Thursday, September 27, 2012

Torah Trivia Study for Parashah 52. Vayeilech 119.1.11

Torah Trivia Study for Parashah 52.  Vayeilech 119.1.11 (Questions Only)

1.)  At the beginning of Parashah Vayeilech, Moshe addresses Israel;  can you identify the number of previous occasions that a Parashah begins with Moshe directly addressing Israel?

2.)  Can you describe how old Moshe is when he addresses Israel?

3.)  Can you describe how old Moshe is when Israel leaves Egypt?

4.)  Can you match the 3 events/mitzvot (1 from each column) that Moshe describes together?

א                                                                  ב                           ג
a.)  Matzah (Unleavened Bread);                        1.)  Yom Kippur;       z.)  Shabbat;
b.)  Shmittah (Forgiveness of Debts);                 2.)  Pesach;             y.)  Rosh Chodesh;  and/or,
c.)  Tz’dakah (Righteousness, Equity);                3.)  Shavuot;           x.)  Simchat Torah?
d.)  Mikveh (Ritual Bathing); and/or,                   4.)  Sukkot;  and/or,
e.)  Teshuvah (Repentance/Returning to Adonai);  5.)  Rosh Hashanah;

5.)  What does Adonai specifically instruct Moshe to write, within Parashah Vayeilech (and specifically within the passage of Devarim 31:19):

          a.)  The Book of Devarim;
          b.)  A Peace treaty with Esau;
          c.)  A 3rd Official Census of Israel;  and/or,
          d.)  A Prophetic Poem for Israel?

6.)  Can you identify which specific items are described as existing within Eretz Israel, for the enjoyment of Israelis:  a.)  Dates;  b.)  Olives;  c.)  Pomegranates;  d.)  Milk;  e.)  Water;  f.)  Honey;  g.)  Animal Meat;  and/or, h.)  Bread?

7.)  What instruction does Adonai command to Yoshua:

          a.)  To find leaders and Scout the land of Eretz Israel;
          b.)  To be brave and I will help you enter Eretz Israel;
          c.)  To write a Peace treaty to the inhabitants of Eretz Israel;
          d.)  To return to b’midbar, and wait to enter Eretz Israel;  and/or,
          e.)  To establish your dwellings here, before entering Eretz Israel?

8.)  Can you describe what written item Moshe is described as completing, after completing the written work referenced within Question #5?

9.)  Can you describe the command that Moshe imparts upon Levis?

          a.) You must clean yourself through ritual cleansing of ordination;
          b.)  You must accept the offerings from the Children of Israel;
          c.)  You must present offerings to Adonai;
          d.)  You must place this final Book, and the rest of the entire Torah, within the Ark of the Covenant;
          e.)  You must abstain from owning land;  and/or,
          f.)  You must be absent from the ordinary census of Israel?

10.)  Can you describe to whom Moshe is initially, explicitly described as directly teaching the specific writing that is referenced within Question #5:

          a.)  Only Kohanim;
          b.)  Only Levis;
          c.)  Only Tribal Elders and Officials of Israel;
          d.)  All Israel;  and/or
          e.)  All Israel and community of strangers living amongst Israel?

11.)  Can you describe what Moshe accuses Israelis of being:  a.)  Lazy;  b.)  Ignorant;  c.)  Wicked;  d.)  Unproductive;  and/or, e.)  Aloof?

12.)  Can you describe what Moshe does at the end of Parashah Vayeilech?

          a.)  He leaves Israel and runs away to live within another city;
          b.)  He climbs up Mount Nebo;
          c.)  He crosses the Yordan River into Eretz Israel;
          d.)  He negotiates a treaty with the Moabites;  and/or,
          e.)  He publicly recites his complete written works that are referenced within Question #5?

Torah Trivia Study for Parashah  52.  Vayeilech 119.1.11 (with Answers)

1.)  At the beginning of Parashah Vayeilech, Moshe addresses Israel;  can you identify the number of previous occasions that a Parashah begins with Moshe directly addressing Israel?

Answer:  There are arguable 4 previous occasions in which another Parashah similarly begins with Moshe addressing Israel:
Vayeilech (this week’s Parashah):  “(Moshe) went and spoke these things to all Israel.”  (Devarim 31:1).

          Vayachel:  “(Moshe) then convoked the whole Israelite community and said to them:”  (Shmot 35:1);
Mattot:  “(Moshe) spoke to the heads of the Israelite tribes, saying: This is what the LORD has commanded.”  (vB’midbar 30:2);
D’varim:  “These are the words that (Moshe) addressed to all Israel on the other side of the (Yordan)--”   (D’varim 1:1);
(Shemini):  “On the eighth day (Moshe) called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel.” 
(Vayikra 9:1);

2.)  Can you describe how old Moshe is when he addresses Israel?

Answer:  “He said to them:  I am now one hundred and twenty years old, I can no longer be active.”  (Devarim 31:2).

3.)  Can you describe how old Moshe is when Israel leaves Egypt?

Answer:  “(Moshe) was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three, when they made their demand on (Paraoh).”  (Shmot 7:7).

4.)  Can you match the 3 events/mitzvot (1 from each column) that Moshe describes together?

א                                                                  ב                           ג
a.)  Matzah (Unleavened Bread);                       1.)  Yom Kippur;       z.)  Shabbat;
b.)  Shmittah (Forgiveness of Debts);                 2.)  Pesach;             y.)  Rosh Chodesh;  and/or,
c.)  Tz’dakah (Righteousness, Equity);                3.)  Shavuot;           x.)  Simchat Torah?
d.)  Mikveh (Ritual Bathing); and/or,                   4.)  Sukkot;  and/or,
e.)  Teshuvah (Repentance/Returning to Adonai);  5.)  Rosh Hashanah;

Answer:  During b.)  Shmittah (the 7th year of the forgiveness of debts), during 4.)  Sukkot (the Festival of Booths), Moshe describes x.)  Simchat Torah (the reading of the Teaching/Torah before Israel):

“And (Moshe) instructed them as follows:  Every seventh year, the year set for remission, at the Feast of Booths, when all Israel comes to appear before the LORD you God in the place that (Adonai) will choose, you shall read this Teaching aloud in the presence of all Israel.  Gather the people—men, women, children, and the strangers in your communities—that they may hear and so learn to revere the LORD your God and to observe faithfully every word of this Teaching.”  (Devarim 31:10 – 13).

5.)  What does Adonai specifically instruct Moshe to write, within Parashah Vayeilech (and specifically within the passage of Devarim 31:19):

          a.)  The Book of Devarim;
          b.)  A Peace treaty with Esau;
          c.)  A 3rd Official Census of Israel;  and/or,
          d.)  A Prophetic Poem for Israel?

“The LORD said to (Moshe):  You are soon to lie with your fathers.  This people will thereupon go astray after the alien (deities) in their midst, in the land that they are about to enter;  they will forsake Me and break My covenant that I made with them.  Then My anger will flare up against them, and I will abandon them and hide My countenance from them.  They shall be ready prey;  and many evils and troubles shall befall them.  And they shall say on that day, ‘Surely it is because our God is not in our midst that these evils have befallen us.’  Yet I will keep My countenance hidden on that day, because of all the evil they have done in turning to other deities.  Therefore, write down this poem and teach it to the people of Israel;  put it in their mouths, in order that this poem may be My witness against the people of Israel.”  (Devarim 31:16 – 19).

6.)  Can you identify which specific items are described as existing within Eretz Israel, for the enjoyment of Israelis:  a.)  Dates;  b.)  Olives;  c.)  Pomegranates;  d.)  Milk;  e.)  Water;  f.)  Honey;  g.)  Animal Meat;  and/or, h.)  Bread?

          Answer:  The answer is:  d.)  milk, and f.)  Honey:

“When I bring them into the land flowing with milk and honey that I promised on oath to their fathers, and they eat their fill and grow fat and turn to other deities and serve them, spurning Me and breaking My covenant, and the many evils and troubles befall them—then this poem shall confront them as a witness, since it will never be lost from the mouth of their offspring.  For now I know what plans they are devising evennow, before I bring them into the land that I promised on oath.”  (Devarim 31:20 – 21)
7.)  What instruction does Adonai command to Yoshua:

          a.)  To find leaders and Scout the land of Eretz Israel;
          b.)  To be brave and I will help you enter Eretz Israel;
          c.)  To write a Peace treaty to the inhabitants of Eretz Israel;
          d.)  To return to b’midbar, and wait to enter Eretz Israel;  and/or,
          e.)  To establish your dwellings here, before entering Eretz Israel?

Answer:  Adonai commands Yoshua to:  b.)  be brave and that Adonai will help Yoshua and Israel enter Eretz Israel:
“And (Adonai) charged (Yoshua) son of Nun:  ‘Be strong and resolute:  for you shall bring the Israelites into the land that I promised them on oath, and I will be with you.”  (Devarim 31:23)

8.)  Can you describe what written item Moshe is described as completing, after completing the written work referenced within Question #5?

Answer:  Moshe is subsequently described as completing the writing of the Torah, after Moshe is described as writing the poem within the Torah:

          “That day, (Moshe) wrote down this poem and taught it to the Israelites.”  (Devarim 31:22).
          “When (Moshe) had put down in writing the words of this Teaching to the very end,”  (Devarim 31:24).

9.)  Can you describe the command that Moshe imparts upon Levis?

          a.) You must clean yourself through ritual cleansing of ordination;
          b.)  You must accept the offerings from the Children of Israel;
          c.)  You must present offerings to Adonai;
          d.)  You must place this final Book, and the rest of the entire Torah, within the Ark of the Covenant;
          e.)  You must abstain from owning land;  and/or,
          f.)  You must be absent from the ordinary census of Israel?
Answer:  Whilst each may be applicable, only:  d.)  placing the Book of Devarim and the entire Torah within the Ark of the Covenant, is explicitly described within Parashah Vayeilech:

“(Moshe) charged the Levites who carried the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD, saying:  Take this book of Teaching and place it beside the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD your God, and let it remain there as a witness against you.  Well I know how”  (Devarim 31:25 – 27).

10.)  Can you describe to whom Moshe is initially, explicitly described as directly teaching the specific writing that is referenced within Question #5:

          a.)  Only Kohanim;
          b.)  Only Levis;
          c.)  Only Tribal Elders and Officials of Israel;
          d.)  All Israel;  and/or
          e.)  All Israel and community of strangers living amongst Israel?

Answer:  Whilst Moshe teaches the poem to the entirety of Israel, there is the initial, explicit description of Moshe only teaching:  c.)  the tribal elders and officials of Israel:

“Gather to me all the elders of your tribes and your officials, that I may speak all these words to them and that I may call heaven and earth to witness against them.”  (Devarim 31:28).

11.)  Can you describe what Moshe accuses Israelis of being:  a.)  Lazy;  b.)  Ignorant;  c.)  Wicked;  d.)  Unproductive;  and/or, e.)  Aloof?
Answer:  The answer is:  c.)  wicked:

“For I know that, when I am dead, you will act wickedly and turn away from the path that I enjoined upon you, and that in time to come misfortune will befall you for having done evil in the sight of the LORD and vexed (Adonai) by your deeds.”  (Devarim 31:29).

12.)  Can you describe what Moshe does at the end of Parashah Vayeilech?

          a.)  He leaves Israel and runs away to live within another city;
          b.)  He climbs up Mount Nebo;
          c.)  He crosses the Yordan River into Eretz Israel;
          d.)  He negotiates a treaty with the Moabites;  and/or,
          e.)  He publicly recites his complete written works that are referenced within Question #5?

          Answer:  The answer is:  e.)  he publicly recites the poem to all Israel:

“Then (Moshe) recited the words of this poem to the very end, in the hearing of the whole congregation of Israel:”  (Devarim 31:30).


Discussion Questions:

How does Moshe’s described age, within Parashah Vayeilech, compare with the running tabulation from additional passages provided within the Torah, from the Book of Shemot to Devarim?


ושלום אהבא , Family and Friends.


The Parashah for this week is:  “Vayeilech,” whereby Moshe prefaces the poem, included within next week’s Parashah:  “Ha’azinu.”

The Featured Hebrew terms for this week are: “התורה,” (“haTorah,” meaning, “the Torah,” or, “the Teachings”) as this appears within Devarim 31:24, and additionally;  and, “זקנים,” (“tzekanim,” meaning, “elders,”), as a rendering of this appears within Devarim 31:28.

The Torah Trivia question of the week is:  “Can you match the 2 events/mitzvot that Moshe describes together?”

FYI:  Within a previous correspondence, I describe the intention of continuing this next year with a different topic of consideration for each week’s Parashah:  1.)  1 series highlighting certain Hebrew terms within that week’s Parashah;  and 2.)  another series describing different economic considerations derived from the teachings of each week’s Parashah.  Rather than assuming people’s interest in receiving either of these series, there is the intention of simply forwarding these considerations to those who directly communicate an interest in receiving such.  My intention is simply to identify Hebrew terms as each week progresses;  however, I do have a very rough outline of notes for the economic considerations.  I am attaching a file that has this outline of notes, and I emphasise that these are simply notes, with the intention selecting only 1 topic each week, with that topic being increasingly succinct and detailed.

Also, on another note, we (at UIFAN) are commencing the building of our Sukkah at our gathering spot.  Many of the local residents already ask a number of questions about the Sukkah, and I provide a basic explanation as I am able.  However, I invite any of you to visit our gathering spot and provide additional insight and wisdom regarding the tradition of Sukkot and the significance of the Sukkah (and whilst building a Sukkah on “squatted” land may seem troublesome for many of us, for many of us, building a Sukkah on “squatted” land seems rather poignant).

Additional Torah study resources include:
Orthodox Union:;

.לשנה טובה
.שבת שלום

,ושלום אהבא


Shalom (Hebrew). Namaste (Sanskrit). Samadhi (Thai/Pali). Pax (Latin). Salaam (Arabic). Peace (English). Sat Nam (Punjabi). Solh (Persian). Kwey (Lakotah). Amani (Swahili). Barish (Turkish). Erieni (Greek). Pache (Italiano). Paz (Espanol). Paix (Francais). Fred (Scandinavian). Frieden (Deutsch). Siochana (Irish). Mir (Russian). Amin (Urdu). Heping (Mandarin). Heiwa (Japanese). Pyeonghwa (Korean). Aloha (Hawai’ian). Peace (Common Symbol). Peace (Common Sign). Peace (General American Sign Language). Peace (American Braille).
(Om. Amein)

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