Love And Peace, Family And Friends.

Recently, there is a posting, by URI
(United Religions Initiative), for the job opening of a regional coordinator of
local Cooperation Circles. And I apply
for the job.
may be considered a monumental event as it is over a decade since I maintain a
conventional method of employment. It is
over a decade since I receive a paycheck.
Much of this can be attributable to my politics. I am a radical transcendent. In fact, I spend many years within this past
decade without even utilising money directly.
Within the past decade, I work for alinear, egalitarian, and benevolent
organisations like WเเϕअAنא 天 (Universal InterFaith Action Network). Yet, I also work in cooperation with numerous
local and international conventional organisations like URI, North American
InterFaith Network (NAIN), Elijah InterFaith Institute, Religions For Peace,
International Association For Religious Freedom, Parliament Of The World’s
Religions, and additionally. So the
question emerges: am I conventionally
To answer this
question, it is appropriate to consider what my politics actually are. And to do this, it seems beneficial to begin
with the point where many may most readily challenge me.
I believe in
“black nationalism.” I believe in the
“We Are The Rainbow,” “Kum By, Yah,” “We Can Work It Out” pluralism that many
proclaim and aspire. However, I also
believe that such pluralism requires a proficient amount of egalitarianism,
respect, and integrity of differences.
And this is implausible for people of African descent in the United
States living as a perennial and impotent political minority.
Instead, it is beneficial for people of
African descent (and all people) for people of African descent to be able to
assemble as an independent, political community and determine policies and
self-governance that is conducive to the “experience” of people of African
descent. This includes establishing
schools, employing police, selecting leaders, and deciding issues in a manner
that immediately manifests the interests of people of African descent.
This can also be done in a Peaceful,
transcendent manner. 1 option is for
people of African descent to perform a mass emigration back towards the
Southern states of the US; to relocate
residences, move into vacant dwellings, cohabitate with current residents, and
additionally. This is to establish an
overwhelming and organised political majority within major metropolitan areas
and surrounding rural municipalities.
This includes the involvement of doctors, engineers, lawyers, teachers,
and additional professionals; so as to
account for the comprehensive set of community needs that the new political
communities have (including comprehensive infrastructure needs).
When there is a sufficient amount of
numbers, organisation, and consensus, a next step is to change the current
political structures to facilitate this political independence. In other words, the critical step is to
secede from the United States Of America.
This may be done at the local municipality level, the county level, and/or
the state level.
From there, it is up to people of African
descent to self-govern and to abstain from relying upon the United States for
intervention within domestic dilemmas.
And when the independent political communities reach a proficient level
of self-sufficiency, then such independent political communities can further develop
proficient economic trade with other nations, including the United States.
Obviously this is something that is
substantially complicated and involved, yet it is quite feasible. However, it is something that people of
African descent have to do for people of African descent. It is precluded from being given. And to do this, people of African descent
must overcome the horrific fear and awe of people of European descent and the
consequences for disobeying massa. This
is something that continues since the days of slavery, and exists within very
implicit and latent conditioned behaviour that discourages people of African
descent into submission and compliance.
Even the hardest gangstas and revolutionaries conform to this law.
Yet, amidst the severity of this fear and
awe, people of African descent continue to search for a solution. And after 2 terms of a US president of
African ancestry and little change, people of African descent may be
increasingly receptive to solutions that exist outside of convention. So whilst black nationalism may historically seem
unlikely, there are methods through which it is increasingly plausible and
However, black nationalism is only a
fragment of my geopolitics. I also
believe in another geopolitical initiative called, “Colonial
Reservations.” Within this initiative,
much of the land that is increasingly occupied by colonial interests
(substantially within the Western Hemisphere) is returned to the direct
stewardship of the respective indigenous people of these lands. Metropolitan areas are designated as
“colonial reservations,” where colonial inhabitants are able to stay and
reside. Colonial inhabitants who
previously reside in comparatively rural areas are encouraged to relocate to
the outer portions of established metropolitan areas, or to the respective
countries of origin for the colonial inhabitants. Metropolitan areas are enlarged to account
for the increased populations and the necessary production of agriculture.
The premise for “Colonial Reservations” is
multi-fold. 1.) It accounts for the horrendous atrocities and
near genocide of the respective indigenous peoples (particularly within the
Western Hemisphere). 2.) It enables indigenous tribes to return to
native traditions in an optimum manner.
And 3.) It enhances humanity’s
respect for, and connexion with, the natural environment. There are many beneficial lessons that
industrial and post-industrial societies can learn from native peoples and
traditions. 1 of these lessons is the
intrinsic interdependence that we maintain with our surrounding natural
environment. In general, the respective
traditions of native peoples maintain a healthier relationship with the
Earth. So, by returning much of the
ancestral land back to native people, industrial and post-industrial societies
also experience a healthier relationship with the Earth (which can be
translated in many different ways).
So, “Colonial Reservations” is essentially for
the betterment of native peoples; but it
is also essential to the betterment of all life throughout the Earth.
It is appropriate to note that even these
metropolitan areas take on a different political construct. Whilst disparities continue to exist,
humanity experiences an unprecedented level of education and information across
socioeconomic divides. Simultaneously,
the immediate mechanisms of government (including republic governments
disguised as democracy) remain distant and unreachable for millions and
billions of citizens. And for many of
these billions of citizens, this disconnect and disfranchisement is becoming
less acceptable (witnessing the Occupy Movement and additional political
Rather than being ruled by a distant
government bureaucracy, there is an increasing interest for individuals to have
direct and immediate determination within the laws that govern such
individuals. There is an increasing
interest for self-determination. And
there is an increasing interest to manifest this at the local level. So 1 option for this is to establish
municipalities, counties, and/or states as independent sovereignties; self-governing and self-determinant. The nature of this governance may vary from
communism to monarchical rule to direct democracy where decisions and laws are
determined through a process of consensus-building by all citizens. And there may remain political allegiances
and economic cooperation amongst these “city-states,” in a manner that
resembles the current United Nations and additional pacts.
Also within my geopolitics, it is essential
for the nature of metropolitan areas to change, as well. The infrastructure of many of our cities is
warn and deteriorated; and this provides
the opportunity for comprehensively overhauling the infrastructure. This includes making water available to 100%
of people. This includes all
metropolitan areas exclusively utilising renewable energy. This includes the recycling of 100% of all
consumed materials. And this includes
agriculture being cultivated by 100% of people.
This infrastructure initiative can be the
premise for “New Deal”-style employment and economic development. People can be retrained and gainfully
employed within different aspects of facilitating this infrastructure
transformation. This employment can also
be sufficient so that families can be viably sustained from a single income.
Indeed, the invoking of the “New Deal”
conjures up additional considerations regarding socioeconomic categories within
society. Within my geopolitics, there is
a conceding to the existence of socioeconomic differences (disparities) between
individuals and families. Specialisation
of professions is necessary. But rather
than a comprehensive valuation upon the worth of individuals, these
socioeconomic differences are understood simply as differences. Some people labour for a living, and some people
push paper. Some people have a number of
children and some people only have 1.
Some people save and some people spend.
Some people pursue education and career and some people pursue
relationships. Amidst the consideration
of socioeconomic disparities, there are 2 fundamental requirements: 1.)
there is 100% mobility for the next generation of each family; and 2.)
there are sufficient provisions made for 100% of people. Within my geopolitics, class divisions are
also appeased through the 100% alleviation of debt.
Returning to the prospect of infrastructure
transformation, my geopolitics also include the eradication of personal motor
vehicles. Instead, metro rails and trams
are the prevalent form of local travel.
Motor vehicles are reserved for emergency, service, freight, taxi
utilisation, and similarly. People walk
to where people have to go. And local
neighbourhoods are constructed in a manner that all provisions are available
within walking distance of 1’s home.
Within the consideration of geopolitics, it
is appropriate to consider how laws are enforced and how disputes are
settled. The 1st
consideration within my geopolitics is the establishment of a global civil
service corps and local civil service corps.
These service corps respond to the immediate and systemic needs of
communities, whether it is civil strife, natural disasters, decay, and/or
additionally. Yet, amidst this
intervention and assistance, these civil service corps abstain from utilising
weapons. Instead, special methodologies
are utilised to nullify threats.
Additional initiatives include the
alleviation of all nuclear weapons, the alleviation of all military weapons,
the alleviation of all personal weapons and police weapons, and the unlocking
of all doors. And all of this is done at
each individual’s own respective level of comfort. This is an essential criteria for such
“deweaponisation.” It is woefully
hypocritical to force someone to relinquish a weapon, particularly when the
individual doing the forcing has a weapon.
Instead, it is an act of Faith.
An individual relinquishes an individual’s weapon when that individual
is ready, and it is our responsibility to lead by example and establish social
environments where other individuals feel comfortable in relinquishing such
weapons. If an individual is utilising a
weapon to threaten or harm another individual, then an individual(s) (without
weapons) may remove that weapon. And
individuals without weapons can cooperate with each other to the exclusion of
individuals with weapons. The ultimate
objective is Peaceful cohesion.
With agricultural and industrial
communities establishing harmonious coexistence with nature, technology, and
each other, it is appropriate to consider another element within humanity: “interplanetarial collectives.” Some people are dissatisfied with the
prospect of living on Earth; some
individuals are dedicated towards the prospect of travelling and inhabiting
locations beyond the Earth’s atmosphere.
And there are collectives who are preparing for this prospect. And many of these individuals are
facilitating some of the most advanced technological developments of
humanity. This has considerable impact
concerning the manner in which agricultural and industrial collectives continue
to develop. My geopolitics are aware of
“interplanetarial collectives,” advocate for the advancement of such
collectives, and are dutiful to avoid any adverse tendencies that such
collectives may pose towards agricultural and industrial collectives, or
towards the environment beyond Earth’s atmosphere.
This is obviously just a portion of
my geopolitics. I abstain from detailing
my geopolitics approach towards global citizenship and the educational
curricula that facilitates this.
However, that may be a topic for another post.
So, I return to my original question: given the significant distinction regarding
my geopolitics, can you see me as 1 of your colleagues? Can you accept me representing an
organisation with which you are directly affiliated? Is there room within our InterFaith Movement
for my geopolitics?
I appreciate your patience and
consideration. And I look forward to
receiving your responses.
Love And Peace,

Symbol).Peace(Common Sign).Peace(American Sign).Peace(American Braille).
Om. Amen.
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