Torah Trivia Study for
Parashah 50. Ki Tavo (Questions Only)
1.) Can you describe what Israelis are commanded
to offer when entering Eretz Israel (as described within the opening of Parashah
Ki Tavo?
2.) Amidst offering the bikkurim basket, Israelis
are commanded to make a declaration; can
you identify which of these phrases is the beginning of that declaration:
“I now bring the first fruits of the soil which You, O LORD, have given
“(Adonai) brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing
with milk and honey.”;
c.) “The LORD freed us from Egypt by a mighty
hand, by an outstretched arm and awesome power, and by signs and portents.”;
d.) “We cried to the LORD, the God of our
fathers, and the LORD heard our plea and saw our plight, our misery, and our
“The Egyptians dealt harshly with us and oppressed us.”; or
“My father was a fugitive Aramean.”?
3.) Can you describe in what year, upon arriving
within Eretz Israel, Israelis are to provide a special tithe for Levis,
foreigners, orphans, and widows (according to Devarim 26:12): a.) 1st
year; b.) 2nd year; c.) 3rd
year; d.) 4th year; e.) 5th
year; f.) 6th year; g.) 7th
year; h.) 50th year; and/or every year?
4.) Can you describe what item(s) Moshe commands
Israelis to place atop Mount Ebal:
The original tablets with 10
b.) Moshe’s eventual remains;
c.) Yosef’s remains;
Large, plastered stones upon which the mitzvot are written;
e.) The Mishkan;
An olive tree;
A container of Manna; and/or,
Scrolls with happy thoughts;
5.) Can you describe 1.) which 6 tribes are to stand atop Mount
Gerizim amidst the blessings for Israel;
and 2.) which 6 tribes are to
stand atop Mount Ebal amidst the curses towards Israel:
h.) Manasseh;
i.) Shimon;
j.) Levi;
k.) Yudah;
l.) Issachar;
m.) Yosef;
n.) Benyamin;
o.) Israel?
6.) Can you place the proceeding “12 Curses” in
the appropriate sequence?
“Cursed be he who lies with any beast.”;
“Cursed be he who insults his father or mother.”;
“Cursed be he who moves his fellow countryman’s landmark.”;
“Cursed be he who will not uphold the terms of this Teaching and observe
“Cursed be he who strikes down his fellow countryman in secret.”;
f.) “Cursed be he who misdirects a blind person
on his way.”;
g.) “Cursed be anyone who makes a sculptured or
molten image, abhorred by the LORD, a craftsman’s handiwork, and sets it up in
“Cursed be he who accepts a bribe in the case of the murder of an
innocent person.”;
“Cursed be he who subverts the rights of the stranger, the fatherless,
and the widow.”;
“Cursed be he who lies with his father’s wife, for he has removed his
father’s garment.”;
“Cursed be he who lies with his sister, whether daughter of his father
or of his mother.”; and,
“Cursed be he who lies with his mother-in-law.”?
7.) Amidst the listing of blessings for
obedience, can you describe which of these blessings has a coinciding curse for
“Blessed shall you be in the city…” (Devarim 28:3);
“(Blessed) shall you be in the country.” (Devarim 28:3);
“Blessed shall be the issue of your womb,” (Devarim 28:4);
“(Blessed shall be) the produce of your soil,” (Devarim 28:4);
e.) “(Blessed shall be) the offspring of your
cattle, the calving of your herd and the lambing of your flock.” (Devarim 28:4);
“Blessed shall be your basket…” (Devarim 28:5);
g.) “(Blessed shall be) your kneading bowl.” (Devarim 28:5);
“Blessed shall you be in your comings…”
(Devarim 28:6); and/or,
“(Blessed) shall you be in your goings.”
(Devarim 28:6)?
8.) Amidst the proceeding blessing for obedience
to Adonai’s mitzvot:
LORD will put to rout before you the enemies who attack you; they will march out against you by a single
road, but flee from you by many roads.”
(Devarim 28:7);
you identify which of these phrases is/are an actual, subsequent curse(s) for
disobedience towards Adonai’s mitzvot, described within Parashah Ki Tavo:
being routed, in many different directions, by enemies;
having all the security walls of Israel fall down;
being vaporised by trans-galactic alien civilisations;
being transformed into cattle and herded by foreign nations;
e.) consuming one’s own defecation, caused by the
fear of one’s enemy, as the only source of nutrition;
swimming endlessly into the Seas to escape the enemy; and/or,
perpetually mutilating one’s own flesh from fear of the enemy?
9.) Amidst the proceeding blessing for obedience
to Adonai’s mitzvot:
“The LORD will give
you abounding prosperity in the issue of your womb, the offspring of your
cattle, and the produce of your soil in the land that the LORD swore to your
fathers to assign to you.” (Devarim
you identify which of these phrases is/are an actual, subsequent curse(s) for
disobedience towards Adonai’s mitzvot, described within Parashah Ki Tavo:
slaughtering of one’s ox, and abduction of one’s ass and flock;
abduction of one’s children;
being abused whilst foreigners consume the local produce;
produce being unproductive and eaten by locust;
grapes of the vineyard being consumed by worms;
olive trees yielding an absence of any olive oil;
children being taken into captivity;
trees and plants being overrun by crickets;
a foreign nation devouring all the cattle and produce;
eating one’s own children;
the most genteel man greedily hoarding the flesh of his children for himself
to consume; and/or,
l.) the most delicate woman greedily hoarding the
afterbirth amidst her consumption of her newborn babies?
10.) Amidst the proceeding blessing for obedience
to Adonai’s mitzvot:
“The LORD will open
for you (Adonai’s) bounteous store, the heavens, to provide rain for your land
in season and to bless all your undertakings.”
(Devarim 28:12);
you identify which of these phrases is/are an actual, subsequent curse(s) for
disobedience towards Adonai’s mitzvot, described within Parashah Ki Tavo:
Rivers turning into blood;
An overwhelming flood overtaking the entirety of Eretz Israel;
Rivers and wells being contaminated with unclean discharge;
Frogs overtaking wells and rivers;
Skies turning into cooper, and the Earth turning into iron; and/or,
Rain turning into dust, and sand falling from the Sky?
11.) Amidst the proceeding blessing for obedience
to Adonai’s mitzvot:
“The LORD will
ordain blessings for you upon your barns and upon all your undertakings. (Adonai) will bless you in the land that the
LORD your God is giving you.” (Devarim
you identify which of these phrases is/are an actual, subsequent curse(s) for
disobedience towards Adonai’s mitzvot, described within Parashah Ki Tavo:
Being continually extorted within every enterprise;
Being outwitted into disadvantages enterprises;
Being discouraged into unfavourable comprises within every enterprise;
Failing within every enterprise;
Floundering without any innovative enterprises?
12.) Amidst the proceeding blessing for obedience
to Adonai’s mitzvot:
“You will be creditor to many nations,
but debtor to none.
“The LORD will make
you the head, not the tail; you will
always be at the top and never at the bottom—if only you obey and faithfully
observe the commandments of the LORD your God that I enjoin upon you this
day,” (Devarim 28:12 – 13);
you identify which of these phrases is/are an actual, subsequent curse(s) for
disobedience towards Adonai’s mitzvot, described within Parashah Ki Tavo:
a.) Miscalculating issued debt and experiencing
financial ruin;
Miscalculating accrued debt and experiencing perpetual financial
Becoming financially indebted to strangers;
d.) Becoming financially insolvent because of a
lack of diversity within one’s portfolio amidst turbulent economic conditions; and/or,
Losing all one’s material possessions through financial bankruptcy?
Torah Trivia Study for
Parashah 50. Ki Tavo 119.1.2 (with
1.) Can you describe what Israelis are commanded
to offer when entering Eretz Israel (as described within the opening of Parashah
Ki Tavo?
“When you enter the
land that the LORD your God is giving you as a heritage, and you possess it and
settle in it, you shall take some of every first fruit of the soil, which you
harvest from the land that the LORD your God is giving you, put it in a basket
and go to the place where the LORD your God will choose to establish (Adonai’s)
name.” (Devarim 26:1 – 2).
2.) Amidst offering the bikkurim basket, Israelis
are commanded to make a declaration; can
you identify which of these phrases is the beginning of that declaration:
“I now bring the first fruits of the soil which You, O LORD, have given
“(Adonai) brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing
with milk and honey.”;
c.) “The LORD freed us from Egypt by a mighty
hand, by an outstretched arm and awesome power, and by signs and portents.”;
d.) “We cried to the LORD, the God of our
fathers, and the LORD heard our plea and saw our plight, our misery, and our
“The Egyptians dealt harshly with us and oppressed us.”; or
“My father was a fugitive Aramean.”?
Answer: The answer is: f.):
“My father was a fugitive Aramean”;
the sequence of options is actually (generally) in reverse order:
“You shall then
recite as follows before the LORD your God:
‘My father was a fugitive Aramean.
He went down to Egypt with meagre numbers and sojourned there; but there he became a great and very populous
nation. The Egyptians dealt harshly with
us and oppressed us; they imposed heavy
labor upon us. We cried to the LORD, the
God of our fathers, and the LORD heard our plea and saw our plight, our misery
and our oppression. The LORD freed us
from Egypt by a mighty hand, by an outstretched arm and awesome power, and by
signs and portents. He brought us to
this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey. Wherefore I now bring the first fruits of the
soil with You, O LORD, have given me.”
(Devarim 26:5 – 10).
3.) Can you describe in what year, upon arriving
within Eretz Israel, Israelis are to provide a special tithe for Levis,
foreigners, orphans, and widows (according to Devarim 26:12): a.) 1st
year; b.) 2nd year; c.) 3rd
year; d.) 4th year; e.) 5th
year; f.) 6th year; g.) 7th
year; h.) 50th year; and/or every year?
Answer: The answer is: c.)
the 3rd year; however,
I am also in the camp with those who say every year J:
“When you have set
aside a full tenth part of your yield—in the third year, the year of the
tithe—and have given it to the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the
widow, that they may eat their fill in your settlements, you shall declare
before the LORD you God: ‘I have cleared
out the consecrated portion from the house;
and I have given it to the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the
widow, just as You commanded me;’”
(Devarim 26:12 – 13).
4.) Can you describe what item(s) Moshe commands
Israelis to place atop Mount Ebal:
The original tablets with 10
b.) Moshe’s eventual remains;
c.) Yosef’s remains;
Large, plastered stones upon which the mitzvot are written;
e.) The Mishkan;
An olive tree;
A container of Manna; and/or,
Scrolls with happy thoughts;
Answer: The answer is: d.)
large, plastered stones upon which the mitzvot are written:
“As soon as you
have crossed the (Yordan) into the land that the LORD your God is giving you,
you shall set up large stones. Coat them
with plaster and inscribe upon them all the words of this Teaching. When you cross over to enter the land that
the LORD your God is giving you, a land flowing with milk and honey, as the
LORD, the God of your fathers, promised you—upon crossing the (Yordan), you
shall set up these stones, about which I charge you this day, on Mount Ebal, and
coat them with plaster. There, too, you
shall build an altar to the LORD your God, an altar of stones. Do not wield an iron tool over them; you must build the altar of the LORD your God
of unhewn stones. You shall offer on it
burnt offerings to the LORD your God, and you shall sacrifice there offerings
of well-being and eat them, rejoicing before the LORD your God. And on those stones you shall inscribe every
word of this Teaching most distinctly.”
(Devarim 27:2 – 8).
5.) Can you describe 1.) which 6 tribes are to stand atop Mount
Gerizim amidst the blessings for Israel;
and 2.) which 6 tribes are to
stand atop Mount Ebal amidst the curses towards Israel:
h.) Manasseh;
i.) Shimon;
j.) Levi;
k.) Yudah;
l.) Issachar;
m.) Yosef;
n.) Benyamin;
o.) Israel?
Answer: The answer is:
1.) The 6 tribes to stand atop Moutn Gerizim
amidst the blessings for Israel are: i.) Shimon;
j.) Levi; k.) Yudah; l.) Issachar; m.)
Yosef; and, n.) Benyamin;
2.) The 6 tribes to stand atop Mount Ebal amidst
the curses towards Israel are: a.) Reuven;
b.) Gad; c.)
Asher; e.) Zevulun;
f.) Dan; and, g.)
“After you have
crossed the (Yordan), the following shall stand on Mount Gerizim when the
blessing for the people is spoken:
(Shimon), Levi, (Yudah), Issachar, (Yosef), and (Benyamin). And for the curse, the following shall stand
on Mount Ebal: (Reuven), Gad, Asher,
(Zevulun), Dan, and Naphtali.” (Devarim
27:12 – 13).
6.) Can you place the proceeding “12 Curses” in
the appropriate sequence?
“Cursed be he who lies with any beast.”;
“Cursed be he who insults his father or mother.”;
“Cursed be he who moves his fellow countryman’s landmark.”;
“Cursed be he who will not uphold the terms of this Teaching and observe
“Cursed be he who strikes down his fellow countryman in secret.”;
f.) “Cursed be he who misdirects a blind person
on his way.”;
g.) “Cursed be anyone who makes a sculptured or
molten image, abhorred by the LORD, a craftsman’s handiwork, and sets it up in
“Cursed be he who accepts a bribe in the case of the murder of an
innocent person.”;
“Cursed be he who subverts the rights of the stranger, the fatherless,
and the widow.”;
“Cursed be he who lies with his father’s wife, for he has removed his
father’s garment.”;
“Cursed be he who lies with his sister, whether daughter of his father
or of his mother.”; and,
“Cursed be he who lies with his mother-in-law.”?
Answer: The correct sequence is: g.);
b.); c.); f.);
i.); j.); a.); k.); l.);
e.); h.); and, d.):
“Cursed be anyone
who makes a sculptured or molten image, abhorred by the LORD, a craftsman’s
handiwork, and sets it up in secret—And all the people shall respond, Amen.
“Cursed be he who insults his father
or mother.—And all the people shall say, Amen.
“Cursed be he who moves his fellow
countryman’s landmark.—And all the people shall say, Amen.
“Cursed be he who misdirects a blind
person on his way.—And all the people shall say, Amen.
“Cursed be he who
subverts the rights of the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow.—And all the
people shall say, Amen.
“Cursed be he who
lies with his father’s wife, for he has removed his father’s garment.—And all
the people shall say, Amen.
“Cursed be he who lies with any
beast.—And all the people shall say, Amen.
“Cursed be he who lies
with his sister, whether daughter of his father or of his mother.—And all the
people shall say, Amen.
“Cursed be he who lies with his
mother-in-law.—And all the people shall say, Amen.
“Cursed be he who strikes down his
fellow countryman in secret.—And all the people shall say, Amen.
“Cursed be he who
accepts a bribe in the case of the murder of an innocent person.—And all the
people shall say, Amen.
“Cursed be he who
will not uphold the terms of this Teaching and observe them.—And all the people
shall say, Amen.” (Devarim 27:15 – 26).
7.) Amidst the listing of blessings for
obedience, can you describe which of these blessings has a coinciding curse for
“Blessed shall you be in the city…” (Devarim 28:3);
“(Blessed) shall you be in the country.” (Devarim 28:3);
“Blessed shall be the issue of your womb,” (Devarim 28:4);
“(Blessed shall be) the produce of your soil,” (Devarim 28:4);
e.) “(Blessed shall be) the offspring of your
cattle, the calving of your herd and the lambing of your flock.” (Devarim 28:4);
“Blessed shall be your basket…” (Devarim 28:5);
g.) “(Blessed shall be) your kneading bowl.” (Devarim 28:5);
“Blessed shall you be in your comings…”
(Devarim 28:6); and/or,
“(Blessed) shall you be in your goings.”
(Devarim 28:6)?
Answer: The answer is i.): “All the above”:
“Cursed shall you be in the city and
cursed shall you be in the country.
“Cursed shall be your basket and your
kneading bowl.
“Cursed shall be
the issue of your womb and the produce of your soil, the calving of your herd
and the lambing of your flock.
“Cursed shall you be in your comings
and cursed shall you be in your goings.”
(Devarim 28:16 – 19).
8.) Amidst the proceeding blessing for obedience
to Adonai’s mitzvot:
LORD will put to rout before you the enemies who attack you; they will march out against you by a single
road, but flee from you by many roads.”
(Devarim 28:7);
you identify which of these phrases is/are an actual, subsequent curse(s) for
disobedience towards Adonai’s mitzvot, described within Parashah Ki Tavo:
being routed, in many different directions, by enemies;
having all the security walls of Israel fall down;
being vaporised by trans-galactic alien civilisations;
being transformed into cattle and herded by foreign nations;
e.) consuming one’s own defecation, caused by the
fear of one’s enemy, as the only source of nutrition;
swimming endlessly into the Seas to escape the enemy; and/or,
perpetually mutilating one’s own flesh from fear of the enemy?
Answer: The answer is: a.) and
“The LORD will put
you to rout before your enemies; you
shall march out against them by a single road, but flee from them by many
roads; and you shall become a horror to
all the kingdoms of the earth.” (Devarim
“It shall shut you
up in all your towns throughout your land until every mighty, towering wall in
which you trust has come down.” (Devarim
9.) Amidst the proceeding blessing for obedience
to Adonai’s mitzvot:
“The LORD will give
you abounding prosperity in the issue of your womb, the offspring of your
cattle, and the produce of your soil in the land that the LORD swore to your
fathers to assign to you.” (Devarim
you identify which of these phrases is/are an actual, subsequent curse(s) for
disobedience towards Adonai’s mitzvot, described within Parashah Ki Tavo:
slaughtering of one’s ox, and abduction of one’s ass and flock;
abduction of one’s children;
being abused whilst foreigners consume the local produce;
produce being unproductive and eaten by locust;
grapes of the vineyard being consumed by worms;
olive trees yielding an absence of any olive oil;
children being taken into captivity;
trees and plants being overrun by crickets;
a foreign nation devouring all the cattle and produce;
eating one’s own children;
the most genteel man greedily hoarding the flesh of his children for himself
to consume; and/or,
l.) the most delicate woman greedily hoarding the
afterbirth amidst her consumption of her newborn babies?
Answer: The answer is: m.) “All
the above”:
“Your ox shall be
slaughtered before your eyes, but you shall not eat of it, your ass shall be
seized in front of you, and it shall not be returned to you; your flock shall be delivered to your
enemies, with none to help you.”
(Devarim 28:31);
“Your sons and
daughters shall be delivered to another people, while you look on; and your eyes shall strain for them
constantly, but you shall be helpless.”
(Devarim 28:32);
“A people you do
not know shall eat up the produce of your soil and all your gains; you shall be abused and downtrodden
continually,” (Devarim 28:33);
“Though you take
much seed out to the field, you shall gather in little, for the locust shall
consume it.” (Devarim 28:38);
“Though you plant
vineyards and till them, you shall have no wine to drink or store, for the worm
shall devour them.” (Devarim 28:39);
“Though you have
olive trees throughout your territory, you shall have no oil for anointment,
for your olives shall drop off.”
(Devarim 28:40);
“Though you beget
sons and daughters, they shall not remain with you, for they shall go into
captivity.” (Devarim 28:41);
“The cricket shall take over all the
trees and produce of your land.”
(Devarim 28:42);
“It shall devour
the offspring of your cattle and the produce of your soil, until you have been
wiped out, leaving you nothing of new grain, wine, or oil, of the calving of
your herds and the lambing of your flocks, until it has brought you to
ruin.” (Devarim 28:51);
“(You) shall eat
your own issue, the flesh of your sons and daughters that the LORD your God has
assigned to you, because of the desperate straits to which your enemy shall
reduce you.” (Devarim 28:53);
“He who is most
tender and fastidious among you shall be too mean to his brother and the wife
of his bosom and the children he has spared to share with any of them the flesh
of the children that he eats, because he has nothing else left as a result of the
desperate straits to which your enemy shall reduce you in all your towns.” (Devarim 28:54 – 55);
“And she who is
most tender and dainty among you, so tender and dainty that she would never
venture to set a foot on the ground, shall begrudge the husband of her bosom,
and her son and her daughter, the afterbirth that issues from between her legs
and the babies she bears; she shall eat
them secretly, because of utter want, in the desperate straits to which your enemy
shall reduce you in your towns.” (Devarim
28:56 – 57).
10.) Amidst the proceeding blessing for obedience
to Adonai’s mitzvot:
“The LORD will open
for you (Adonai’s) bounteous store, the heavens, to provide rain for your land
in season and to bless all your undertakings.”
(Devarim 28:12);
you identify which of these phrases is/are an actual, subsequent curse(s) for
disobedience towards Adonai’s mitzvot, described within Parashah Ki Tavo:
Rivers turning into blood;
An overwhelming flood overtaking the entirety of Eretz Israel;
Rivers and wells being contaminated with unclean discharge;
Frogs overtaking wells and rivers;
Skies turning into cooper, and the Earth turning into iron; and/or,
Rain turning into dust, and sand falling from the Sky?
Answer: The answer is: e.)
and f.):
“The skies above your head shall be
copper and the earth under you iron.”
(Devarim 28:23);
“The LORD will make
the rain of your land dust, and sand shall drop on you from the sky, until you
are wiped out.” (Devarim 28:24).
11.) Amidst the proceeding blessing for obedience
to Adonai’s mitzvot:
“The LORD will
ordain blessings for you upon your barns and upon all your undertakings. (Adonai) will bless you in the land that the
LORD your God is giving you.” (Devarim
you identify which of these phrases is/are an actual, subsequent curse(s) for
disobedience towards Adonai’s mitzvot, described within Parashah Ki Tavo:
Being continually extorted within every enterprise;
Being outwitted into disadvantages enterprises;
Being discouraged into unfavourable comprises within every enterprise;
Failing within every enterprise;
Floundering without any innovative enterprises?
Answer: The answer is: d.):
“The LORD will let
loose against you calamity, panic, and frustration in all the enterprises you
undertake, so that you shall soon be utterly wiped out because of your
evildoing in forsaking Me.” (Devarim
12.) Amidst the proceeding blessing for obedience
to Adonai’s mitzvot:
“You will be creditor to many nations,
but debtor to none.
“The LORD will make
you the head, not the tail; you will
always be at the top and never at the bottom—if only you obey and faithfully
observe the commandments of the LORD your God that I enjoin upon you this
day,” (Devarim 28:12 – 13);
you identify which of these phrases is/are an actual, subsequent curse(s) for
disobedience towards Adonai’s mitzvot, described within Parashah Ki Tavo:
a.) Miscalculating issued debt and experiencing
financial ruin;
Miscalculating accrued debt and experiencing perpetual financial
Becoming financially indebted to strangers;
d.) Becoming financially insolvent because of a
lack of diversity within one’s portfolio amidst turbulent economic conditions; and/or,
Losing all one’s material possessions through financial bankruptcy?
Answer: The answer is: c.):
“The stranger in
your midst shall rise above you higher and higher, while you sink lower and
lower: he shall be your creditor, but
you shall not be his; he shall be the
head and you the tail.” (Devarim 28:43 –
Discussion Questions:
are the implications regarding other nations amidst the designation of Israel
as Adonai’s chosen nation?
the notion of Israel lending to many nations, there is the consideration of
Israel having interaction with many nations;
which prompts the consideration of Israelis, at least for some duration,
living within other nations, voluntarily and even advantageously (beyond the
specific context of being cast-out because of disobedience to Adonai’s
commands); thus, are there any specific
guidelines regarding the behaviour that Israelis are to maintain within foreign
nations (that necessarily differ from living within Eretz Israel)?
there any intentionality with both the altar and the curses being established
atop Mount Ebal?
is the reasoning behind the specific 12 curses that are recited atop Mount
Ebal; is there any specific significance
within these curses (and the coinciding mitzvot of these curses)? Are these 12 specifically intended to address
violations that have a tendency of being comparatively hidden? How do these compare with the “10
the blessings and the curses intrinsically influence Israelis to pursue the
temporal experiences that are described within the blessings? Do temporal experiences similar to those
described within the curses necessarily signify some form of past disobedience
and/or uncleanliness on the part of those who maintain such experiences? What are the ethical inferences that are made
from observing either form of experience amidst other individuals (and amidst
ourselves); and how does this influence
the manner in which we interact with each other? Is there any limitation in discerning the
righteousness of an individual simply by observing the temporal experience of
such an individual? What is the
propensity and history of individuals working diligently to maintain the
appearance of blessings, whilst causing severe transgressions towards other
individuals (and disobedience from the mitzvot)? What teachings of compassion, benevolence,
and forgiveness are provided to balance the tendency to judge and isolate with
the responsibility to heal and love?
are the numbers of livestock and crops able to increase, in a sustainable
manner, with presumably the same area of land for Eretz Israel?
ושלום אהבא , Family and

is our Torah Trivia study for Parashah Ki Tavo.
Within this, we deal with the promise of prosperity amidst obedience to
Adonai’s mitzvot, and the prospect of dismal futility amidst disobedience to
Adonai’s mitzvot; and some of the
descriptions are rather gruesome.
featured Torah Trivia question for this Parashah is (paraphrasing): “Can you describe the opening phrase within
the declaration to be made when offering the bikkurim basket (of the first
fruits of Eretz Israel)?”
the featured Hebrew term for this Parashah is, indeed: “בכורים,” (“bikkurim,” meaning, “best of your crops”), as this
previously appears within Parashah Vayikra (Vayikra 2:14).
,ושלום אהבא

(Hebrew). Namaste (Sanskrit). Samadhi (Thai/Pali). Pax (Latin). Salaam (Arabic).
Peace (English). Sat Nam (Punjabi). Solh (Persian). Kwey (Lakotah). Amani
(Swahili). Barish (Turkish). Erieni (Greek). Pache (Italiano). Paz (Espanol).
Paix (Francais). Fred (Scandinavian). Frieden (Deutsch). Siochana (Irish). Mir
(Russian). Amin (Urdu). Heping (Mandarin). Heiwa (Japanese). Pyeonghwa
(Korean). Aloha (Hawai’ian). Peace (Common Symbol). Peace (Common Sign). Peace
(General American Sign Language). Peace (American Braille).
(Om. Amein)
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