Daily धर्म עולם תקן
(Deep Breaths.)
(Segment 1)
(Opening Blessings)
(Breath.) B’ism’Allah Rahmani Raheem.
(Breath.) Allah au Abha.
(Breath.) Deus Noster, Qui est in Caelis, sancifictur
Nomen Tuum.
(Breath.) Vaya Guru, Sat Nam.
(Breath.) Baruch Atah, Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haOlam.
(Breath.) Kyrie, Eleison.
(Breath.) Sari Duniya Ko Asirvada Prapta Ho Sakata Hai.
(Breath.) Sabbe Satta Bavantu Sukithata.
(Breath.) Akwaba, Upendo na Amani.
(Breath.) Wominjeka.
(Breath.) Shi Shi.
(Breath.) Nomo Arigato.
(Breath.) Pilamayo Yelo, Wakan Tanka.
(Breath.) Tak o Dankeshein, Gud.
(Breath.) (Extemporaneous) God, we thank You for all with which You
bless us.
(Breath.) Atha Jamyat Yata Afrinami.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Amen.
(Holy Scripture Verses.)
(Breath.) Brahman Dharma. Dharma Eka.
Swamis Sattvas Dharma Namas.
(Breath.) From the unReal, lead us to the Real.
(Breath.) From the darkness, lead us to the light.
(Breath.) From death, lead us to immortality.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Give ear, O Heavens, and we will speak. And the Earth will hear the words of our
(Breath.) May our teaching drop as the rain; our speech distil as the dew; as the gentle rains upon the tender grass; and as the showers upon the herbs.
(Breath.) For we will proclaim the Name of Adonai; ascribe greatness to Adonai.
(Breath.) Tzur.
The work of Adonai is perfect, for all the ways of Adonai are just.
(Breath.) Elohim of righteousness and without
inequity. Just and right is Adonai.
(Breath.) Let us live happily, then, without hating
those who previously hate us;
(Breath.) Amongst men who previously hate us, let us
dwell free from hate.
(Breath.) Let us live happily, then, without ailments
amongst those who are previously ailing;
(Breath.) Amongst men who are previously ailing, let us
dwell free from ailments.
(Breath.) Let us live happily, then, without greed
amongst men who are previously greedy;
(Breath.) Amongst men who are previously greedy, let us
dwell free from greed.
(Breath.) Health the is greatest of gifts. Contentedness the best riches. Trust is the best of connexions. Nirvana the Highest Happiness.
(Breath.) Deus Noster, Qui es in Caelis, Sanctifecitur
Nomen Tuum.
(Breath.) Adveniat Regumn Tuum.
(Breath.) Fiat Voluntas Tuum, sicut en Caelis et en
(Breath.) Panem nostrum quotiadamus noster.
(Breath.) Et dimmite nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos
dimmitimos debitoribus nostris.
(Breath.) Et ne nos inducas in tentiatonem, sed libera
nos a malo.
(Breath.) For Thine is the Sovereignty, the Power, and
the Glory, forever.
(Breath.) Amen.
(Breath.) B’ism’Allah, Rahmani Raheem.
(Breath.) Hum’dul’Allah, Rahmani Raheem.
(Breath.) Melech a Yom Kayimah; Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we solicit.
(Breath.) Show us the Straight Way; the Way of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed
Thy Grace, those whose portion is other than wrath, and who keep from going
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Universal Principles Of
(Breath.) We only praise the 1 True God.
(Breath.) We abstain from making any graven image of
that which is in Heaven, on Earth, or in the Sea beneath the Earth.
(Breath.) We only utilise the Name of God in Truth.
(Breath.) We remember Shabbat; we keep it Holy.
(Breath.) We honour our fars and our mors; so that we may have long life.
(Breath.) We abstain from killing.
(Breath.) We abstain from stealing.
(Breath.) We abstain from committing adultery.
(Breath.) We abstain from bearing false witness against
our neighbour.
(Breath.) We abstain from coveting the house of our
neighbour, the wife of our neighbour, the manservant of our neighbour, the
maidservant of our neighbour, the ox or ass of our neighbour.
(Breath.) We practise:
Right Belief, Right Aspiration, Right Speech, Right Action, Right
Livelihood, Right Action, Right Effort, Eight Samadhi.
(Breath.) We do unto others as we would have them do
unto us.
(Breath.) We practise regular Salat, regular Samadhi,
and regular Sawm.
(Breath.) We maintain economic modesty and moderation.
(Breath.) We abstain from the consumption of animals.
(Breath.) We abstain from intoxicants.
(Breath.) We abstain from games of chance.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Welt
(Breath.) Truthfulness.
(Breath.) Ahimsa.
(Breath.) Sexual Morality.
(Breath.) Socioeconomic Balance.
(Breath.) As well as the Golden Rule.
(Breath.) Consensus:
with Full, Prophecy, Majority, Ancestry, and DJ Remix Protocols.
(Breath.) And Stewardship: with 1st, Present, Need,
Productivity, Care, and Ordination Protocols.
(Breath.) Personal Ownership yields to Personal
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Creed
Of Identity.
(Breath.) I am a man.
We strive for humility before God.
We endeavour to walk with God. We
love God. God loves all.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Creed
Of Beliefs.
(Breath.) There is only 1 True God; God exists beyond gender, personification,
existence, and “God.”
(Breath.) All beings, life, phenomena, and
circumstances, throughout the Universe, are derived from God;
(Breath.) And the Spirit of God exists equally within
each being throughout the Universe, and within all life, phenomena, and
circumstances throughout the Universe.
(Breath.) Dukkha intrinsically, inevitably, and
purposefully exists within the lives of all beings throughout the Universe;
(Breath.) And the meaning of life involves: alleviating the experience of dukkha within
each being throughout Universe;
performing Tikkun Olam, promoting the wellbeing of all life throughout
the Universe; and loving each being
throughout the Universe (cultivating the Spirit of God within each being
throughout the Universe).
(Breath.) Selfishness is necessary to sustain life;
(Breath.) And amidst our imperfections,
interdependence, hypocrisies, transgressions, and Karma;
(Breath.) We are guided to be modest, moderate, and
benevolent within our thoughts, words, and deeds; regularly practising apologies, forgiveness,
reconciliation, and Atonement with each other.
(Breath.) Upon death, each being attains Nirvana and
joins Adonai in Heaven;
(Breath.) Heaven exists within and beyond the
Universe; Heaven exists within and beyond
each being throughout the Universe.
(Breath.) We abstain from proselytising. And instead, we inspire Prophetic,
compassionate voices within the religions of all beings throughout the
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shanti.
(Breath.) Creed
Of Allegiance.
(Breath.) We are Vedas Charyas.
(Breath.) Om.
Bhur Bhuva Svahat, Tat Savitur Vareneyum. Bhargo Devasya Dimahi, Diyo Yo Na
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) We are B’nai Avraham, B’nai Yitzak, v’B’nai
(Breath.) (Covering Eyes With Right Hand). Shema Israel, Adonai, Eloheinu, Adonai Ehad.
(Breath.) We bear witness that Muhammad is a Prophet of
God; and we believe in the Prophets, the
Angels, the Scriptures, and the Day of Judgment (al Yom Kayimah).
(Breath.) Ashada La illah il Allaha; wa Ashada
Muhammadan Rasul Allah.
(Breath.) We believe in the Noble 4-Fold Truth of
Dukkha, Sinha, Nirvana, and Kitari Ariyasakani;
(Breath.) With:
Right Belief, Right Aspiration, Right Speech, Right Action, Right
Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Thought, Right Samadhi.
(Breath.) We Samadhi with the Buddha, the Dharma, and
the Sangha.
(Breath.) We are apostles of Jesus, and we believe
Moshiach exists within each living being.
(Breath.) We love our enemies as we love ourselves.
(Breath.) I bear witness, O my God, that Thou hast
created me to know Thee and to worship Thee.
(Breath.) I testify, at this moment, to my
powerlessness and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth.
(Breath.) There is none other deity but Thee, the Help
in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.
(Breath.) We believe there are additional Prophets
throughout the Universe.
(Breath.) We believe Truth exists within each religion.
(Breath.) We adhere to the mitzvot to live, heal, be
fruitful, and multiply.
(Breath.) We live the Dharma of Tikkun Olam.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath) 5+².1
(Breath.) 5 Senses.
(Breath.) Sight.
Sound. Smell. Taste.
Touch. 6. 7.
(Breath.) 5 Elements.
(Breath.) Air.
Fire. Water. Dust. Seed.
(Breath.) 5 Parts.
(Breath.) Bones.
Nerves. Veins. Muscles.
(Breath.) Fats.
Fluids. Appendages. Tissues.
(Breath.) 5 Systems.
(Breath.) Respiratory.
Nervous. Circulatory. Reproductive.
(Breath.) Muscular.
Skeletal. Immune. Pituitary.
(Breath.) Epidermal.
(Breath.) 5 Cycles.
(Breath.) Earth.
Shabbat. Uposattha. Moon.
Sun. Celestial Entities.
(Breath.) Wind.
Water. Woman. Man.
Life Generations.
Civilisations. Wheel.
(Breath.) 5 Illusions.
(Breath.) Time.
Money. Language. Lies.
(Breath.) Slavery.
Debt. Ownership. Guarantees.
(Breath.) Innocence.
Insanity. Sanity. Purity.
Control. Perfection.
(Breath.) Mistakes.
Accidents. Coincidence. Chance.
(Breath.) Hate.
Fear. Enemy. Divorce.
(Breath.) Evil.
Devil. Hell. Pain.
(Breath.) 5 Understandings.
(Breath.) Matter.
Energy. Now.
(Breath.) Ego.
Id. Super Ego. Atman.
Unity. Protection. Joinder.
(Breath.) Life Force Theory.
(Breath.) Women’s Intuition.
(Breath.) Heaven.
(Breath.) 5 Awakenings.
(Breath.) From Permanence: Via Maya, Senses, Detachment; Towards Equanimity.
(Breath.) From Invincibility: Via Dukkha, Dukkha; Towards Love.
(Breath.) From Freedom:
Via Karma, Imperfection, Interdependence, Apologies, Forgiveness; Towards Reconciliation.
(Breath.) From Free Will: Via Ego, Omnipotence, Samadhi, Jihad,
Teshuvah; Towards Kippur.
(Breath.) From Mortality: Via Atman, Nirvana, Heaven, God, Hashem,
Brahman; Towards Namaste.
(Breath.) Englightment:
With Purpose; Ahimsic Civil
Transcendent Golden Rule Compassion (ACTs of GRaCe); and Balance, With Modesty and Moderation.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Segment 2)
(Breath.) Universal
InterFaith Action Network: UIFAN 5-Point
(Breath.) We come from the distant corners of humanity
and the Universe.
(Breath.) We love each other.
(Breath.) We want to live together in Peace and
(Breath.) We overcome convention to achieve this.
(Breath.) We steward land and resources to build our
homes, raise our families, and practise our beliefs.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) UIFAN
Mantra: Ahimsic Civil Transcendent
Golden Rule Compassion (ACTs of GRaCe).
(Breath.) We build knowledge of God, ourselves, our
basic needs, our natural habitat and resources, and each other.
(Breath.) We practise apologies, forgiveness,
reconciliation, and Atonement with each other.
(Breath.) We provide generosity in hospitality, both
hosting and visiting each other.
(Breath.) We build relationships through a 12-step
process, that includes: Respect. Patience.
Compassion. Understanding. Trust.
Cooperation. Mutual Reliance. Productivity.
Prosperity. Sustainability. Peace.
And Happiness.
(Breath.) We share basic principles, including: the Welt Ethos of Truthfulness, Ahimsa,
Sexual Morality, and Socioeconomic Balance;
(Breath.) As well as the Golden Rule;
(Breath.) Consensus, with: Full, Prophecy, Majority, Ancestry, and DJ
Remix Protocols;
(Breath.) And Stewardship: With 1st, Present, Need,
Productivity, Care, and Ordination Protocols.
(Breath.) We yield Personal Ownership to Personal
(Breath.) We practise Ahimsic Civil Transcendent Golden
Rule Compassion (ACTs of GRaCe).
(Breath.) We squat, annex, and transform areas, land,
buildings, and additional property, facilities, and considerations.
(Breath.) We cooperate with conventional authority; we cooperate without conventional authority.
(Breath.) We are aware of the risks involved; and we are aware of circumstances that exist
beyond the risks.
(Breath.) We build innovation, with: new investment, new education, new
agriculture, new manufacturing, new infrastructure, and new families and
(Breath.) We manifest the ACE Plan, with: 5 Points Of Concentration; 5 Additional Considerations; 5 Steps Towards Peace; 5 Academic Disciplines; and, 5 Immediate Ideas.
(Breath.) We build MESLPUCATs: Moderation amidst Economies of Scale, through
Local Prosperity, with Universal Compassion, whilst cultivation Atman and Trust
within each other.
(Breath.) We adhere to the Universal Youth Service
Corps Pledge and Mantra.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Agenda
Centenniel Du Earth (ACE Plan).
(Breath.) Quand le centenniel des Naciones Unies, et le
centenniel demi du Parliament des Religeux du Mond.
(Breath.) Avec:
intergenerational, interreligious, inter-tribal/ethnic/racial,
inter-neighbourhood/international/intergalactic, inter-educational/inter-occupational/inter-political,
inter-additional cooperation.
(Breath.) 5 Points Of Concentration.
(Breath.) 1.
(Breath.) 2.
Renewable Energy.
(Breath.) 3.
(Breath.) 4.
Reintroduction Of Agriculture Into Urban And Suburban Areas.
(Breath.) 5.
Alleviation Of All Debt.
(Breath.) With respect and appreciation for the
respective lives and traditions of the respective indigenous people throughout
the Earth and the Universe.
(Breath.) 5 Additional Considerations.
(Breath.) 1.
Families And Friends.
(Breath.) 2.
Food, Clothing, Housing.
(Breath.) 3.
(Breath.) 4.
Education And Labour.
(Breath.) 5.
(Breath.) With information on 100% of individual and
family productivity, consumption, and recycling activity.
(Breath.) 5 Steps Towards Peace.
(Breath.) 1.
Service Corps: Universal Youth
Service Corps; Local Civil Service
Corps; Universal Civil Service Corps.
(Breath.) 2.
Alleviation Of All Nuclear Weapons.
(Breath.) 3.
Alleviation Of All Military Weapons.
(Breath.) 4.
Alleviation Of All Personal Weapons And Police Weapons.
(Breath.) 5.
Alleviation Of All Locks (Unlocking Of All Doors).
(Breath.) All at each individual’s own level of
comfort, and with Bearrier Hug Hold Protocols.
(Breath.) 5 Academic Disciplines.
(Breath.) 1.
(Breath.) 2. Mathematics.
(Breath.) 3.
(Breath.) 4.
(Breath.) 5.
(Breath.) With additional advanced studies available
in: Health, Law, Management, General
Advanced Studies, and Religion;
(Breath.) With additional studies available in: Music, Arts, Crafts, and Athletics.
(Breath.) With an understanding of 5 Areas Of
Civilisation: Mediterranea, Europe,
Asia, Africa, Taínoterranea;
(Breath.) 3 Political Collectives: Agricultural Collectives; Industrial Collectives; and Interplanetarial Collectives.
(Breath.) And 3 Religious Collectives: Indigenous People; Chosen People; and, Celibate People (Monks and Nuns).
(Breath.) 5 Immediate Ideas.
(Breath.) 1.
Cooperative Transportation; with
10 challenges, 3 proficiencies, and 5 methodologies.
(Breath.) 2.
Micro Communities; with 10
(Breath.) 3.
Honour System Coop Networks; with
3 types, 1 with 10 components.
(Breath.) 4.
ol; with 10.
(Breath.) 5.
Asona University and Alleviation Of All Debt.
(Breath.) Through King Kennedy Shabbaz Heschel
Ghosananda Vivekananda assignments;
Ghandi Khan Abdul Baha Chavez Einstein Black Elk assignments; wikiships, UIFAN projects, and additional
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) UIFAN
Code For Household Men.
(Breath.) God.
Familial Women. Sons. Community.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Segment 3.)
(Breath.) Uni
Ditto Cosmic Guidance.
(Breath.) There is only 1 True God; and there are celestial beings and sentient
beings that manifest Karma, the Will of God.
(Breath.) All individuals are born with an equal amount
of wealth.
(Breath.) There are rules, ordained by God, that govern
the behaviour of all individuals.
(Breath.) The whole of justice and Karma visits each
individual before death.
(Breath.) Upon death, each individual attains Nirvana
and joins God in Heaven.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Uni
Ditto Cosmic Teachings.
(Breath.) There are 3 states of consciousness: conscious, unconscious, and subconscious.
(Breath.) There are 3 states of alternate
consciousness: semi-conscious (full),
semi-conscious (un), semi-conscious (intoxicated), Samadhi.
(Breath.) There is telepathy.
(Breath.) There is extra-terrestrial life beyond the
(Breath.) There is an infinite number of alternate
Realms of existence throughout the Universe.
(Breath.) There is a dual infinity that exists within
every living being: a material infinity
and a spiritual infinity.
(Breath.) And the experience, remembrance, and vision
of each of these phenomena is enhanced through Salat, Samadhi, Sawm, and
(Breath.) When we are without our egos, we are without
any enemies; when we are without our
egos, we are without any food.
(Breath.) All thoughts, ideas, influence, and
inspiration are derived from God.
(Breath.) All compliments and criticisms are acts of
(Breath.) It is preferable to share our burdens in the
same manner that we share our blessings:
a modest amount here and there.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Marriage
And Family.
(Breath.) Marriage is a bond exclusively between a man
and a woman, respectively as husband and wife;
(Breath.) A husband may have numerous wives, whom he
treats equally; a wife may only have 1
husband; it is preferable for a husband
to have only 1 wife.
(Breath.) Divorce is an illusion; marriage is permanent throughout the life of
the husband and wife.
(Breath.) It is preferable for a husband and wife to
become a far and mor, and have a modest number of children; life begins at conception.
(Breath.) There are intrinsic differences between men
and women;
(Breath.) It is preferable for the husband/far to be
the predominant provider for his family;
(Breath.) It is preferable for the wife/mor to be the
predominant nurturer of her family;
(Breath.) The respective roles of the husband/far and
the wife/mor and equally valuable and necessary;
(Breath.) The responsibilities of the husband/far and
the wife/mor maintain unique and shared challenges and joys.
(Breath.) Celibacy and monasticism are beneficial.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Universal
Youth Service Corps Pledge.
(Breath.) We promise to God: we stand for Truth, through our thoughts,
words, and deeds; and we share this
compassion with all life;
(Breath.) For ourselves, our families, our friends, our
strangers, our enemies, our communities, the Earth, and the Universe.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Universal
Youth Service Corps Mantra.
(Breath.) We share the principles of religious and
ethnic diversity and pluralism, homogeneity, monoreligiosity, multiethnicity,
(Breath.) Interdependence and independence;
(Breath.) The Golden Rule, Ahimsa, Truthfulness, and
abstinence from adultery;
(Breath.) Health and wellbeing, modesty and moderation,
renewable energy and recycling;
(Breath.) Proficient intra-personal interaction; intra-personal interaction; and super-personal interaction, meaning
between nature, sentient beings, and technology;
(Breath.) As well as apologies, forgiveness,
thankfulness, welcoming, reconciliation, and Atonement;
(Breath.) and:
Respect, Patience, Compassion, Understanding, Trust, Cooperation, Mutual
Reliance, Productivity, Prosperity, Sustainability, Peace, and Happiness.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Parables.
(Breath.) Fruit Juice;
Fruit Tree; Burning Trees, Being
Trees; Squirrels; Water, Desert;
(Breath.) Congregations; Rich, Poor Wagons; Liberal, Conservative Portions; Conquest;
True Man; Righteous
Mountain; Sovereignty; Inspiration;
(Breath.) Binary;
Surfing; River Beneath
Mountain; Colours; Shapes;
Asymptotes; Dinner Parties;
(Breath.) Treasure;
M(a)ynu(ew) Body; Audience;
Songs; Humour;
(Breath.) Teeter Totter; Prisms;
100% Talent; Heart
Proximity; Branches;
(Breath.) Dominion Of Bowels; Angels Of Students; Class In Session; Dominion Of Angels; Xylophone Fairies;
(Breath.) Lions And Crocodiles; Grass On Hillside. Mastery.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Holy
(Breath.) Torah, Tanakh, Neviim, Ketuvim, Perkei Avot,
Talmud, Kabbalah, Zohar.
(Breath.) Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda, Yujur
Veda, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Laws Of Manu, Puranas.
(Breath.) Tripitaka, Abhidhamma, Digha Nikaya,
Dhammapada, Saddhamma, Maha Parinibana Sutta, Prajna Paramita Sutta, Padme
Sutta, Kanjur, Tanjur, Jatakas.
(Breath.) Gospels, New Testament, Torah, Tanakh,
(Breath.) Koran, Hadith, Torah, Tanakh, Gospels, New
Testament, Sharia.
(Breath.) Zen Avesta.
Agamas. Tao Te Ching. Analects.
Republic. Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Kitab-I-Aqdas. Kitab-I-Iqan.
7 Valleys. Hidden Words. Gleanings.
Epistle Of The Son Of Wolf.
(Breath.) Sagas.
Proverbs. Legends. Epics.
Ruins. Griots. Koans.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Religious
(Breath.) Shabbat, Davening, Tzedakah, Rosh Chodesh;
(Breath.) Pesach, Omer, Shavuot, Ellul, Rosh Hashanah,
Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shmini Etzret, Simchat Torah;
(Breath.) (Today’s
Date On Hebrew Calendar.)
(Breath.) Samadhi, Puja, Diwali, Kartak, Kumbh Mela,
Maha Kumbh Mela, Holi, Navatri;
(Breath.) (Today’s
Date On Hindu Vikram Samvat Calendar.)
(Breath.) Samadhi, Saddhu, Uposattha, Magha Puja, Vesak
Puja, Asalha Puja, Vassa, Kartak;
(Breath.) (Today’s
Date On Buddhist Calendar.)
(Breath.) Mass, Communion, Sunday Worship, Bible Study,
(Breath.) Carnival, Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday, Ash
Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Bon Friday, Easter Sunday,
Pentecost, Advent, Sankta Lucia, Noël, Nativity, Kwanzaa, New Year’s;
(Breath.) (Today’s
Date On Christian Gregorian Calendar.)
(Breath.) Jihad, Shehadeh, Salat, Zakat, Jumua,
Ramadan, Eid Ul Fitr, Zul Hijja, Eid Ul Adha, Muharram, Ashura, Mecca Hajj;
(Breath.) (Today’s
Date On Islamic Hijjra Calendar.)
(Breath.) Vaishakhi, Guru Nanak Dev, Hola Mohollah,
(Breath.) (Today’s
Date On Sikh Nanakshahi Calendar.)
(Breath.) Feasts, Firesides, Devotionals, Ayam-I-Ha,
Naw Ruz, Ridvan, Ascension Of Baha’u’llah, Birth Of Baha’u’llah;
(Breath.) (Today’s
Date On Baha’i Calendar.)
(Breath.) Nian, Zhongyue; (Today’s
Date On Chinese Traditional Calendar.)
(Breath.) Solstice.
Pesktv Opvntv. Kwey
WoLakotah. Lamas. Frey Fauxi.
Iwaji. Magharan. Lohri;
(Breath.) (Today’s
Date On Mayab Ha’ab Calendar.)
(Breath.) Diwali, Kartak, Navatri; (Today’s
Date On Jain Vir Samvat Calendar.)
(Breath.) Naw Ruz, (Magharan), (Bahad); (Today’s
Date On Zarathustrian Calendar, With Bastani Reckoning.)
(Breath.) 1 Parliament, 1 General Assembly, 1 Peace, 1
Moksha, 2 UN, 3 Thanksgiving North, 4 Human Rights, 5 Ahimsa, 6 Harmony, 7
Earth, 8 Service, 9 Thanksgiving South, 10 Open Doors, 11, 12 Familia;
(Breath.) (Today’s
Date On InterFaith Calendar.)
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Segment 4).
(Breath.) Personal
Prayer With Family And Friends.
(May love, Peace, and
blessings of God be with all my family and friends, with the Dharma of Tikkun
(Breath.) May love, Peace, and blessings be with all
our Prophets and ancestors, past and present, known and unknown;
(Breath.) Including:
The Rishis, Moshe, The Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Baha’u’llah, Guru Nanak,
Zarasthustra, Avraham, Yitzak, Yaakov, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Socrates, Plato,
Aristotle, Gandhi, Black Elk, Martin Luther, Bob Marley;
(Breath.) The Indigenous Of Taínoterranea, Asia,
Europe, Mediterranea, Africa, Earth, Galaxy, Universe, Our Families, Friends,
And The Universe.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) All Praise Belongs To: God, El Shaddai, Elohim, Adonai, Hashem,
Brahman, Nirvana, Dharma, Karma, Tao, Gud, Dieu, Deus, Dios, Dominus, Jah,
Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Vaya Guru, The Divine, Infinity, Logic, Wakan
Tanka, Ultimate Reality.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Atha Jamyat Yata Afrinami. B’ezrat Hashem. En’sh’Allah.
God Willing. Samadhi. Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Open Fields Running; Flying.)
(Breath.) ShalOm.
(Breath.) (Silent
Meditation With Repeated Breaths.)
(Closing Blessings.)
(Breath.) B’ism’Allah, Rahmani Raheem.
(Breath.) Allah au Abha.
(Breath.) Deus Noster, Qui es in Caelis, Sanctificetur
Nomen Tuum.
(Breath.) Vaya Guru, Sat Nam.
(Breath.) Baruch Atah, Adonai, Eloheinu, Melech HaOlam.
(Breath.) Kyrie, Eleison.
(Breath.) Sari Duniya Ko Asirvada Prapta Ho Sakata Hai.
(Breath.) Sabbe Satta Bhavantu Sukkhithata.
(Breath.) Akwaaba, Upendo Na Amani.
(Breath.) Wominjeka.
(Breath.) Shi Shi.
(Breath.) Nomo Arigato.
(Breath.) Pila Maya Yelo, Wakan Tanka.
(Breath.) Tak O Dankeshein, Gud.
(Breath.) (Extemporaneous) God, we thank You for all with which You
bless us.
(Breath.) Atha Jamyat Yata Afrinami.
(Breath.) Om.
Shanti. Shanti. Shantihi.
(Breath.) Amen.
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