Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Daily Mantram Web Cam Transcript 119.10.13;67;3o2

connection established
Broadcaster Rules: Tokens are the only form of payment allowed. You may promote your personal website as long as it does not offer video chat. Do not provide your Skype or Yahoo Messenger to anyone, and do not ask users to chat with you elsewhere.
Your cam is visible to men, women, transsexuals, couples. Edit this in settings & privacy.
Broadcaster pfwjo has joined the room.
room subject changed to "pfwjo's room"
pfwjo:Love and Peace to all.
pedrosolo:friend happiness and good fortune in your life / from Uruguay a hug
constructiondude has joined the room.
novon:You are an atheist or a Jew
constructiondude has left the room.
constructiondude has joined the room.
constructiondude has left the room.
constructiondude has joined the room.
novon:You are a Muslim
constructiondude has left the room.
novon:Have you ever read about Islam
novon:That Islam did not enter then you are close to suicide I advise you now
novon:Say I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God and that Jesus Abd Allah and His Messenger ..Now
novon:Do not thinking too much in worldly human beliefs thinking clearly limited assuredly explicit Islam is calling you and welcomes you
novon:You are close to suicide and before the decision to commit suicide you
novon:Do you speak Arabic
lovechubbear:hey u...love u
jocalineur2 has joined the room.
lakeshored has joined the room.
belly555:can i see your ass
belly555:you killer man
belly555:you dohubi\
belly555:see me your ass
belly555:or your mother ass
belly555:i need to fuck your mother
jocalineur2 has left the room.
belly555:fouk your mother
lakeshored has left the room.
zaqq has joined the room.
zaqq has left the room.
comrade_woland has joined the room.
comrade_woland has left the room.
pfwjo:Love and Peace to all.
pfwjo:I notice that many of the previous commentors are absent from the chat room at this point, so I abstain from specifically addressing each of the past comments.
pfwjo:I do reference my profile description, as well as the link to the blog, www.righteousmountain.blogspot.com.
peruvianchaser:Hi sexy
pfwjo:Love and Peace, Chaser. Your words are appreciated, however, I am straight.
peruvianchaser:Gracias por tus deseos, un abrazo.
pfwjo:Siempre, Chaser. Un abrazo.
pfwjo:I'm out. Love and Peace to all.

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