Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Clean Correspondence; 121.6.29;69;4o6

Love And Peace, Friends.

I provide this correspondence on behalf of a network of beings who are dedicated towards comprehensive human upliftment, as well as the upliftment of all beings.  This correspondence is provided to you because we are interested in cooperating with you increasingly intentionally, directly, and dynamically.

We provide this correspondence after careful observation and deliberation regarding your group’s progression.  And your benevolent activism is commendable.  Yet, when observing many similarly situated groups, there are 2 general concerns that we maintain: 

1.)  regarding conservative groups:  we observe that these groups tend to be exceedingly self-interested and consequently divisive towards other groups that are perceived as different or incompatible; 

2.)  regarding liberal groups:  we observe that these groups tend to be obliviously judgmental and simultaneously complacent within the status quo that is being criticised.

These observations previously prevent us from cooperating further within the respective endeavours of these groups.  And with this being communicated, we look forward to further enhancement within these groups and increased involvement and efficacy with the respective benevolent work of these groups.

Identity, Organisation.
To provide some context, it is beneficial to provide some additional explanation regarding the nature of our network.  We are a global network of transcendent beings;  and, when you are ready for it, we are actually a Universal network of transcendent beings.

The purpose of our network is to provide compassion for all beings;  this can be translated into terms such as the “alleviation of Dukkha,” and, “Tikkun Olam.”

The nature of the organisation of our network is increasingly difficult to describe.  1 reason for this is that the nature of our organisation varies in name and form, intensity, and additional factors.  Very frequently, the nature of our organisation is extremely subtle and purposefully difficult to evidence.  1 of the historic examples that is utilised to describe our network is the Underground Railroad within the United States.  If you understand the concept of telepathy, then you understand 1 of the methodologies through which we communicate.  It is appropriate to include that the nature of our organisation is also alinear:  it exists beyond the concepts of time and space, which may be difficult for many to understand;  but there it is.

We act in accordance with ancient principles of righteousness.  And there are varying degrees of discipline within our behaviour, from being to being.  We make amends when we commit a wrong.  We provide forgiveness when we observe a wrong.  And we facilitate reconciliation and Atonement.

There are certain tactics that we employ to facilitate our purpose within the Universe:

Prayer, Samadhi.  We practise prayer and Samadhi.

Sacred Listening.  We go to tremendous lengths to listen to others and empathise with the experience of others.

Compassion, Healing.  We provide compassion and healing to those who have the need.  This is our primary purpose.  We provide this compassion and healing directly, as we are able, and institutionally and systemically.  This latter consideration of institutions and systems is a significant premise for what may be perceived as the dissonance within our actions, as we work to transform comparatively selfish/egotistical institutions and systems into increasingly compassionate and transcendent institutions and systems.

Fasting, Abstinence From Harm.  We abstain from actions whose consequences we perceive as readily causing avoidable harm to others.  This includes fasting to enhance our concentration and understanding, amidst additional benefits.

Education.  We study.  We teach.  This is fundamental.

Mindful Consumption (Cycle).  We are mindful of the cycles that are involved in sustaining our lives, and we strive to enhance our harmony within these cycles.

Proactive Consumption (Organised).  We are mindful of the natural sources from which we are provided products and services;  and we proactively organise our collection methodologies to patronise suppliers who are increasingly harmonious within the natural cycles that surround the provision of these products and services.

Divestment (Organised).  We withdraw our support and resources from beings who conduct woeful harm to other beings and/or the natural cycles that surround beings.

Local Community Building.  We are dedicated towards building cooperation and prosperity within the specific villages that surround our residences.

Global Community Building.  We are dedicated towards building cooperation and prosperity within the comprehensive village of Earth and the Universe.

Local Community Security.  We stand as defenders for the immediate wellness of beings within our local villages.

Global Community Security.  We stand as defenders for the immediate wellness of beings within our comprehensive village of Earth and the Universe.

Diplomacy;  Advocacy, Solicitation.  We engage within diplomacy with the respective authorities of conventional and unconventional institutions and systems, amidst the process of transformation of these institutions and systems into increasing contributors of compassion and wellness for all beings.

Hacking.  We intercede within the technological operations of conventional and unconventional institutions and systems to facilitate the process of transformation towards increasing compassion and wellness for all beings.

Sabotage.  We conduct disabling, demolition, and additional transfiguration of the technology and infrastructure of conventional and unconventional institutions and systems for the purpose of transforming these institutions and systems into increasing providers of compassion and wellness for all beings.

We engage within all these, and additional, endeavours with strict protocols to abstain from causing direct harm to any being.

And whilst some may criticise the latter tactics that are described herein, these “challenging” actions are also committed by the many different conventional and unconventional authorities of humanity to maintain order.
Agenda, Priorities.
Amidst the contemporary circumstances of humanity, we are engaged within specific temporal agendae.

ACE Plan.
The ACE Plan is a global initiative to effectuate certain systemic change throughout humanity by the centennial commemoration of the United Nations.  Within the ACE Plan, there are specific categories of consideration:

5 Points Of Concentration.  These are the 5 priority items within the ACE Plan:
1.  All beings are provided with sufficient water.
2.  All energy is provided through renewable sources and methodologies.
3.  All consumed products are proficiently recycled into nature.
4.  All urban and suburban areas maintain a proficient amount of organic agriculture.
5.  All debt is alleviated.
All this is with respect and appreciation for Native people and traditions.

5 Additional Considerations.  There are additional, intrinsic factors that are included within the ACE Plan.
          1.  Sufficient attention and energy is provided to family and friends.
          2.  All beings have access to sufficient food, clothing, and housing.
          3.  All beings are provided with sufficient health care.
          4.  All beings are provided with sufficient educational and labour opportunities.
          5.  All beings have access to sufficient communication and transportation provisions.
          And the information of all this economic activity is shared with the collective of beings.

5 Steps Towards Peace.  There are intentional measures taken to establish Peaceful coexistence amongst all beings.
1.  Local and international service corps are established to defend all beings and build communities.
          2.  All nuclear weapons are alleviated.
          3.  All military weapons are alleviated.
          4.  All personal weapons and police weapons are alleviated.
          5.  All locks are alleviated.
These measures are conducted in a gradual manner, according to the respective prerogative of each being.

5 Academic Disciplines.  The ACE Plan provides a new educational paradigm that focuses on 5 academic disciplines:
          1.  Civilisations
          2.  Mathematics
          3.  Language
          4.  Nature
          5.  Technology
There are additional and advanced academic disciplines, as well as additional concepts that facilitate this education paradigm.

5 Immediate Ideas.  The concluding 5 points of the ACE Plan vary, according to region, to account for the respective needs and interests within different areas.  The proceeding 5 points are applicable to the general area of Ohio.
1.  Metropolitan areas establish connected infrastructures of cooperative transportation, evolving from personal vehicular transportation to metro rail, pedestrian, and additional forms of transportation.
2.  Neigbourhoods form communities with autonomous utility infrastructures and independent political cooperation.
3.  Economic cooperatives are established upon the honour system, rather than conventional money.
4.  Global media cooperatives provide pluralistic depictions of cultures and traditions that inform and inspire.
5.  A university is established upon the premise of global citizenship;  and all debt is alleviated.

Compassion Cash.
We are establishing an alternative currency that is predicated upon compassion.  The working tangible value of this currency is 1 kilogram of an international composite of grains, although our alternative currency abstains from guaranteeing such exchange.  The intangible value of this currency is the dedication of the holders of the currency to the principles and experience of Agape and Ahimsa.  The holders of the currency invest and exchange the currency with additional family members and friends who similarly share these principles and experience.  As the currency is increasingly circulated, the value becomes increasingly tangible and people become increasingly amenable towards providing tangible products and services in exchange for the currency.

Coinciding with the establishment and circulation of Compassion Cash is the interest to enhance our economic systems and institutions of cultivation, production, distribution, consumption, and recycling.  This includes identifying and supporting beings who facilitate 1 or additional portions of this process with proficient harmony with the natural cycles that surround this process, as well as the wellness of all beings.

Recent Correspondence.
Recently, we provide a correspondence regarding community cooperation and development specifically within Northeast Ohio.  This provides additional insight regarding the local and comprehensive cooperation within which we are involved.

Local Civil Service Corps.  We advocate the establishment of local civil service corps to patrol local neighbourhoods as an alternative to conventional, weaponised police forces.

Renewable Energy.  We advocate development plans where the respective electricity and energy needs of local municipalities are independently provided exclusively through renewable methodologies.

Pluralism Education.  We advocate for the implementation of comprehensive curriculum guidelines, from kindergarten through the 12th grade level, that prepares students to become global citizens.

Transportation.  We advocate for strategies and development of metro rail systems that connect the comprehensive metropolitan area of Northeast Ohio.

Agriculture.  We advocate for support of local agriculture and efficient and harmonious patronisation of produce providers based outside of the Northeast Ohio area.

Global Communication/Information Network (Affinity City Project).  We advocate for the establishment of a grassroots network of journalists and community activists/leaders who provide periodic updates to the network regarding the emergency and urgent needs of communities as well as the general progression of, and lessons learned by, these communities.

Global Citizen Recognition, Credentials.  We advocate for the United Nations and additional international entities to recognise the political status of global/Universal citizenship, and to provide credentials to such beings for travel and additional purposes.

Glocal Agenda Building;  Institutions, Systems.  We advocate for the grassroots formulation of a global agenda that addresses the comprehensive interests and priorities of activists and leadership within the comprehensive fields of human endeavour.

Colonial Reservations.  We advocate for the return of the vast amount of land territory within the Western Hemisphere and the Pacific back the respective Native people and tribes of these areas, with the establishment of modest colonial reservations within the already established extended metropolitan areas within the Western Hemisphere and the Pacific.

Indigenous Prerogative.  We advocate for the prerogative of communities within the Eastern Hemisphere to maintain certain homogeneity and to concentrate pluralistic interests towards the Western Hemisphere.

City States;  Federations.  We advocate the establishment of local municipalities and metropolitan areas as independent political sovereignties, with increased self-determination and citizen-based governance;  with international federations facilitating cooperation between these city states.

Education, Infrastructure Industries.  We advocate for education and infrastructure development to be the predominant providers of employment for humanity, with a single-income family being able to live comfortably with proficient socioeconomic mobility for the next generation.

Global Citizen Education.  We advocate the establishment of a conventional paradigm of education that prepares students to become global citizens;  with all education, to the highest levels, being provided to students without cost.

This provides a glimpse of what we are doing and what we are working to do.  We invite your questions, your criticism, and your cooperation. 

Love And Peace,


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