Tuesday, April 7, 2015

5 Factors That Indicate America Is Over; 5 Factors That Indicate Americans Are OK

5 Factors That Indicate America Is Over

5.  Environment.
Call it, “Climate Change.”  “Global Warming.”  “Creation Care.”  Whatever you call it, the fact is that industrial and post-industrial society is consuming nature (and itself) at an unsustainable level.  America is built on a culture of exploitation:  of natural resources, of human beings, and even of relationships and emotions.  It is antiquated.  It is obsolete.  And it is unsustainable.  Something new is emerging.  Something transcendent is emerging;  as it always does.

4.  Organisational Evolution.
America is propped up by behemoth government.  It is propped up by behemoth corporations.  And it is even propped up by behemoth religious institutions.  And amidst these expansive institutional structures, there is an increasing distance and disconnect between the ordinary person and the decision-makers.  Within this space there is dissonance.  As such, there is an increasing affinity and practice of “micro” organisations:  close-knit entities with horizontal cooperation, consensus building, full engagement.  It is a tedious process of development, but this organisational evolution is invading all endeavours and playing for keeps.

3.  Internet. 
Hoards of information are readily available to the masses.  It is increasingly, excruciatingly difficult to pacify the masses with smoke and mirrors.  People want equity.  People want genuine opportunities.  People are becoming increasingly aware when this is withheld.  And people are becoming increasingly knowledgeable in how to navigate beyond convention and make this equity and opportunity so.

2.  Obama.
The office of POTUS (President Of The United States) is historically a symbol of the epitome of achievement.  Power.  However, amidst the continuing divisiveness that exists within the United States, people are gravitating elsewhere.  Americans of African descent recognise the severe limitations and insufficiency of POTUS;  systemic change is needed.  Americans of European descent, whilst abstaining from often publicly admitting such, perceive POTUS as being “sullied,” and look to other power structures and symbols to invest aspirations for gaining recognition and authority.

1.  11 September. 
Many Americans seem to accept the mainstream explanation regarding the causal factors for the destruction of the World Trade Centre:  Osama.  Al-Qaeda.  Islamic Terrorism.  However, the plain and simple evidence indicates that 11 September is an inside job:  the murders and atrocity are caused by a carefully executed (most likely domestic) plan for the purpose of causing the extreme reactionary hysteria and hostility that actually follow the destruction.  Within the ignorance between mainstream America’s blind acceptance of the mainstream explanation and the actual cause, there is a widening psychical disconnect, and a woeful vulnerability, where mainstream Americans are increasingly easily duped and confused by other frauds and schemes;  the sum of which deteriorates the fabric of cohesion, cooperation, and safety within America.

5 Factors That Indicate Americans Are OK
(In Chronological Order)

5.  Declaration Of Independence.
Amidst his blatant shortcomings, Thomas Jefferson pens the crux of the American ethos that rallies the colonies into political emancipation from Britain.  He draws upon the ethos of religious liberty and material prosperity that are established by the earliest colonial settlers of Western soil:  “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Of Happiness.”  Jefferson proclaims an aspirational ideal for America to achieve through the dissolution of British bonds:  “All Men Are Created Equal,” and are endowed these rights by our Creator.  It is a declaration that exists beyond the bounds of Jefferson’s, and America’s, then-contemporary and personal circumstances.  Yet, it is a declaration that resonates throughout America, throughout generations, and throughout humanity.  It is a declaration that we continue to strive to achieve.  And it is the genuineness of our striving that redeems us and enables us to continue.

4.  Industrial Revolution.
Within its infancy, America experiences a tremendous amount of natural bounty (albeit nefariously stolen from Native people), a tremendous amount of human labour (albeit nefariously stolen from African people), and a tremendous amount of ingenuity (much of which is provided through continuing cooperative ventures with European colleagues).  Whilst recognising the historic and continuing malfeasances of capitalism and its Industrial Revolution, the Industrial Revolution does provide invaluable inventions and solutions for cultivation, production, distribution, construction, and additionally.  From the nascent years of American New England to the latest development of Silicon Valley, this methodology for the development and exchange of ideas and solutions provides the whole of humanity with unprecedented capacities to satisfy the aggregate of our material needs in life.  We simply must further evolve, socially, to catch up with these innovations and learn to better share with each other.

3.  Emancipation Proclamation.
The progression of America is also fraught with certain growing pains.  The Civil War is 1 of these.  And within this episode of history, America begins to recognise and admit some of the nefarious transgressions that it commits simply as a means to exist.  Whilst it may be argued that the emergence of the Northern Industrial Revolution makes African slave labour increasingly redundant, there is the consideration that the Emancipation Proclamation is established for its stated purpose of recognising the humanity of all individuals within society and facilitating equitable standing for all individuals within society.  Whilst the Emancipation Proclamation falls short of making this equitability an actuality, it does demonstrate America’s propensity to recognise its own shortcomings and to change.  And as the historic transgressions of America continue into our contemporary experience, there are lessons to be learned from the Emancipation Proclamation:  to venture beyond our egos, beyond our pride and sense of propriety, and recognise what is right and what should be done for the benefit of all. 

2.  Women’s Suffrage.
It takes a little longer, and an accumulation of “in-house dissonance,” for America to wake up to its woeful treatment of women;  and to instead, provide women with equitable rights.  Yet, amidst this progression from oppression to suffrage to feminism, it is beneficial to avoid the “Tom Sawyer ‘paint-the-fence’ trap” of women effectively imitating the chauvinistic tendencies of men simply because men make it seem favourable.  Rather than providing women with equal pay for toting a gun in the military, it is beneficial for women to utilise this power and influence to encourage men (and women) to recognise the tremendous value and wisdom that exists within the “feminine”:  to quell the ego, to innately consider the benefit of the entire community, to search for mutually amicable means for dispute resolution, to dedicate affection towards children, to invest within education, and additionally.  There is much that men can learn (and our global community can benefit) from listening to women as women.

1.  The 60’s (The 90’s) [And Maybe, The 20’s].
The 60’s represent the emergence of the “Baby Boomer,” the “Flower Child.”  It is the culmination of the Civil Rights Movement.  It is the wave of immigration from throughout the Earth.  It is the rise of social consciousness and development.  It is a transformative period that changes the baseline of America and prepares us for the next stage of development.  In a similar manner, the 90’s include the coming of age of “Generation X.”  It is global activism (from the environment in Rio, to G8 protests in Seattle).  It is the internet.  It is diversity, multiculturalism, and the beginning stages of the next growth period of the global InterFaith Movement.  It is another transformative period where the baseline of America shifts.  And it leaves us to consider who are and will be the next generation of doers, thinkers, and lovers.  Who will see the afflictions that confound America and humanity, and who will venture to explore, inhabit, and grow our new communities of harmony, prosperity, and transcendence.  We are the broad shoulders for these existential pioneers.

Love And Peace.