Thursday, August 30, 2012

Holy Scriptures Study, Week 45 (118.12.4)

שלום.नमस्ते.สมาธ.Pax.سلام.Peace.SatNam.صلح.Kwey.Amani.Barış.ειρήνη.Pace.Paz.Paix.Fred.Frieden.Vrede.Siochana.мир.امن.和平.平和.평화.Aloha. . . .

Holy Scriptures Study, Week 45 Va’etchanan; 118.12.4


Devarim 3:23 – 7:11

“At that time I pleaded with Adonai, saying, ‘O Adonai, You have begun to show me Your greatness and power.  Is there any power in heaven or on earth who can perform deeds and miracles as You do?  Please let me cross the (Yordan) River.  Let me see the wonderful Promised Land, the beautiful hills, and the mountains of Lebanon across the (Yordan).’
“But because of you Adonai was angry at me, and (Adonai) would not listen.  Adonai angrily told me, ‘That is enough!  Do not speak to Me any more about (My) decision.
“ ‘You can climb to the top of Mount Pisgah, and look to the west, north, south, and east.  Take a (strong) look, because you will not cross the (Yordan) River.
“ ‘I want you to encourage (Yoshua) and make him strong, because he will be the one to lead the Israelites across the river and he will distribute the land to them that you will see.’”  (v23-28).

“And now, Israel, if you wish to be successful, listen carefully to the rules and laws that I am teaching you, so that you will remain alive and occupy the land that Adonai is giving you.  Do not add other laws or subtract from these commandments.  You must carefully observe all the commandments of Adonai which I am giving you.”  (v1-2).
Moshe describes the miracles and uniqueness of Israelis.
“When you raise your eyes to the sky, and see the sun, moon, stars, and other heavenly bodies, do not bow down to them or worship them.  Adonai created these heavenly bodies only to provide light for the nations of the world.”  (v19).
“After you have fathered children and grandchildren, and have been settled in the land for a long time, perhaps you will anger (Adonai) by making a statue of some image and worshipping an idol and committing a sin in the eyes of Adonai.  Let heaven and earth be my witnesses that you will then quickly disappear from the land that you are crossing the (Yordan) to occupy.  You will not remain there very long, for you will be totally destroyed.
“Adonai will scatter you, and you will remain only a handful among the nations to which Adonai will exile you.  There you will worship (deities) of wood and stone, which cannot see, hear, eat, or smell.  Then you will once again begin to (search for) Adonai, and you will pursue (Adonai) with all your heart and soul, and you will, in the end, find (Adonai).
“When you are in distress because of these calamities that will have happened to you, then you will finally return to Adonai and obey (Adonai).  Adonai is merciful, and (Adonai) will not abandon you or destroy you;  (Adonai) will not forget the covenant that (Adonai) made with your ancestors.”  (v25-29).

“Then Adonai gave the Ten Commandments for the second time.  This is what (Adonai) said:
“I am Adonai, (Who) brought you ought of Egypt, from the land of slavery.
“You must not worship any (deities) but Me.
“You must not make any idol or statue or image of anything in the heaven above, on the earth below, or in the waters below.
“You must not bow down to idols and must not worship them.  I, Adonai, demand exclusive worship.  I will punish the children down to the third and fourth generations because of the sins of the father.
“But I will show kindness to those who love Me and observe My commandments.  To them I will show love for thousands of generations.
“You must not swear falsely by using the name of Adonai.  I will not allow the person who uses My name falsely to go unpunished.
“You must observe (Shabbat) to keep it holy, just as Adonai has commanded you.
“You can work on the six weekdays and do all your tasks, but Saturday must be devoted to Adonai, and you must not do any work.
“This includes you, your son, your daughter, your male and female servants, your ox, your donkey, all your other animals, and the foreigner who lives in your lands.  Your male and female servants must be able to rest just as you do.  Remember that you were once slaves in Egypt, and Adonai liberated you with a strong hand and a mighty arm.  Therefore Adonai has commanded you to observe (Shabbat).
“You must honor your father and your mother as Adonai has commanded you.  If you do, you will live long and prosper on the land that Adonai is giving you.
“You must not commit murder.
“You must not commit adultery.
“You must not steal.
“You must not be a false witness against your neighbour.
“You must not be envious of your neighbor’s house, his field, his male or female servants, his ox, his donkey, or anything else that belongs to him.”  (v5-18).

“Hear, O Israel, Adonai is supreme.  Adonai is one.  You shall love Adonai with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.  These words which I am commanding you today must remain on your heart.  Teach them to your children and speak of them when you are at home, when traveling on the road, when you lie down and when you rise up.  Tie these words as a sign around your hand, and wear them as a symbol in the center of your forehead.  Write them on parchments attached to the doorposts of your houses and your gates.”   (v4-9).

Moshe describes the destruction of the preceding inhabitant nations of Eretz Israel.
“You must not intermarry with them.  You must not marry your daughters to their sons, and you must not marry their daughters to your sons.  If you do, they will lead your children away from worshipping Me and lead them to worship idols.  Then Adonai will be angry at you, and you will quickly be destroyed.
“This is what you must do to them.  Destroy their altars, smash their sacred pillars, cut down their holy Asherah trees, and burn their idols.
“You are a nation dedicated to Adonai.  From among all the nations on the face of the earth, Adonai has chosen you to be (Adonai’s) special people.
“(Adonai) chose you not because you were more numerous than the other nations.  In fact you were one of the smallest.
“Adonai chose you because (Adonai) loves you, and because (Adonai) kept the promise that (Adonai) made to your ancestors.  That is why Adonai brought you out with a mighty hand and rescued you from slavery, and from the power of (Paraoh), king of Egypt.”  (v3-8).


Why does Moshe place so much blame upon Israelis for being unable to cross into Eretz Israel (and particularly upon the children of the people who commit the actual transgressions that he references)?

What is the nature/purpose/productivity of “pleading” with Adonai?  Amidst the consideration of Adonai being omnipotent and omniscient, is such pleading effectively futile, and/or does it serve the purpose of some form of self-exercise of righteousness and cultivation of piety within one’s own self?  What does such pleading suggest regarding the a perceived “malleability” of Adonai (and/or is such “malleability” simply a manifestation of one’s own ego, as well)?

How does Moshe’s “prelude” to “the blessing and the curse” compare with the descriptions of Heaven and hell, within the Koran?  How does this perceivable “carrot and stick” teaching compare with similar teachings within the Christian Gospels (regarding those who proclaim the Faith), and within the respective teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism (regarding the distinctions within rebirth)?  What benefit/legitimacy exists within such teachings;  and what detriments/deficiencies exist within such teachings, as well?  Is there a tacit, superceding teaching of benevolence/righteousness that exists within these teachings as well?  How does the act, phenomenon, and experience of forgiveness balance within these teachings (how does one overcome the “malevolent” Karma (consequences) of one’s previous transgressions to abstain from perpetually receiving the “stick;”  and how does this appropriately influence the manner in which an individual is guided to interact with [and provide forgiveness towards] others)?

Amidst the prohibition of marry the children of inhabitant nations, what are the implications regarding the prevalent intermarriage between Jews and additional tribes during the historic development of the Jewish Diaspora?

Amidst the consideration of Adonai being omnipotent, how does an individual have the ability of worshipping anything except Adonai?  And, amidst the consideration of Adonai being “all-pervading” (and/or “omnipresent”), how can anyone worship anything except Adonai?


Bhagavad Gita

Chapters 17 - 18

“O Krishna, what is the state of those who disregard the scriptures but still worship with faith?  Do they act from sattva, rajas, or tamas?”  (v1).
“Every creature is born with faith of some king, either sattvic, rajasic, or tamasic.  Listen, and I wil describe each to you.
“Our faith conforms to our nature, Arjuna.  Human nature is made of faith.  Indeed, a person is his faith.
“Those who are sattvic worship the forms of God;  those who are rajasic worship power and wealth.  Those who are tamasic worship spirits and ghosts.”  (v2-4).
“Some invent harsh penances.  Motivated by hypocrisy and egotism,
“they torture their innocent bodies and (Me) (Who) dwells within.  Blinded by their strength and passion, they act and think like demons.”  (v5-6).
“The three kinds of faith express themselves in the habits of those who hold them:  in the food they like, the work they do, the disciplines they practice, the gifts they give.  Listen, and I will describe their different ways.”  (v7).
Differences regarding food and sacrifices are described.
“To offer service to the (angels), to the (benevolent), to the wise, and to your spiritual teacher;  purity, honesty, continence, and nonviolence:  these are the disciplines of the body.
“To offer soothing words, to speak (Truly), kindly, and helpfully, and to study the scriptures:  these are the disciplines of speech.
“Calmness, gentleness, silence, self-restraint, and purity:  these are the disciplines of the mind.”  (v14-16).
Differences regarding disciplines and giving are described.
“Om Tat Sat:  these three words represent Brahman, from which come priests and scriptures and sacrifice.
“Those who follow the Vedas, therefore, always repeat the word Om when offering sacrifices, performing spiritual disciplines, or giving gifts.
“Those (searching for) liberation and not any personal benefit add the word Tat when performing these acts of worship, discipline, and charity.
“Sat means ‘that which is;’  it also indicates (benevolence).  Therefore it is used to describe a worthy deed.”  (v23-26).

“O Krishna, destroyer of evil, please explain to me sannyasa and tyaga and how one kind of renunciation differs from another.”  (v1).
“To refrain from selfish acts is one kind of renunciation, called sannyasa;  to renounce the fruit of action is another, called tyaga
“Among the wise, some say that all action should be renounced as evil.  Others say that certain kinds of action—self-sacrifice, giving, and self-discipline—should be continued.
“Listen, Arjuna, and I will explain three kinds of tyaga and (My) conclusions concerning them.
“Self-sacrifice, giving, and self-discipline should not be renounced, for they purify the thoughtful.
“Yet even these, Arjuna, should be performed without desire for selfish rewards.  This is essential.”  (v5-6).
Differences, according to gunas, regarding responsibilities are described.
“As long as one has a body, one cannot renounce action altogether.  True renunciation is giving up all desire for personal reward.”  (v11).
“Listen, Arjuna, and I will explain the five elements necessary for the accomplishment of every action, as taught by the wisdom of Sankhya.
“The body, the means, the ego, the performance of the act, and the divine will:
“these are the five factors in all actions, right or wrong, in thought, word, or deed.”
Difference regarding knowledge, work, workers, intellect, will, and happiness are described.
“The different responsibilities found in the social order—distinguishing Brahmin, Kshatriya, vaishya, and shudra—have their roots in this conditioning.”  (v41).
“Unerring in his discrimination, sovereign of his senses and passions, free from the clamor of likes and dislikes,
“he leads a simple, self-reliant life based on meditation, controlling his speech, body, and mind.
“Free from self-will, aggressiveness, arrogance, anger, and the lust to possess people or things, he is at peace with himself and others and enters into the unitive state.
“United with Brahman, every joyful, beyond the reach of desire and sorrow, he has equal regard for every living creature and attains supreme devotion to (Me).
“By loving (Me) he come to know (Me) (Truly);  then he know (My) glory and enters into (My) boundless being.
“All his acts are performed in (My) service, and through (My) grace he wins eternal life.”  (v51-56).
“The Lord dwells in the hearts of all creatures and whirls them round upon the wheel of maya.
“Run to (Brahman) for refuge with all your strength, and peace profound will be yours through (Brahman’s) grace.”  (v61-62).


How does the notion of “sattvic giving,” without any intention of receiving benefit in return, compare with the Koranic teachings regarding “secret giving”?

Does the mere discernment of whether an individual is worthy of a gift intrinsically involve some sort of intention for receiving benefit when giving to a “worthy” person?

What actually, literally happens to the ego during the course of a “selfless” act of giving?  What happens to the ego during the course of a selfish transgression?  What additional factors influence the nature of existence of the ego?


Digha Nikaya

Sangiti Suttanta (Part 1:  Chapters 1 – 4)

“Thus have I heard:--
“The Exalted One was once making a tour in the country of the Mallas, accompanied by a great company of the brethren, numbering about five hundred.  And he arrived at Pava the Malla capital.  There he resided in the mango-grove of Cunda the smith.
“Now at that time a new mote-hall of the Pava Mallas named Ubbhataka had not long been built, and had not been occupied by recluse or Brahmin or any human being whatever.  And the Pava Mallas heard that the Exalted One on his tour had arrived with his following at Pava and was staying in Cunda’s mango-grove.  And they went to visit him, and saluting him sat down at one side.  So seated they said to him:--
“ ‘(Leader), a new mote-hall named Ubbhataka has lately been built by us Mallas of Pava, and no recluse or Brahmin or any human being whatever has yet occupied it.  Let, (leader), the Exalted One be the first to make use of it.  That it has first been used by the Exalted One will be for the lasting (benefit) and happiness of the Pava Mallas.’
“The Exalted One by his silence assented.”  (v1-2).
“Then the Exalted One dressed himself and taking bowl and robe he went with the company of brethren to the mote-hall.  On arriving he bathed his feet, and entered the hall, and took his seat facing the east, leaning against the central pillar.  The brethren also bather their feet and entered the hall ranging themselves against the western wall and facing the east, behind the Exalted One.”  (v4).

The Buddha provides a doctrine organised by the significance of numbers.

“1”:  The single doctrine: 
“All beings persist through causes.  All beings persist through conditions.” (v8).

“2”:  33 “double doctrines” are described, including 1.)  mind and body, 5.)  conscientiousness and discretion, 16.)  kindness and love, 17.)  absence of mind and want of intelligence, and 19.)  unguardedness of faculties and intemperance in diet.

“3”:    60 “triple doctrines” are described, including:  1.)  bad roots or conditions:  greed, hate, dullness;  2.)  benevolent roots:  disinterestedness, love, intelligence;  3./4.)  malevolent/benevolent conduct:  act, word, and thought;  5.)  bad thought:  sense-desire, enmity, cruelty;  6.)  benevolent thought:  renunciation, amity, kindness;  23.)  forms of conceit:  being better, being equal, being worse than…;  24.)  periods:  past, future, present;  26.)  feelings:  pleasant, painful, neutral;  31.)  obstacles:  lust, hate, illusion;  44.)  armour:  doctrine learnt, detachment, knowledge;  46.)  vision:  eye of flesh, heavenly eye, eye of insight;  and, 56.)  influences:  self-criticism, community, spiritual things.

“4”:  49 “4-fold doctrines” are described, including:  1.)  applications of mindfulness:  body, feelings, thought, ideas;  2.)  supreme efforts:  preventing wicked ideas, alleviating wicked ideas, cultivating benevolent ideas, maintaining benevolent ideas;  4.)  Jhanas;  7.)  Jhanas of Arupa Consciousness;  9.)  Ariyan lineages;  11.)  knowledges:  the Doctrine, corollaries, another’s consciousness, popular knowledge;  factors in stream-attainment:  intercourse with benevolence, hearing benevolent doctrine, systematised attention, practise in that which leads to doctrine and corollaries;  elements:  earth, water, fire, air;  19.)  going astray:  through partiality, hate, illusion, fear;  23.)  divisions of doctrine:  disinterestedness, amity, perfect mindfulness, perfect concentration;  26.)  powers:  energy, mindfulness, concentration, insight;  and, 28.)  modes of answering questions:  categorical reply, discriminating reply, counter-question reply, waived question.


How does the Buddha’s washing of his feet compare with Jesus’s teachings and narratives regarding the washing of feet?  How does this compare with Avraham’s hospitality to his visitors and additional episodes within the Torah?  And how dos this compare with the Islamic practise of wudu, and similar practises within Hinduism?  What are traditional practises regarding the washing of feet, and what is the significance therein?

Is there any discernible logical patterns or emphases that may be extrapolated from the Buddha’s “numbered” doctrines?  How do these doctrines exist within the preceding context of the aggregate of the Buddha’s teachings, including those teachings that have doctrines that are predicated upon some “numbered affiliation” (such as the 4-Fold Noble Truth and the Noble 8-Fold Path)?



Luke 11 – 12     

“He was praying in a certain place, and when he ceased, one of his disciples said to him, ‘(Leader), teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.’  And he said to them, ‘When you pray, say:
“ ‘(Deus), hallowed be (Thy) name.  Thy (Sovereignty) come.  Give us each day our daily bread;  and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive every one who is indebted to us;  and lead us not into temptation.’”  (v1-4).
“And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you;  (search for), and you will find;  knock, and it will be opened to you.  For every one who asks receives, and he who (searches for) finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”  (v9-10).
Jesus casts out a demon and is accused of casting out demons by Beelzebul.
“ ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.  And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand?  For you say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul.  And if I cast out demons by Beezebul, by whom do your sons cast them out?  Therefore they shall be your judges.  But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the (Sovereignty) of God has come upon you.”  (v17-20).
“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places (searching for) rest;  and finding none he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’  And when he comes he finds it swept and put in order.  Then he goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and dwell there;  and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.”  (v24-26).
“No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a bushel, but on a stand, that those who enter may see the light.  Your eye is the lamp of your body;  when your eye is sound, your whole body is full of light;  but when it is not sound, your body is full of darkness.  Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness.  If then your whole body s full of light, having no part dark, it will be wholly bright, as when a lamp with its rays gives you light.”  (v33-36).
“And the (Leader) said to him, ‘Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of extortion and wickedness.  You fools!  Did not (Deus) (Who) made the outside make the inside also?  But give for alms those things which are within;  and behold, everything is clean for you.”  (v37-41).
“And he said, ‘Woe to you lawyers also!  For you load men with burdens hard to bear, and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.”  (v46).

“In the meantime, when so many thousands of the multitude had gathered together that they trod upon one another, he began to say to his disciples first, ‘Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.  Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.  Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.’”  (v1-3).
“I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.  But I will warn you whom to fear:  fear (Deus) (Who), after (Deus) has killed, has power to cast into hell;  yes, I tell you, fear (Deus)!”  (v4-5).
“And I tell you, every one who acknowledges me before men, the Son of man also will acknowledge before the angels of God;  but he who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God.”  (v8-9).
“One of the multitudes said to him, ‘Teacher, bid my brother divide the inheritance with me.’  But he said to him, ‘Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?’  And he said to them, ‘Take heed, and beware of all covetousness;  for a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.’”  (v13-15).
Jesus tells the parable of the man who builds a storehouse and passes away.
Jesus provides the teaching of the lilies of the field.
“I came to cast fire upon the earth;  and would that it were already kindled!  I have a baptism to be baptized with;  and how I am constrained until it is accomplished!  Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth?  No, I tell you, but rather division;  for henceforth in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three;  they will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against her mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”  (v49-53).


Jesus’s teaching regarding a cast-out demon returning to the “clean house” with additional demons seems to discourage the actual “cleaning of the house;”  how is this teaching to be appropriately understood?  What is taught regarding how to keep the clean house protected from any demons?

What is the metaphysical, spiritual, and material nature of demons?  How might demons be perceived within a contemporary context (particularly amidst the practises of psychiatry and psychology)?  And how is the experience of demons appropriately addressed and alleviated within a contemporary context?

Whilst Jesus establishes a doctrine regarding the washing of hands before eating, what continuing relevance exists within alleviating the “extortion and wickedness” that is committed in providing the food with which to begin?  And is washing hands still OK:  is Jesus condemning the actual washing of hands or simply the hypocrisy of washing hands amidst the extenuating transgressions of the meal itself?



Sura 70:  Al Ma’arij  The Ways of Ascent
Sura 74:  Al Muddaththir  The One Wrapping Himself up
Sura 75:  Al Qayimah  The Resurrection
Sura 76:  Al Insan  The Man

“O thou who wrappest thyself up,
“Arise and warn,
“And thy Lord do magnify,
“And thy garments do purify,
“And uncleanness do shun,
“And do no favour (searching for) gain,
“And for the sake of thy Lord, be patient.
“For when the trumpet is sounded,
“That will be—that day—a difficult day,
“For the disbelievers, anything but easy.
“Leave Me alone with him whom I created,
“And gave him vast riches,
“And sons dwelling in his presence,
“And made matters easy for him,
“And yet he desires that I should give more!
“By no means!  Surely he is inimical to Our messages.”  (v1-16).
“Thus Allah leaves in error whom (Allah) pleases, and guides whom (Allah) pleases.  And none knows the hosts of thy Lord but (Allah).  And this is naught but a Reminder to mortals.”  (v31).
“What has brought you into hell?
“They will say:  We were not of those who prayed;
“Nor did we feed the poor;
“And we indulged in vain talk with vain talkers;
“And we called the day of Judgment a lie;
“Till the inevitable overtook us.”  (v42-47).

“Nay, I swear by the day of Resurrection!
“Nay, I swear by the self-accusing spirit!
“Does man think that We shall not gather his bones?
“Yea, We are Powerful to make complete his whole make.
“Nay, man desires to go on doing evil in front of him.”  (v1-5).
“Man will that day be informed of what he sent before and what he put off.
“Nay, man is evidence against himself,
“Though he put up excuses.
“Move not thy tongue therewith to make haste with it.
“Surely on Us rests the collecting of it and the reciting of it.
“So when We recite it, follow its recitation.
“Again on Us rests the explaining of it.
“Nay , but you love the present life,
“And neglect the Hereafter.”  (v13-21).

“Surely there came over man a time when he was nothing that could be mentioned.
“Surely We have created man from sperm mixed with ovum, to try him, so We have made him hearing, seeing.
“We have (Truly) shown him the way;  he may be thankful or unthankful.
“Surely We have prepared for the disbelievers chains and shackles and a burning Fire.
“The righteous (Truly) drink of a cup tempered with camphor—
“A fountain from which the servants of Allah drink, making it flow in abundance.
“They fulfil vows and fear a day, the evil of which is widespread.
“And they give food, out of love for (Allah), to the poor and the orphan and the captive.
“We feed you, for Allah’s pleasure only—We desire from you neither reward nor thanks.”  (v1-9).


Within the opening of Sura Al Muddaththir, there is the description of the illusion of material riches and wealth;  and there is the teaching to abstain from being enveloped or impressed within the perceived wealth of another man;  amidst this teaching there is the consideration of all the experiences of all beings being an intentional illusion to prompt a reaction from an individual;  that each of us are unable to effectively discern the actual experience of pain or pleasure within another being;  that the most profound suffering may be experienced by one who appears to be abundant with pleasures, and the most profound pleasures may be experienced by one who appears to be plagued with horrendous suffering;  and that amidst this illusion, we are compelled by our inclination of empathy, and we are guided to address the perceived experience of suffering within all beings;  is there any legitimacy within this consideration?


Blessings upon the Prophets and Ancestors:

May Peace and Blessings of the Highest Authority we respectively recognise, known by many names, including God, El Shaddai, Elohim, Adonai, Hashem, Brahman, Nirvana, Dharma, Karma, Tao, Gud, Dieu, Dios, Deus Dominus, Jah, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Infinity, Logic, Wakan Tanka, Ultimate Reality, and additionally, be upon the Rishis, Moshe, the Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Baha’u’llah, Guru Nanak, Zarathustra, Avraham, Yitzak, Yaakov, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, our Ancestors (Known and Unknown), and the Indigenous of Tainoterranea, Asia, Europe, Mediterranea, and Africa, and the Universe. . אמן .

שלום.नमस्ते.สมาธ.Pax.سلام.Peace.SatNam.صلح.Kwey.Amani.Barış.ειρήνη.Pace.Paz.Paix.Fred.Frieden.Vrede.Siochana.мир.امن.和平.平和.평화.Aloha. . . .
. אמן .

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