Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Transcript Of Web Cam Mantram 119.10.6;67;3.10


connection established

Broadcaster Rules: Tokens are the only form of payment allowed. You may promote your personal website as long as it does not offer video chat. Do not provide your Skype or Yahoo Messenger to anyone, and do not ask users to chat with you elsewhere.

Your cam is visible to men, women, transsexuals, couples. Edit this in settings & privacy.

Broadcaster pfwjo has joined the room.

room subject changed to "pfwjo's room"

taurus_king has joined the room.

taurus_king has left the room.

lovechubbear:  sexy

lovechubbear:  http://cdn.highwebmedia.com/up/uploads/avatar/2012/04/18/kroyUdAdvTyBFfZs.jpg

lovechubbear:  can i suck ur dick?

lovechubbear:  lol

lovechubbear:  hey

discreet100 has joined the room.

masturbatortx:  lets see that uncut cock.

lovechubbear:  hahaha

lovechubbear:  om shanti om..

lovechubbear:  brb honey

paranormalguy03 has joined the room.

paranormalguy03 has left the room.

blueboy_1:  are u praying?

lovelydudes:  hi

discreet100:  does he know he's on CB?

mahoganybear has joined the room.

mahoganybear has left the room.

rsm230 has joined the room.

rsm230 has left the room.

blueboy_1:  what religion is this?

oplotzky has joined the room.

discreet100:  perhaps he's praying for us?

marghus has joined the room.

oplotzky has left the room.

blueboy_1:  weird...

marghus has left the room.

lime2535 has joined the room.

discreet100 has left the room.

New private conversation from sexygril91 (Press tab to cycle through your conversations or click the PM tab)

lime2535:  http://cdn.highwebmedia.com/up/uploads/avatar/2011/12/29/WF63WbmgGRkL.jpg

lime2535:  http://cdn.highwebmedia.com/up/uploads/avatar/2011/12/29/WF63WbmgGRkL.jpghttp://cdn.highwebmedia.com/up/uploads/avatar/2011/12/29/WF63WbmgGRkL.jpg

lime2535:  http://cdn.highwebmedia.com/up/uploads/avatar/2011/12/29/WF63WbmgGRkL.jpghttp://cdn.highwebmedia.com/up/uploads/avatar/2011/12/29/WF63WbmgGRkL.jpghttp://cdn.highwebmedia.com/up/uploads/avatar/2011/12/29/WF63WbmgGRkL.jpg

lime2535 has left the room.

lovechubbear:  can u jack off for us

lovechubbear:  interfaith wutsoever

lakeshored has joined the room.

lakeshored has left the room.

lakeshored has joined the room.

lakeshored has left the room.

lakeshored has joined the room.

blueboy_1:  u have lots of personal partners...

lakeshored has left the room.

lakeshored has joined the room.

lakeshored has left the room.

lakeshored has joined the room.

lakeshored has left the room.

lakeshored has joined the room.

lakeshored has left the room.

pfwjo:  Love and Peace to everybody. It is prayer and meditation. I do know where I am. I intend to keep my clothes on. I intend to abstain from masturbating. I am straight. I plan to only have sex with my wife (whenever, I get married, God Willing).

pfwjo:  Yes, it is also weird (perhaps simpmly different). It is interFaith. The mantram come from a number of different religions...

pfwjo:  ...mainly Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as Baha'i, Sikh, Zarathustrianism, Taoism, Confucianism, Greek Philosophy, Native Traditions, and additionally.

pfwjo:  I do have many "personal partners," and I am working on that.

pfwjo:  I am praying and meditating for everyone, including myself.

pfwjo:  It is also called Samadhi, Salat, Davening, and additionally.

pfwjo:  I also plan to partake in Kiddush (a brief meal after prayer/meditation).

karlxxxbcn:  uuuuuu, un hombre unteresante

karlxxxbcn:  buena musica

dorlee has joined the room.

karlxxxbcn:  desde barcelona

dorlee has left the room.

karlxxxbcn:  felicidades por tu forma de ser

karlxxxbcn:  en el mundo falta gente como tu

pfwjo:  como todos. Gracias.

pfwjo:  Por supuesto.

pfwjo:  la musica es buena, si. desde Barcelona via "Putumayo World Music."

zaqq has joined the room.

zaqq has left the room.

pfwjo:  I'm out, everyone. Love and Peace to you all.

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