Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Torah Trivia for Parshah 6: Toldot

Torah Trivia for Parshah Toldot

1.) How old is Avraham when Esau and Yaakov are born?

Answer: Mathematically, Avraham is 160 years old, and Esau and Yaakov are born 15 years before Avraham passes at the age of 175 years; Bereshit 21:5; Bereshit 25:2; Bereshit 25:7

2.) What meal does Yaakov provide Esau for Esau’s birthright?

Answer: Yaakov provides Esau with red lentil stew, bread, and drink; Bereshit 25:34

3.) Where does Yitzak go when the famine returns?

Answer: Yitzak travels to Gerar, where there is Abimelech, King of the Philistines; Bereshit 26:1

4.) What metaphor does Adonai utilise to describe the number of descendants that Yitzak is promised to have: a.) sands of the desert, b.) grass in the field, c.) drops of water in the Sea, and/or d.) Stars in the Sky?

Answer: Adonai promises to provide Yitzak with descendants that are as numerous as: d.) Stars in the Sky; Bereshit 26:4

5.) After redigging the Avraham’s wells that the Philistines fill, how many new wells does Yitzak dig; and in what geographic location does Adonai appear to Yitzak?

Answer: Yitzak digs 2 wells, “Esek” (“Challenge”) and “Sitnah” (“Harrassment”), over which the Philistines dispute; and a 3rd well that Yitzak maintains, “Rehovot” (“Wide Spaces”); Bereshit 26:20, 21, 22; Yizak leaves and travels to Beer-Sheva, where Adonai appears to Yitzak, and where Yitzak subsequently builds an altar and digs a well; Bereshit 26:23 – 25.

6.) With whom does Yitzak make a Peace treaty, and what name does Yitzak give to the well his servants dig after the Peace treaty is made?

Answer: Yitzak makes a Peace treaty with Abimelech and his general, Pikhol, after the 2 travel to Beer-Sheva and propose such (Bereshit 26:26 – 31); and, Yitzak names the well, “Shevah” (as in Beer-Sheva [“Well of the Seven”]); Bereshit 26:32 – 33.

7.) How old is Esau when he is first married, and whom does he marry?

Answer: Esau is 40 years old when he is married and he first marries Judith, daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and he also marries Basemath, daughter of Elon the Hittite; Bereshit 26:34; Esau later marries Machlath, daughter of Ishmael; Bereshit 28:9.

8.) What meal does Yitzak command of Esau to give him in order to receive a blessing, what meal does Rivkah prepare for Yaakov to give Yitzak, and what additional preparations does Rivkah instruct Yaakov to make before approaching Yitzak with the meal?

Answer: Yitzak commands Esau to prepare for him a “tasty dish” of deer meat “in the way he likes it” (Bereshit 27:3 – 4); Rivkah prepares lamb meat (Bereshit 27:14) and bread (Bereshit 27:17), and Yaakov serves the meal with wine to Yitzak (Bereshit 27:25); and Rivkah provides Yaakov with some of Esau’s clothing and covers Yaakov’s arms with some of the wool from the slaughtered lambs (Bereshit 27:15 – 16).

9.) What characteristic of Yaakov’s almost betrays his disguise towards Yitzak: a.) Yaakov’s small build, b.) Yaakov’s hairless hands, c.) Yaakov’s smell, d.) Yaakov’s patented red lentil stew recipe, e.) Yaakov’s voice

Answer: Yitzak recognises: e.) Yaakov’s voice; (there is an absence of the description of Yaakov’s build, Yaakov’s hands and smell are disguised by the lambskins and Esau’s clothing, respectively [which Rivkah provides], and presumably Rivkah prepares the entire meal according to the recipe that she knows that Yitzak favours); Bereshit 27:22.

10.) What final act does Yaakov perform before Yitzak blesses him?

Answer: After being commanded by Yitzak, Yaakov kisses Yitzak, and Yitzak smells Esau’s clothing, that Yaakov is wearing, immediately before Yitzak blesses Yaakov; Bereshit 27:26 – 27.

11.) What is the difference between the blessing that Yitzak provides to Yaakov and the blessing Yitzak provides to Esau?

Answer: Yitzak blesses Yaakov with: “dew of Heaven,” “richness of Earth,” “much grain and wine,” “service of nations bowing,” “leadership of brothers,” “bowing of mother’s children,” “curses upon those who curse,” and “blessings upon those who bless” (Bereshit 27:28 – 29); Yitzak blesses Esau with: “home in fertile places,” “dew of Heaven,” “life by the sword,” “servitude towards brother,” “throwing off of yoke, and becoming free” (Bereshit 27:39 – 40).

12.) Where do Rivkah and Yitzak send Yaakov after Esau becomes enraged about the blessings?

Answer: Rivkah bids Yaakov to go to her brother, Laban, in Haran (Bereshit 27:43); and Yitzak bids Yaakov to go to Yaakov’s uncle’s house, Bethuel, in Padan Aram, to marry a daughter from Laban’s family (Bereshit 28:2).


Discussion Questions:

What is the difference between Esau selling his birthright and Yitzak providing Yaakov with Esau’s blessing? Are the 2 occurrences effectively the same event? Does the blessing inevitably result from the selling of the birthright? Bereshit 25:28 – 34; Bereshit 27:30 – 41.

Does Yitzak amass his wealth in Gerar through harvesting crops rather than exclusively through herding cattle? If so, what significance does this maintain amidst Avraham’s livelihood of shepherding and the similar endeavours of the Tribes of Israel? Bershit 26:12.

What is the significance of Esau/Yaakov actually serving the meal to Yitzak in order to receive the blessing? If Yitzak wants to bless Esau, can he simply bless Esau without the meal? What exists intrinsically and esoterically within the exchange? What does Yitzak acquiesce through accepting the meal? Bereshit 27:1 – 40, with emphasis upon Bereshit 27:22 – 27.

How many brothers and sisters does Yaakov have? Bereshit 27:29.

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