Torah Trivia Study for
Parashah 54. Vezot Ha’berachah 119.1.20 (Questions
proceeding summaries of berachot are included for questions 1 – 12:
May he live and not die, though few be his numbers.
ב.) Let Your Thummim and Urim be with Your
faithful one, whom You tested at Massah, challenged at the waters of
Meribah; who said of his father and
mother, ‘I consider them not.’ His
brothers he disregarded, ignored his own children. Your precepts alone they observed. And kept Your covenant. They shall teach Your laws to (Yaakov), and
Your instructions to Israel. They shall
offer Your incense to savor, and whole-offerings on Your altar. Bless, O LORD, his substance, and favour his
undertakings. Smite the loins of his
foes; let his enemies rise no more.
ג.) Hear, O LORD the voice of him, and restore
him to his people. Though his own hands
strive for him, help him against his foes.
He is a lion’s whelp, that leaps forth from Bashan.
ה.) O son of Israel, sated with favour, and full
of the LORD’s blessing, take possession on the West and South.
ו.) Blessed be (Adonai) who enlarges him! Poised is he like a lion, to tear off arm and
scalp. He chose for himself the best,
for there is the portion of the revered chieftain, where the heads of the
people come. He executed the LORD’s
judgments, and (Adonai’s) decisions for Israel.
ז.) Most blessed of sons be him; may he be the favourite of his brothers, may
he dip his foot in oil. May your
doorbolts be iron and copper, and your security last all your days.
ח.) “Rejoice, son of Israel, in your tents. They invite their kin to the mountain, where
they offer sacrifices of success. For
they draw from the riches of the sea, and the hidden hoards of the sand.
ט.) Rejoice, O son of Israel, on your
journeys. They invite their kin to the
mountain, where they offer sacrifices of success. For they draw from the riches of the sea, and
the hidden hoards of the sand.
י.) “Blessed of the LORD be his land, with the
bounty of dew from heaven, and of the deep that couches below; with the bounteous yield of the sun, and the
bounteous crop of the moons; with the
best from the ancient mountains, and the bounty of hills immemorial; with the bounty of earth and its fullness,
and the favour of the Presence in the Bush.
May these rest on the head of him, on the crown of the elect of his
brothers. Like a firstling bull in his
majesty, he has horns like the horns of the wild-ox; with them he gores the peoples, the ends of
the earth one and all. These are the
myriads of his younger son, those are the thousands of elder son.
כ.) Beloved of the LORD, he rests securely beside
(Adonai); ever does (Adonai) protect
him, as he rests between (Adonai’s) shoulders.
1.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Reuven?
2.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Yudah?
3.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Levi?
4.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Benyamin?
5.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Yosef?
6.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Zevulun?
7.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Issachar?
8.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Gad?
9.) Can you describe which berachah is provided to
10.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Naphtali?
11.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Asher?
12.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Shimon?
within the spirit of Simchat Torah, the initial Torah Trivia question for the 1st
Aliyah of Parashah Beresheit (Beresheit 1:1 – 2:3) is also included:
1.) Within the story of Creation, which comes
first, water or light?
this next annual cycle of Parshiyot, the intention is to share specific
economic considerations based upon the respective topics of each Parashah; as well as identify significant and
interesting Hebrew terms within each Parashah (a specific outline of “economic
considerations” for each Parashah is being formulated). The 1st economic consideration for
Parashah Beresheit is intended to address the topic: “energy.”
Torah Trivia Study for
Parashah 54. Vezot Haberachah 119.1.20 (with Answers)
proceeding summaries of berachot are included for questions 1 – 12:
א.) May
he live and not die, though few be his numbers.
ב.) Let Your Thummim and Urim be with Your
faithful one, whom You tested at Massah, challenged at the waters of
Meribah; who said of his father and
mother, ‘I consider them not.’ His
brothers he disregarded, ignored his own children. Your precepts alone they observed. And kept Your covenant. They shall teach Your laws to (Yaakov), and
Your instructions to Israel. They shall
offer Your incense to savor, and whole-offerings on Your altar. Bless, O LORD, his substance, and favour his
undertakings. Smite the loins of his
foes; let his enemies rise no more.
ג.) Hear, O LORD the voice of him, and restore
him to his people. Though his own hands
strive for him, help him against his foes.
ד.) He
is a lion’s whelp, that leaps forth from Bashan.
ה.) O son of Israel, sated with favour, and full
of the LORD’s blessing, take possession on the West and South.
ו.) Blessed be (Adonai) who enlarges him! Poised is he like a lion, to tear off arm and
scalp. He chose for himself the best,
for there is the portion of the revered chieftain, where the heads of the
people come. He executed the LORD’s judgments,
and (Adonai’s) decisions for Israel.
ז.) Most blessed of sons be him; may he be the favourite of his brothers, may
he dip his foot in oil. May your
doorbolts be iron and copper, and your security last all your days.
ח.) “Rejoice, son of Israel, in your tents. They invite their kin to the mountain, where
they offer sacrifices of success. For
they draw from the riches of the sea, and the hidden hoards of the sand.
ט.) Rejoice, O son of Israel, on your
journeys. They invite their kin to the
mountain, where they offer sacrifices of success. For they draw from the riches of the sea, and
the hidden hoards of the sand.
י.) “Blessed of the LORD be his land, with the
bounty of dew from heaven, and of the deep that couches below; with the bounteous yield of the sun, and the
bounteous crop of the moons; with the
best from the ancient mountains, and the bounty of hills immemorial; with the bounty of earth and its fullness,
and the favour of the Presence in the Bush.
May these rest on the head of him, on the crown of the elect of his
brothers. Like a firstling bull in his
majesty, he has horns like the horns of the wild-ox; with them he gores the peoples, the ends of
the earth one and all. These are the
myriads of his younger son, those are the thousands of elder son.
כ.) Beloved of the LORD, he rests securely beside
(Adonai); ever does (Adonai) protect
him, as he rests between (Adonai’s) shoulders.
1.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Reuven?
Answer: The answer is א.):
“May (Reuven) live and not die,
“Though few be his numbers.” (Devarim
2.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Yudah?
Answer: The answer is ג.):
“And this he said of (Yudah):
“Hear, O LORD the voice of (Yudah)
“And restore him to his people.
“Though his own hands strive for him,
“Help him against his foes.” (Devarim
3.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Levi?
Answer: The answer is ב.):
“And of Levi he said:
Your Thummim and Urim
with Your faithful one,
You tested at Massah,
at the waters of Meribah;
said of his father and mother,
‘I consider them not.’
brothers he disregarded,
his own children.
precepts alone they observed.
kept Your covenant.
shall teach Your laws to (Yaakov)
Your instructions to Israel.
shall offer Your incense to savor
whole-offerings on Your altar.
O LORD, his substance,
favour his undertakings.
the loins of his foes;
his enemies rise no more.” (Devarim 33:8
– 11).
4.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Benyamin?
Answer: The answer is כ.):
“Of (Benyamin) he said:
“Beloved of the LORD,
“He rests securely beside (Adonai);
“Ever does (Adonai) protect him,
“As he rests between (Adonai’s)
shoulders.” (Devarim 33:12)
5.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Yosef?
Answer: The answer is י.):
“And of (Yosef) he said:
“Blessed of the LORD be his land
“With the bounty of dew from heaven,
“And of the deep that couches below;
“With the bounteous yield of the sun,
“And the bounteous crop of the moons;
“With the best from the ancient
“And the bounty of hills immemorial;
“With the bounty of earth and its
“And the favour of the Presence in the
“May these rest on the head of
“On the crown of the elect of his
“Like a firstling bull in his majesty,
“He has horns like the horns of the
“With them he gores the peoples,
“The ends of the earth one and all.
“These are the myriads of Ephraim,
“Those are the thousands of
Manasseh.” (Devarim 33:13 – 17).
6.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Zevulun?
Answer: The answer is ט.):
“And of Zevulun he said:
“Rejoice, O (Zevulun), on your
“And Issachar, in your tents.
“They invite their kin to the
“Where they offer sacrifices of
“For they draw from the riches of the
“And the hidden hoards of the
sand.” (Devarim 33:18 – 19).
7.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Issachar?
Answer: The answer is ח.):
“And of Zevulun he said:
“Rejoice, O (Zevulun), on your
“And Issachar, in your tents.
“They invite their kin to the
“Where they offer sacrifices of
“For they draw from the riches of the
“And the hidden hoards of the
sand.” (Devarim 33:18 – 19).
8.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Gad?
Answer: The answer is ו.):
“And of Gad he said:
“Blessed be (Adonai) who enlarges Gad!
“Poised is he like a lion
“To tear off arm and scalp.
“He chose for himself the best,
“For there is the portion of the
revered chieftain,
“Where the heads of the people come.
“He executed the LORD’s judgments
“And (Adonai’s) decisions for
Israel.” (Devarim 33:20 – 21).
9.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Dan?
Answer: The answer is ד.):
“And of Dan he said:
“Dan is a lion’s whelp
“That leaps forth from Bashan.” (Devarim 33:22).
10.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Naphtali?
Answer: The answer is ה.):
“And of Naphtali he said:
“O Naphtali, sated with favour
“And full of the LORD’s blessing,
“Take possession on the west and
south.” (Devarim 33:23).
11.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Asher?
Answer: The answer is ז.):
“And of Asher he said:
“Most blessed of sons be Asher;
“May he be the favourite of his
“May he dip his foot in oil.
“May your doorbolts be iron and
“And your security last all your
days.” (Devarim 33:24 – 25).
12.) Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Shimon?
Answer: The answer is “ל.)”: an initial consideration is that there is an
absence of a berachah for Shimon (as there is an absence of 1 specifically communicated
by Moshe for Shimon); however, within
the berachah that Moshe provides to all of Israel, at the end, it may be
considered that this also includes Shimon, and thus, this berachah is listed
“O (Yeshurun), there is none like God,
“Riding through the heavens to help
“Through the skies in (Adonai’s)
“The ancient God is a refuge,
“A support are the arms everlasting.
“(Adonai) drove out the enemy before
“By (Adonai’s) command: Destroy!
“Thus Israel dwells in safety,
“Untroubled is (Yaakov’s) abode,
“In a land of grain and wine,
“Under heavens dripping dew.
“O happy Israel! Who is like you,
“A people delivered by the LORD,
“Your protecting Shield, your Sword
“Your enemies shall come cringing before
“And you shall tread on their
backs.” (Devarim 33:26 – 29).
within the spirit of Simchat Torah, the initial Torah Trivia question for the 1st
Aliyah of Parashah Beresheit (Beresheit 1:1 – 2:3) is also included:
1.) Within the story of Creation, which comes
first, water or light?
Answer: Water is described first; Bereshit 1:2 – 3.
this next annual cycle of Parshiyot, the intention is to share specific
economic considerations based upon the respective topics of each Parashah; as well as identify significant and
interesting Hebrew terms within each Parashah (a specific outline of “economic
considerations” for each Parashah is being formulated). The 1st economic consideration for
Parashah Beresheit is intended to address the topic: “energy.”
Discussion Questions:
is there an absence of a blessing for 1 of the sons of Israel?
do Moshe’s berachot compare and contrast with Yaakov’s berachot? What are the implications of the differences?
is the significance within the order in which Moshe provides the berachot
(compared to the sequential order in which the sons are born)?
implications do the respective maternal lineages (Rachel, Leach, Zilpah, or
Milhah) of the sons of Israel have upon the respective berachah that each son
receives (from both Yaakov and from Moshe)?
there be considered any nepotism (and/or, perhaps, post-nepotism) regarding
Moshe’s berachah for the children of Levi?
If so, may there be considered Divine purpose within such favouritism? How does the favour placed upon the
descendants of Levi compare and contrast with the preceding favour that Israel
shares with Yosef and the sons of Yosef (Ephraim and Manasseh)? Presuming the accuracy of such observations,
what may be the rationalisation for the apparent shift of favouritism? And how does the subsequent prominence of the
descendants of Yudah factor within this balance?
ושלום אהבא , Family and

Torah Parashah for this week is actually Chol Hamoed Sukkot (a special reading
for the festival of Sukkot, from Shmot 33:12 – 34:26, with the Maftir reading
from within B’midbar 29:17 – 34).
However, I am providing the final installation of this year-long
provision of Torah Trivia study, for Parashah Vezot Ha’berachah (Devarim 33:1 –
34:12, and continuing through Beresheit 2:3), to be recited during Simchat
Torah, next week).
Featured Hebrew Term for Parashah Vezot Ha’berachah is actually: “וזאת־הברכה,” (“Vezot Ha’berachah,” meaning, “And this
blessing”). The Torah Trivia question of
the week is essentially all the Torah Trivia questions for this Parashah: “Can you describe which berachah is provided
to Reuven, Yudah, Levi, Benyamin, Yosef, Zevulun, Issachar, Gad, Dan, Naphtali,
Asher, and Shimon?
I thank
you, and I appreciate your patience, support, and encouragement throughout this
past year upon receiving these weekly Torah Trivia sessions. It is a cherished blessing to be able to
study, prepare, and share these Torah Trivia studies with you. I pray that you are able to find some benefit
and joy (and perhaps some knowledge and wisdom) from these provisions, and
particularly an increased interest in further studying the Torah. I also pray that these weekly Torah Trivia
sessions may continue to help us, and our children in continuing generations,
B’ezrat Hashem, to prepare for each week’s upcoming Parashah. In reviewing some of the past Torah Trivia
questions, I know that I have much to learn, and much to remember J. You are welcome to share all this as you deem
I previously describe, I intend to continue (in 2 weeks, beginning with
Parashah Beresheit) with another series of weekly Torah study topics for each
Parashah: “Economic Considerations,”
and, “Hebrew Terms.” However, I intend
to only forward these updates to those who directly communicate an interest in
receiving either of these. I am still
working on a specific outline for the entire year of “Economic Considerations.”
Torah study resources include:
Torah Sparks:;
,ושלום אהבא

(Hebrew). Namaste (Sanskrit). Samadhi (Thai/Pali). Pax (Latin). Salaam
(Arabic). Peace (English). Sat Nam (Punjabi). Solh (Persian). Kwey (Lakotah).
Amani (Swahili). Barish (Turkish). Erieni (Greek). Pache (Italiano). Paz
(Espanol). Paix (Francais). Fred (Scandinavian). Frieden (Deutsch). Siochana
(Irish). Mir (Russian). Amin (Urdu). Heping (Mandarin). Heiwa (Japanese).
Pyeonghwa (Korean). Aloha (Hawai’ian). Peace (Common Symbol). Peace (Common
Sign). Peace (General American Sign Language). Peace (American Braille).
(Om. Amein)
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