Thursday, August 30, 2012

Torah Trivia Study for Parashah 46. Eikev (118.12.7)

ושלום אהבא , Family and Friends.
שלום .नमस्ते.สมาธ.Pax.سلام .Peace.SatNam.صلح .Kwey.Amani.Barış.ειρήνη.Pace.Paz.Paix.Fred.Frieden.Vrede.Siochana.мир.امن .和平.平和.평화.Aloha....
This week’s Parashah is “Re’eh,” however, I am still a week behind. Instead, I am providing the Torah Trivia questions for our previous week’s Parashah, “Eikev.”
The featured Hebrew terms for this Parashah are: “לזכור ” (“leezkhor,” meaning, “to remember”), as it appears as, “וזכרת ” (“v’tzkhor”), within the passage of Devarim 8:2: “…הדרך כל את וזכרת ” (“v’tzkhor at kol h’drachah…”, “Remember the long way…”); and, “ לשכוח ” (“leeshkoach,” meaning, “to forget”), as it appears as, “תשכח ” (“t’shekecha”), within the passage of Devarim 8:11: “…תשכח פן לך השמר ” (“Ha’shemar lech pen-t’shekecha…”,
“Take care lest you forget…”)
The Torah Trivia question for Parashah Eikev is: “Can you describe the 8 specific types of food/nourishment that are described as part of the bounty awaiting within Eretz Israel?”
Additional Torah study resources include:
USCJ Torah Sparks: eklyParashah/TorahSparks/Archive/Default.aspx.
Orthodox Union:
Masorti Olami:
,שלום שבת
,ושלום אהבא
שלום .नमस्ते.สมาธ.Pax.سلام .Peace.SatNam.صلح .Kwey.Amani.Barış.ειρήνη.Pace.Paz.Paix.Fred.Frieden.Vrede.Siochana.мир.امن .和平.平和.평화.Aloha....
ૐ. אמן


Torah Trivia for Parashah 46. Eikev (Questions Only)
1.) Can you place the proceeding blessings within the appropriate sequence that these blessings appear within the opening of Parashah Eikev:
a.) Adonai will remember Adonai’s covenant with the ancestors of Israelis: Avraham, Yitzak, and Yaakov;
b.) Adonai will remove sickness from Israelis;
c.) Adonai will bless Israelis;
d.) Adonai will bless Israelis with many children;
e.) All the families and livestock of Israelis will increase;
f.) Adonai will increase the crops and cattle of Eretz Israel;
g.) Adonai will favour Israelis;
h.) Adonai will bless Israelis beyond any other nation;
i.) Adonai will multiply Israelis; and/or,
j.) Adonai will inflict sickness upon the enemies of Israelis?
2.) Can you discern which of these circumstances is the described, cautioned consequence for driving out nations too quickly from Eretz Israel?
a.) The nations return with vengeance;
b.) The land becomes fallow;
c.) The Israeli nation becomes decadent; and/or,
d.) Wild beasts overrun the land?
3.) Can you describe the 8 specific types of food/nourishment that are described as part of the bounty that awaits Israelis within Eretz Israel: a.) wheat; b.) barley; c.) grapes; d.) figs; e.) pomegranates; f.) olives; g.) honey-dates; h.) apples; i.) lentils; and/or, j.) etrogs?
4.) Can you describe the number of occasions that Moshe commands Israelis to explicitly “remember,” or to “abstain from forgetting,” within this Parashah?
5.) Can you describe the number of references, within this Parashah, to Adonai explicitly “remembering”?
6.) Within Parashah Eikev, Moshe states that he personally crafts 2 different, specific objects that are previously, respectively described as either: 1.) actually being crafted by another person; or, 2.) replacing similar objects previously crafted by another “Crafter;” can you identify “object #1,” “object #2,” and the respective Parashah wherein each are initially described as being crafted?
7.) Can you place the proceeding events within the correct sequence, according to Moshe’s description within Parashah Eikev:
a.) Israelis directly receive the 10 commandments and are fearful);
b.) Moshe climbs Mount Horeb/Sinai;
c.) Moshe communes with Adonai for 40 days and nights without food or water;
d.) Moshe receives the “10 Commandments” on 2 stone tablets;
e.) Adonai describes the golden calf of the Israeli camp threatens to destroy the children of Israel;
f.) Moshe shatters the 2 stone tablets;
g.) Adonai threatens Aaron, and Moshe prays on Aaron’s behalf;
h.) Moshe grinds the golden calf into powder and pours it in water; and/or,
i.) Moshe forces Israelis to drink the powdered mixture of the golden calf?
8.) Can you place the proceeding events within the appropriate sequence according to the initial description provided within Parashiot Yitro, Mishpatim, Terumah, Tetzaveh, and Ki Tissa:
a.) Israelis directly receive the 10 commandments and are fearful;
b.) Moshe climbs Mount Horeb/Sinai;
c.) Moshe communes with Adonai for 40 days and nights without food or water;
d.) Moshe receives the “10 Commandments” on 2 stone tablets;
e.) Adonai describes the golden calf of the Israeli camp and threatens to destroy the children of Israel;
f.) Moshe shatters the 2 stone tablets;
g.) Adonai threatens Aaron, and Moshe prays on Aaron’s behalf;
h.) Moshe grinds the golden calf into powder and pours it in water; and/or,
i.) Moshe forces Israelis to drink the powdered mixture of the golden calf?
9.) Within Parashah Eikev (Shmot 10:8), Moshe describes the occasion when Adonai designates Levis as Priests (after Moshe descends Mount Sinai/Horeb with the 2nd tablets of the “10 Commandments”):
“At that time the LORD set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the Ark of the LORD’s Covenant, to stand in attendance upon the LORD, and to bless in (Adonai’s) (Name), as is still the case.” (Devarim 10:8);
Can you identify the Parashah in which this designation is initially described:
a.) Parashah Yitro;
b.) Parashah Mishpatim;
c.) Parashah Terumah;
d.) Parashah Tetzaveh; and/or,
e.) Parashah Ki Tissa?
10.) Within Parashah Eikev, Moshe proclaims that Israelis are “as numerous as the stars in the sky;”
“Your ancestors went down to Egypt seventy in persons in all; and now the LORD your God has made you as numerous as the stars of heaven.” (Devarim 10:22);
Can you describe which is the closest estimation of the Israeli population, based upon 1.) the most recent census taken within Parashah Pinchas; and, 2.) the initial census taken within Parashah B’midbar:
a.) 500,000; b.) 600,000; c.) 700,000; d.) 800,000; e.) 900,000; and/or, f.) 1 million
Answer: The short answer is: b.) 600,000 for both question 10.1 and 10.2:
11.) Can you describe which of these topographical characteristics are attributed to Eretz Israel are described as distinct from the land of Egypt:
a.) The land is abundant with waterways with which to irrigate crops;
b.) The land is arid and dry;
c.) The land is mountainous, with many valleys;
d.) The land is predominantly watered by rains; and/or,
e.) The land is abundant with grass and vegetation;
12.) Can you describe which specific Hebrew term(s) are included within the mitzvot described amidst the closing of Parashah Eikev, which is regularly included amidst the recitation of the Shema:
“If, then you obey the commandments that I enjoin upon you this day, loving the LORD your God and serving (Adonai) with all your heart and soul, I will grant the rain for your land in season, the early rain and the late. You shall gather in your new grain and wine and oil—I will also provide grass in the fields for your cattle—and thus you shall eat your fill. Take care not to be lured away to serve other (deities) and bow to them. For the LORD’s anger will flare up against you, and (Adonai) will shut up the skies so that there will be no rain and the ground will not yield its produce; and you will soon perish from the (benevolent) land that the LORD is assigning to you.
“Therefore impress these My words upon your very heart: bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead, and teach them to your children—reciting them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up; and inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates—to the end that you and your children may endure, in the land that the LORD swore to your fathers to assign to them, as long as there is a heaven over the earth.” (Devarim 11:13 – 21):
a.) Menorah; מנורה ;
b.) Mishkan; משכן ;
c.) Mikveh; מיקווה ;
d.) Sukkah; סוכה ;
e.) Manna; מנה ;
f.) Mezuzot; מזוזות ;
g.) Tefillin; תפילין ; and/or,
h.) Tzit Tzit; ציציות ?
Torah Trivia for Parashah 46. Eikev (with Answers)
1.) Can you place the proceeding blessings within the appropriate sequence that these blessings appear within the opening of Parashah Eikev:
a.) Adonai will remember Adonai’s covenant with the ancestors of Israelis: Avraham, Yitzak, and Yaakov;
b.) Adonai will remove sickness from Israelis;
c.) Adonai will bless Israelis;
d.) Adonai will bless Israelis with many children;
e.) All the families and livestock of Israelis will increase;
f.) Adonai will increase the crops and cattle of Eretz Israel;
g.) Adonai will favour Israelis;
h.) Adonai will bless Israelis beyond any other nation;
i.) Adonai will multiply Israelis; and/or,
j.) Adonai will inflict sickness upon the enemies of Israelis?
Answer: the appropriate sequence is the proceeding:
a.) Adonai will remember Adonai’s covenant with the ancestors of Israelis: Avraham, Yitzak, and Yaakov;
g.) Adonai will favour Israelis;
c.) Adonai will bless Israelis;
i.) Adonai will multiply Israelis;
d.) Adonai will bless Israelis with many children;
f.) Adonai will increase the crops and cattle of Eretz Israel;
h.) Adonai will bless Israelis beyond any other nation;
e.) All the families and livestock of Israelis will increase;
b.) Adonai will remove sickness from Israelis; and,
j.) Adonai will inflict sickness upon the enemies of Israelis:
“And if you do obey these rules and observe them carefully, the LORD your God will maintain faithfully for; you the covenant that (Adonai) made on oath with your fathers. (Adonai) will favour you and bless you and multiply you; (Adonai) will bless the issue of your womb and the produce of your oil, your new grain and wine and oil, the calving of your herd and the lambing of your flock, in the land that (Adonai) swore to your fathers to assign to you. You shall be blessed above all other peoples; there shall be no sterile male or female among you or among your livestock. The LORD will ward off from you all sickness; (Adonai) will not bring upon you any of the dreadful diseases of Egypt, about which you know, but will inflict them upon all your enemies.” (Devarim 7:12 – 15).
2.) Can you discern which of these circumstances is the described, cautioned consequence for driving out nations too quickly from Eretz Israel?
a.) The nations return with vengeance;
b.) The land becomes fallow;
c.) The Israeli nation becomes decadent; and/or,
d.) Wild beasts overrun the land?
Answer: The answer is: d.) Israelis are warned about wild beasts overrunning the land amidst too swiftly clearing away the inhabitants:
“The LORD your God will dislodge those peoples before you little by little; you will not be able to put an end to them at once, else the wild beasts would multiply to your hurt.” (Devarim 7:22).
3.) Can you describe the 8 specific types of food/nourishment that are described as part of the bounty that awaits Israelis within Eretz Israel: a.) wheat; b.) barley; c.) grapes; d.) figs; e.) pomegranates; f.) olives; g.) honey-dates; h.) apples; i.) lentils; and/or, j.) etrogs?
Answer: The answer is a.) through g.), as well as an unlisted option, “k.)”: water:
“For the LORD your God is bringing you into a (benevolent) land, a land with streams and springs and fountains issuing from plain and hill; a land of wheat and barley, of vines, figs, and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey;” (Devarim 8:7 – 8).
4.) Can you describe the number of occasions that Moshe commands Israelis to explicitly “remember,” or to “abstain from forgetting,” within this Parashah?
Answer: The specific terms, “וזכרת ,” (“vitzakhorat,” “remember”), and “תשכח ,” (“teshekecha,” “forget”) are explicitly utilised within at least 7 occasions (respectively: 8.2, 8:18; and, 9.7; and, 8:11, 8:14; 8:19; 9:7); however, it may be considered that the general notion of remembering and forgetting are communicated on at least 5 additional occasions (respectively: 7:18; and, 7:19, 7:24, 11:2, 11:18).
5.) Can you describe the number of references, within this Parashah, to Adonai explicitly “remembering”?
Answer: Whilst there seems to be an absence of any explicit utilisation of the terms previously described within Question 4, general terms referencing the experience of remembrance are explicitly utilised on at least 2 occasions: (Devarim 7:12; 9:29).
6.) Within Parashah Eikev, Moshe states that he personally crafts 2 different, specific objects that are previously, respectively described as either: 1.) actually being crafted by another person; or, 2.) replacing similar objects previously crafted by another “Crafter;” can you identify “object #1,” “object #2,” and the respective Parashah wherein each are initially described as being crafted?
Answer: Object #1 is the Ark of the Covenant, and is initial described as being constructed by Betzalel within Shmot 31:1 – 7:
“The LORD spoke to (Moshe): See, I have singled out by name Bezalel son of Uri son of Hur, of the tribe of (Yudah). I have endowed him with a divine spirit of skill, ability, and knowledge in every kind of craft; to make designs for work in gold, silver, and copper, to cut stones for setting and to carve wood—to work in every kind of craft. Moreover, I have assigned to him Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and I have also granted skill to all who are skilful, that they may make everything that I have commanded you: the Tent of Meeting, the Ark for the Pact and the cover upon it, and all the furnishings of the Tent;” (Shmot 31:1 – 7);
“Thereupon, (Moshe) turned and went down from the mountain bearing the two tablets of the Pact, tablets inscribed on both their surfaces; they were inscribed on the one side and on the other. The tablets were God’s work, and the writing was God’s writing, incised upon the tablets.” (Shmot 32:15 – 16);
“The LORD said to (Moshe): ‘Carve two tablets of stone like the first, and I will inscribe upon the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you shattered.” (Shmot 34:1);
“So (Moshe) carved two tablets of stone, like the first, and early in the morning he went up on Mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him, taking the two stone tablets with him.” (Shmot 34:4);
“Thereupon the LORD said to me, ‘Carve out two tablets of stone like the first, and come up to Me on the mountain; and make an ark of wood. I will inscribe on the tablets the commandments that were on the first tablets that you smashed, and you shall deposit them in the ark.
“I made an ark of acacia wood and carved out two tablets of stone like the first; I took the two tablets with me and went up the mountain.” (Devarim 10:1 – 3)
7.) Can you place the proceeding events within the correct sequence, according to Moshe’s description within Parashah Eikev:
a.) Israelis directly receive the 10 commandments and are fearful);
b.) Moshe climbs Mount Horeb/Sinai;
c.) Moshe communes with Adonai for 40 days and nights without food or water;
d.) Moshe receives the “10 Commandments” on 2 stone tablets;
e.) Adonai describes the golden calf of the Israeli camp threatens to destroy the children of Israel;
f.) Moshe shatters the 2 stone tablets;
g.) Adonai threatens Aaron, and Moshe prays on Aaron’s behalf;
h.) Moshe grinds the golden calf into powder and pours it in water; and/or,
i.) Moshe forces Israelis to drink the powdered mixture of the golden calf?
Answer: The correct sequence is:
b.) Moshe climbs Mount Horeb/Sinai;
c.) Moshe communes with Adonai for 40 days and nights without food or water;
d.) Moshe receives the “10 Commandments” on 2 stone tablets;
e.) Adonai describes the golden calf of the Israeli camp threatens to destroy the children of Israel;
f.) Moshe shatters the 2 stone tablets (on 2nd occasion);
b.) Moshe climbs Mount Horeb/Sinai (on 2nd occasion);
c.) Moshe communes with Adonai for 40 days and nights without food or water (on 2nd occasion);
d.) Moshe receives the “10 Commandments” on 2 stone tablets;
g.) Adonai threatens Aaron, and Moshe prays on Aaron’s behalf; and,
h.) Moshe grinds the golden calf into powder and pours it in water.
Whilst additional events are previously described as occurring amidst this sequence, within Parashah Eikev, there is an absence of any explicit description, within this passage of Parashah Eikev, of: “a.)” (described within: Devarim 5:19 – 24) or “i.)” (described within: Devarim 9:8 – 21).
8.) Can you place the proceeding events within the appropriate sequence according to the initial description provided within Parashiot Yitro, Mishpatim, Terumah, Tetzaveh, and Ki Tissa:
a.) Israelis directly receive the 10 commandments and are fearful;
b.) Moshe climbs Mount Horeb/Sinai;
c.) Moshe communes with Adonai for 40 days and nights without food or water;
d.) Moshe receives the “10 Commandments” on 2 stone tablets;
e.) Adonai describes the golden calf of the Israeli camp and threatens to destroy the children of Israel;
f.) Moshe shatters the 2 stone tablets;
g.) Adonai threatens Aaron, and Moshe prays on Aaron’s behalf;
h.) Moshe grinds the golden calf into powder and pours it in water; and/or,
i.) Moshe forces Israelis to drink the powdered mixture of the golden calf?
Answer: The correct sequence is:
a.) Elohim communicates the “10 Commandments” directly to Israelis, and Israelis are fearful (Parashah Yitro, Shmot 20:1 – 18);
(Within Mishpatim, Adonai communicates additional mitzvot to Moshe);
(Within Parashah Terumah, Moshe receives commands for constructing the Ark of the Covenant, the Menorah, and the Mishkan);
(Within Parashah Tetzaveh, Moshe receives commands for constructing the Priestly garments of Aaron and his sons, as well as sacrifices);
d.) Moshe receives the 2 tablets of the “10 Commandments” (Parashah Ki Tissa; Shmot 31:18);
e.) Adonai describes the golden calf and threatens to destroy Israelis
(Parashah Ki Tissa; Shmot 32:7 – 10);
f.) Moshe shatters the 2 stone tablets (Parashah Ki Tissa; Shmot 32:19);
h.) Moshe grinds the golden calf into powder (Parashah Ki Tissa; Shmot 32:20);
i.) Moshe forces Israelites to drink the mixture (Parashah Ki Tissa; Shmot 32:20);
g.)** (distinction): There is the description that Moshe is the one who actually becomes angry with Aaron (Parashah Ki Tissa; Shmot 32:21);
b.) Moshe climbs Mount Sinai/Horeb on a 2nd occasion (Parashah Ki Tissa; Shmot 34:4);
c.) Moshe communes for another 40 days/nights (Parashah Ki Tissa; Shmot 34:28); and,
d.) Moshe receives 2nd “10 Commandments” on 2 stone tablets (Parashah Ki Tissa; Shmot 34:29).
9.) Within Parashah Eikev (Shmot 10:8), Moshe describes the occasion when Adonai designates Levis as Priests (after Moshe descends Mount Sinai/Horeb with the 2nd tablets of the “10 Commandments”):
“At that time the LORD set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the Ark of the LORD’s Covenant, to stand in attendance upon the LORD, and to bless in (Adonai’s) (Name), as is still the case.” (Devarim 10:8);
Can you identify the Parashah in which this designation is initially described:
a.) Parashah Yitro;
b.) Parashah Mishpatim;
c.) Parashah Terumah;
d.) Parashah Tetzaveh; and/or,
e.) Parashah Ki Tissa?
Answer: 1 traditional understanding is that this designation is first described within the “unlisted” Parashah, “Bo”:
“And when the LROD has brought you into the land of the Canaanites, as (Adonai) swore to you and to your fathers, and has given it to you, you shall set apart for the LORD every first issue of the womb; every male firstling that your cattle drop shall be the LORD’s. But every firstling ass you shall redeem with a sheep; if you do not redeem it, you must break its neck. And you must redeem every first-born male among you children. And when, in time to come, your sons asks you, saying, ‘What does this mean?’ you shall say to him, ‘It was the mighty hand that the LORD brought us out from Egypt, the house of bondage. When (Paraoh) stubbornly refused to let us go, the LORD slew every first-born in the land of Egypt, the first-born of both mna and beat. Threrefore I sacrifice to the LORD every first male issue of the womb, but redeem every first-born among my sons.” (Shmot 13:11 – 15);
However, it may also be considered that this designation is made with increased explicitness within: d.) Parashah Tetzaveh (actually before Moshe descends from Mount Sinai/Horeb on the 1st occasion, and before the incident of the “golden calf”):
“You shall bring forward you brother Aaron, with his sons, from among the Israelites, to serve Me as priests: Aaron, (Nadav), and (Avihu), Elezar and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron.” (Shmot 28:1);
10.) Within Parashah Eikev, Moshe proclaims that Israelis are “as numerous as the stars in the sky;”
“Your ancestors went down to Egypt seventy in persons in all; and now the LORD your God has made you as numerous as the stars of heaven.” (Devarim 10:22);
Can you describe which is the closest estimation of the Israeli population, based upon 1.) the most recent census taken within Parashah Pinchas; and, 2.) the initial census taken within Parashah B’midbar:
a.) 500,000; b.) 600,000; c.) 700,000; d.) 800,000; e.) 900,000; and/or, f.) 1 million
Answer: The short answer is: b.) 600,000 for both question 10.1 and 10.2:
“This is the enrolment of the Israelites: 601,730.” (B’midbar 26:51);
“Their enrolment of 23,000 comprised of all males from a month up. They were not part of the regular enrolment of the Israelites, since no share was assigned to them among the Israelites.” (B’midbar 26:62);
“All the Israelites, aged twenty years and over, enrolled by ancestral houses, all those in Israel who were able to bear arms—all who were enrolled came to 603,550.” (B’midbar 1:45 – 46);
“”All the Levites who were recorded, whom at the LORD’s command, (Moshe) and Aaron recorded by their clans, all the males from the age of one month up, came to 22,000.” (B’midbar 3:39);
However, the actual answer is most likely: f.) 1 million, as both censi abstain from counting the women and children within the Israeli population.
11.) Can you describe which of these topographical characteristics are attributed to Eretz Israel are described as distinct from the land of Egypt:
a.) The land is abundant with waterways with which to irrigate crops;
b.) The land is arid and dry;
c.) The land is mountainous, with many valleys;
d.) The land is predominantly watered by rains; and/or,
e.) The land is abundant with grass and vegetation;
Answer: The answer is: c.) and d.) Eretz Israel is described as mountainous, with valleys, and predominantly watered by rains, which are each distinct from the described characteristics of the land of Egypt; the land of Egypt is actually described as having a.) abundant waterways to irrigate crops; and there is an absence of any description of either land being arid and dry, although this may be considered included within the description of the “curse” amidst Israeli disobedience (Devarim 11:17); whilst Eretz Israel is described as a bountiful land (Devarim 11:13 – 15), this is other than a distinguishing characteristic from the land of Egypt (the land of Egypt may also be bountiful):
“For the land that you are about to enter and possess is not like the land of Egypt from which you have come. There the grain you sowed had to be watered by your own labors, like a vegetable garden; but the land you are about to cross into and possess, a land of hills and valleys, soaks up its water from the rains of heaven. It is a land which the LORD your God looks after, on which the LORD your God always keeps (Adonai’s) eye, from year’s beginning to year’s end.” (Devarim 11:10 – 12).
12.) Can you describe which specific Hebrew term(s) are included within the mitzvot described amidst the closing of Parashah Eikev, which is regularly included amidst the recitation of the Shema:
“If, then you obey the commandments that I enjoin upon you this day, loving the LORD your God and serving (Adonai) with all your heart and soul, I will grant the rain for your land in season, the early rain and the late. You shall gather in your new grain and wine and oil—I will also provide grass in the fields for your cattle—and thus you shall eat your fill. Take care not to be lured away to serve other (deities) and bow to them. For the LORD’s anger will flare up against you, and (Adonai) will shut up the skies so that there will be no rain and the ground will not yield its produce; and you will soon perish from the (benevolent) land that the LORD is assigning to you.
“Therefore impress these My words upon your very heart: bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead, and teach them to your children—reciting them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up; and inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates—to the end that you and your children may endure, in the land that the LORD swore to your fathers to assign to them, as long as there is a heaven over the earth.” (Devarim 11:13 – 21):
a.) Menorah; מנורה ;
b.) Mishkan; משכן ;
c.) Mikveh; מיקווה ;
d.) Sukkah; סוכה ;
e.) Manna; מנה ;
f.) Mezuzot; מזוזות ;
g.) Tefillin; תפילין ; and/or,
h.) Tzit Tzit; ציציות ?
Answer: The answer is: f.) Mezuzot “מזוזות ” (Devarim 11:20); and whilst g.) Tefillin; “תפילין ” is reference within this passage (Devarim 11:18), the actual term, “תפילין ,” seems to be absent from this passage.
Discussion Questions:
At what point are Levis actually designated as Priests of Israel? Within Parashah Eikev, Moshe perceivably describes this designation occurring after he descends Mount Sinai/Horeb on the 2nd occasion, with the 2 tablets of the 10 Commandments; and traditionally, there is the explanation that Levis receive such designation because of the Faithfulness of Levis immediately after the formation of the golden calf; however, even before the golden calf is formed, when Moshe 1st climbs up Mount Sinai/Horeb on the 1st occasion, Aaron and his sons maintain a heightened position amongst the tribes of Israel; and also before (or perhaps whilst) the golden calf is formed, Adonai explicitly designates Aaron and his sons as Priests and caretakers of the menorah and mishkan; so, this seems to preclude the Levi response to the golden calf as a reason for such designation; and perhaps to the contrary, it may be considered that the heightened position and responsibility that Aaron and his sons maintain in facilitating the formation of the golden calf (whilst Moshe is atop the mountain) is actually a reason to withhold Priesthood from and Aaron and Levis; additional explanation is drawn from the formal blessings that Israel imparts upon his sons, and grandsons, amidst his passing; how do all these, and additional, elements weigh within the balance of the phenomenon of “Priesthood”? What are the metaphysical, spiritual, religious, political, economic, and additional dynamics within the phenomenon of the “first-born son” and the transferral of such dynamics towards a “Priestly caste”? What is the relevance within such a status (of a Priestly caste), and in what manner may such exclusionary designations be overcome, bringing all Israelis within an incalculable proximity with Adonai? And how do these dynamics, implications, and considerations correspond with the designation of Israelis amongst all people and beings?
ושלום אהבא , Family and Friends.
שלום .नमस्ते.สมาธ.Pax.سلام .Peace.SatNam.صلح .Kwey.Amani.Barış.ειρήνη.Pace.Paz.Paix.Fred.Frieden.Vrede.Siochana.мир.امن .和平.平和.평화.Aloha....
This week’s Parashah is “Re’eh,” however, I am still a week behind. Instead, I am providing the Torah Trivia questions for our previous week’s Parashah, “Eikev.”
The featured Hebrew terms for this Parashah are: “לזכור ” (“leezkhor,” meaning, “to remember”), as it appears as, “וזכרת ” (“v’tzkhor”), within the passage of Devarim 8:2: “…הדרך כל את וזכרת ” (“v’tzkhor at kol h’drachah…”, “Remember the long way…”); and, “ לשכוח ” (“leeshkoach,” meaning, “to forget”), as it appears as, “תשכח ” (“t’shekecha”), within the passage of Devarim 8:11: “…תשכח פן לך השמר ” (“Ha’shemar lech pen-t’shekecha…”,
“Take care lest you forget…”)
The Torah Trivia question for Parashah Eikev is: “Can you describe the 8 specific types of food/nourishment that are described as part of the bounty awaiting within Eretz Israel?”
Additional Torah study resources include:
USCJ Torah Sparks: eklyParashah/TorahSparks/Archive/Default.aspx.
Orthodox Union:
Masorti Olami:
,שלום שבת
,ושלום אהבא
שלום .नमस्ते.สมาธ.Pax.سلام .Peace.SatNam.صلح .Kwey.Amani.Barış.ειρήνη.Pace.Paz.Paix.Fred.Frieden.Vrede.Siochana.мир.امن .和平.平和.평화.Aloha....
ૐ. אמן

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