Monday, November 16, 2015

To My Wife 27 122.3.8;70;2.5

Love And Peace, Mi Amora.

It is a while since I write to you, and a fair amount occurs since then.  I have a few dreams this past evening generally about the synthesis of my politics with future convention.  The take-away is:  compassion.  I also see advancements in security and protection.

After AM meditations, as I am preparing to perform Salat and Yoga, I see a young woman clearing the frost from her windows.  I think of you.  And I experience an awakening consideration.  Previously, I am discouraged by the prospect of having to satisfy all the different cultural requirements of your Mixed Ethnicity heritage, particularly those of your far and mor.  I know that even as liberal and progressive as my parents are whilst I am being raised, both of my parents have racist biases and prejudices;  including general biases making it difficult for me to initially find you.  I can only imagine the reservations that your parents have against me, particularly considering my Mysticism and politics.

Then it occurs to me today:  for you to be with me, for our paths to coalesce, it seems necessary for you to be like me.  I mean that, like me, you are bale to reach a rather special balance between distancing yourself from the antiquated myopia of your parents whilst continuing to honour your parents, your ancestors, and your tradition.

I actually think many people in our generation (and indeed in every generation) do this.  But I think we are doing this in an increasingly multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-national, and multicultural manner.  This is our community.

I recognise that this may seem to be a rather self-involved (and even narcissistic) epiphany:  you are just like me;  yet it provides me solace as it make me feel closer to you and closer to being with you.

I attend the Parliament a few weeks ago.  And I have to smile:  events transpire in a manner seemingly somewhat different than what I previously write.  I guess that can be attributed to the nature of my approximation (what some may call, “imperfection”).  I guess it can be attributable to the Divine whimsy of serendipity and its refusal to be calculated.  I guess it can be attributed to my own myopic perceptions that preclude me from recognising that it does happen as I describe.  And I guess that can be attributable to what has yet to come.

Whilst listening to Karen Armstrong during 1 of the plenaries, I experience a Mystic awakening.  At that moment, I am paying half attention whilst I peruse through texts and Facebook.  Then, whilst sitting in the back of the exhibit hall, I observe people walking back and forth.  And when I look at each person, I experience the strong symmetry that each person is me;  only separated by sequence and matter.  Each person’s characteristics and personality are my characteristics and personality, only with different emphases.

This notion of spiritual connexion is something that I definitely experience before.  I feel the “Namaste” with many people.  But this particular Mystic experience is different.  It is a direct connexion with my ego;  and because of that, there is increased immediacy.  Instead of having initial sexual thoughts towards any woman I see, my thoughts are:  that is me.  Instead of having initial violent thoughts towards any man I see, my thoughts are:  that is me.  And whilst I previously have certain discipline within such thoughts, since this occurrence, my discipline is increasingly keen.  And I recognise that the progression from perceiving everyone as me is perceiving me as everyone else:  I am simply a reflection of everyone I see in my dream.

In the weeks since the Parliament, the force of this awakening subsides a little, as I return into my routine;  but it continues.  And I am increasingly disciplined in my practice of celibacy til marriage.

An act of power necessarily is evidence of weakness;  the consideration is energy.

Love And Peace,


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