Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Glocal Civilian Peace Treaty 121.6.14;69;3.5

What's Up, Family And Friends.

Are you willing to sign this "Glocal Civilian Peace Treaty"?

1.)  I promise to abstain from striking, kicking, or utilising a weapon against another human being in a violent or threatening manner;  and I promise to abstain from utilising violent or threatening speech.

2.)  I promise to fully divest from any organisation that manufactures or trades weapons, and to fully divest from any organisation (company, financial instrument, university, and additionally) that is invested within a weapons manufacturer or weapons trader.

3.)  I promise that the police who protect me abstain from unduly killing, beating, or threatening any individual;  and when an individual is violated, I promise to properly dismiss or discipline that police officer.

4.)  I promise to join, and continually participate as I am readily able, within a civilian forum that discusses and acts upon the concerns of my local community and our global community;  and I promise to continually support, and directly enlist within as I am readily able, the service corps of my civilian forum.

5.)  I promise to inform my civilian forum whenever I observe an individual possessing a weapon.

Love And Peace,


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