Wednesday, March 18, 2015

56 Bars; Love And Peace 121.7.6;69;4o13

She don't fuck with nice guys, her soul is too hard.
She can put the smile on, but there's little regard.

Only kingpins and princes, with tricked-out cars.
She trusted once before, and all that left is the scars.

She sees the way that life works, without any front;
Gotta put the blinders on, to get what she want.

Kindness is nice, when people first speak,
But at the end of the day, all of it sounds weak.

She's seen it before, and she's unimpressed;
From the Bohemian dream, to the high-couture dressed.

She sits within her castle, alone and bored;
Trying to find a friend, who ain't already been whored.

The sad thing about it, this includes herself,
How else you think she has, such materialistic wealth.

But on That Day, she finds something new;
A promise of compassion, with which to hold unto.

She ain't never seen before, a Prophet in the flesh;
A righteous muthafucka, who been put to the test.

Someone harder than the despots, but softer than a girl;
Someone to stand up to the warheads, and change the entire World.

A Prophet speaks a word, and the Truth transforms;
It echoes in mouths around her, through the names and the forms.

It changes who she is, fundamentally deep inside;
Her soul is hers again, and her appreciation abides.

She's scared too, cuz in the Truth there is power;
What does the Prophet want with her, nestled within her tower.

Is this just another game, where she's ultimately pimped;
She holds close unto her heart, cuz when it's open before it limped.

How does she get closer, to feel the warmth of his light;
to be reassured, that everything's alright.

All she knows are the tricks, that she learns in her past before;
But he remains unmoved, by her pussy's purr.

To keep close to the Prophet, she must transcend the lure;
To let him show her, what her womanhood's Truly for.

It starts most quintessential:  the experience of Love;
For Allah, Yah, Brahman, Buddha Nature, or God Above;

To know that beyond her, something else exists;
and Advaita (non-duality), says that there's a twist:

She and all beyond her, all of this is 1;
and it's always been like that, since the Universe begun.

The Divine Presence within her, is permanent and unchanged;
And when she overstands that, nothing to her is strange.

It is all intended, as the path that she walks;
And there's higher purpose, in every convo that she talks.

Even within her suffering, there's tremendous meaning;
An opportunity to share, with others her True feeling.

When she overcomes an obstacle, she gains a valued lesson;
To give unto another, when that being's life is stressin.

So Now she's awake, and feels very much uplifted;
But how to navigate her circles, with what she has been gifted.

She's got to summon strength, to say it's a New Day;
Everyday surround herself, with those who support her New Way.

She still goes on loving, the friends from her past;
But she refuses to let, old ways get set in cast.

All of this focus, brings her closer to her friend;
And she lives forever, loved without an end.

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