Wednesday, June 25, 2014

To My Wife 4

She likes Langston.
She likes Du Bois, Marley, and Douglass.
She even likes Malcolm.
She is drawn to the Afro-Euro intellectual
reconciling the dissonance
between the energies,
hot and cold.
Much like I idealise Brasil
as an escape from
this dissonance;
how I (float)
upon Pacific waters,
finding a quiet tranquillity;
how I cross
the Himalayas,
finding transcendence;
how I find
a balance
with Mediterranea,
from the winds of Arabia
to the Skies of Iberia;
How I find my home
in Israel,
and the land,
of my Native forebears.
of my Native ancestors.
She is drawn
to the beat
of New York City streets,
and California High Ways;
from the Ashrams
of NorCal and Silicon,
to the chronic ciphers
throughout SoCal (the cul de sac hood)
and beyond.

She feels guilty
Because she is enticed
by the elitism
and standing
of Northern European skin,
and features;
much like I am enticed,
by the allure
and magnetism
of the round curves,
bosoms and hips
of brown Bossa Nova
(and features).
But she likes
all types.
Just as
I like
all types.
She finds Divinity
within every man’s soul,
as I find beauty
within every woman’s face.
How can she be convinced
by me
How can I be committed
to her.
and yet,
we are.
As we continue
to reconcile

the nature of it all.

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