacle: a.) from what material are the planks and bars to be made; b.) how many planks and bars are to be made; c.) what are to be the dimensions of the planks and the Tabernacle; d.) and what additional accessories are included with the framework of the Tabernacle?
a.) The planks and the bars of the Tabernacle are to be made with acacia wood, covered with gold (Shemot 26:1, 26, 29);
b.) There are to be 48 planks and 15 bars (Shemot 26:18 - 25, 26 - 27);
c.) The planks are to be 10 ammot long, 1 1/2 ammot wide; 500 x 75cm; 15 x 2.25' (Shemot 26:16); with 20 planks raised along the Northern side, 20 planks raised along the Southern side (and presumably 8 planks raised along the Western side), with an open entrance on the Eastern side; making the aggregate dimensions of the Tabernacle: 30 ammot long, (presumably 12 ammot wide), and 10 ammot high; 1500 x (600) x 500cm; 45 x (18) x 15' (Shemot 26:15 - 30);
d.) The framework of the Tabernacle also includes: tenons, silver sockets, and gold ring holders (Shemot 26:15 - 30).
9.) a.) From what material is the inner partition within the Tabernacle to be made and what purpose is it to serve; and b.) from what material is the outer screen to be made, and what is to be a distinguishing characteristic between the material of the inner partition and the outer screen?
a.) The inner partition is to be made from blue, purple, and crimson linen yarn (Shemot 26:31), and the stated purpose for the inner partition is explained in the proceeding manner:
"Hang the curtain under the clasps, and carry the Ark of the Pact there, behind the curtain, so that the curtain shall serve you as a partition between the Holy and the Holy of Holies." (Shemot 26:33);
b.) The outer screen is to be made from blue, purple, and crimson linen yarn (Shemot 26:36); and the distinguishing characteristic of the material is that the embroidery of the inner partition is to include cherubim, and the outer screen is to be without such (Shemot 26:31); also, the inner partition includes 4 posts with silver sockets, and the outer screen includes 5 posts with copper sockets (Shemot 26:32, 37).
10.) a.) On what side is the entrance to the Tabernacle to be located; b.) on what sides of the Tabernacle are the Menorah and the table for the bread of display to be respectively placed; and c.) on what side is the entrance to the courtyard enclosure to be located?
a.) The entrance to the Tabernacle is to be located on the Eastern side (Shemot 26:18 - 25);
b.) The Menorah is to be placed inside, near the Southern wall of the Tabernacle, and the table for the bread of display is to be placed inside, near the Northern wall of the Tabernacle (Shemot 26:35);
c.) The entrance to the courtyard enclosure is to be located on the Eastern side (Shemot 27:13 - 16).
11.) What is final item, within Parshah Terumah, that is commanded to be constructed?
Answer: The final item commanded to be constructed is the courtyard enclosure for the Tabernacle (Shemot 27:9 - 18); although, technically, the final items that are referenced within Parshah Terumah are the copper utensils for the Tabernacle, in addition to the copper accessories for the courtyard enclosure (Shemot 27:19).
12.) Which 2 items, respectively described within the proceeding Parshot of "Tetzaveh" and "Ki Tissa," are also commanded to be included within the Tabernacle and the courtyard enclosure around the Tabernacle: a.) a gold-covered incense altar; b.) a copper wash basin; c.) a golden calf; d.) platinum stars; e.) ice sculptures; f.) diamond rings; g.) Ruby Tuesdays?
Answer: The answer is "a.)" and "b.)", a gold-covered incense altar, and a copper wash basin (Shemot 30:1 - 10, 17 - 21); although, there is also appreciation for recently born cows that may have a moderate colour of hair, platinum, stars, ice, artistic works, diamonds, rings, and inviting places to gather with family and friends for a meal, with a salad buffet.
Discussion Questions:
What is the deal with the cherubim moldings on the cover for the Ark and the cherubim patterns within the fabric for the Tabernacle tapestries and inner partition curtain, as well as the horns on the Altar; do such items contravene the mitzvot to abstain from making any graven image within the spectrum between the polarities of pantheistic idol worship and atheistic denial of the Divine, where do these items exist?
Whilst Moshe is receiving these directions, from Adonai, to construct the Ark, the Tabernacle, and everything else, the Israelites are in the process of constructing the golden calf; it may also be considered that Adonai already provides Moshe, and the Israelites, with the "10 Commandments," yet the details for the Ark, Tabernacle, and additional items seem to be new; amidst these considerations, can there be any metaphysical, esoteric connexion between the command for constructing the Ark, Tabernacle, et al, and the construction of the golden calf (perhaps even only as a dissonant telepathic connexion that is garbled amidst the celebratory, yet stagnant, nature of the Israelites waiting for Moshe)?
How are the materials of the Tabernacle, particularly the woven materials, maintained throughout the journey within wilderness, specifically considering the dust, mud, ashes, blood from animal sacrifices, and additionally?
Is there any esoteric significance and/or distinctions within gold, silver, copper; what are similar considerations for goats' hair, tanned ram skins, dolphin skins; and what are considerations for fine, twisted linen, and the colours of blue, purple, and crimson?
Is there any significance regarding the directional orientation (East, West, North, South) of the Tabernacle: where the Ark, Altar, Entrances, and additional items are located?
Is there intentional and/or intrinsic connexion between the outer courtyard of the tabernacle and the traditional practise of the eruv?

Images are Provided from Wikipedia
(an illustration of the Mishkan, with accurate, corresponding measurements is difficult to find by the time of sending this correspondence)
May Peace and Blessings of the Highest Authority we respectively recognise, known by many names, including God, El Shaddai, Elohim, Adonai, Hashem, Brahman, Nirvana, Dharma, Karma, Tao, Gud, Dieu, Dios, Deus Dominus, Jah, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Infinity, Logic, Wakan Tanka, Ultimate Reality, and additionally, be upon the Rishis, Moshe, the Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, the Universe, Baha’u’llah, Guru Nanak, Zarathustra, Avraham, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Indigenous, Tainoterranea, Asia, Europe, Mediterranea, and Africa.
שלום.नमस्ते.สมาธิ.Pax.سلم.Peace.Sat Nam.صلح.Kwey.Amani.ειρήνη.Pace.Paz.Paix.Fred.Frieden.Vrede.Siochana.мир.امن.和平.平和.평화.Aloha.
ૐ. אמן.
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